Unpopular Opinion: The Pallet Stun Bug Was Great

When this was a bug, I actually had more fun on killer. Getting stunned didn't end Bloodlust, it didn't give survivors a free easy no skill blind and it still stopped you.
I mean, yeah, it was fun barreling through pallets like they didn't exist, much like it is more gratifying playing in a giant dead zone than one with all its pallets intact and undropped, but any fun killers got was at the expense of survivors who weren't getting rewarded for good plays and were instead going down for them. The lack of frustration on one side came from an increase of frustration on the other; it wasn't fair, and it had to go.
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I hated it because I would get stunned on pallets I would normally swing through
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Survivors were not being rewarded for making good plays and sustaining a loop for a while. It was nice for the killer but game-breaking for survivor.
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I hated it, I preferred getting stunned because the attack cooldown takes 10 years.
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Getting stunned on its own does not end bloodlust though. Also if flashlight blinds after being stunned bothers you, you should consider just running Lightborn since it makes you immune, plus blinding at pallets loses them distance making it easier for you as killer to catch up.
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Well this is what happens when the survivor playerbase relies on pallets like they're god's gift, and the devs refuse to make the gameplay not extremely boring by adding new ways to evade the killer.
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I wouldn't mind if pallets were a little bit less safe than they currently are, but not like that.
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You're right, it is an unpopular opinion!
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A little less safe how?
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Use Enduring.
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My only problem is the reverse vacuum, but that's mostly a desync issue.
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It takes away one BL tier.
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Hitboxes. Sometimes I feel like I get stunned even though I was clearly out of range.
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Indeed, and it has been quite a while since I've last seen it happen.
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That's because now the pallets are back to their ridiculous selves with their huge stun boxes. Survivors love it.
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Nah it was very annoying bug for both sides. Its like a bug where you get stunned by a pallet while you are still 2m away...that would be annoying right?
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It hurt my soul to run a killer real good and then no last stretch to home base but no stun I don't play this game a lot it made me play it less and very sad :(
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I love Enduring and the pallet bug made killer significantly less fun because it rendered Enduring next to useless
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I couldn’t play billy any,ore because I love to use mothers helpers and enduring so no I hated it
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Bloodlust doesn't belong in the game as it's currently designed.
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- Happy that Bloodlust did not end
- talking about "no skill blinds"
Glad that this Bug is fixed. Nothing worse than Killers just swinging at Pallets to not get stunned. The worst was some Wratih who hit me despite the Pallet already dropped, nodding his Head afterwards. Like, its one thing to get a undeserved hit, another thing being cocky about it.
Pretty happy that I dont have to experience that again.
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Its unpopular for a reason
Pallet stun bug gave the killers absolutely no skill in countering pallets, while survivors at that point had no real way to defend themselves against the killers
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This right here is a terrible thing for DBD: players taking advantage of bugs. Now, it's terrible for all games of course, but with DBD you get this: survivors abuse exploits, killers complain, killers abuse exploits, survivors complain, survivors abuse exploits, etc, etc. This is one of the big factors pulling the two sides apart.
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Pallets are literally survivors main defense what are you on about plus they just started adding breakable walls a new defense against killers strong setups or chase enders once a match or until broken and guess what, they're awful in almost every implementation they've been used in.
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Same, had it happen to me in the ptb and despite reporting it. It wasn’t fixed until the hot fix
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Well pallets are literally the only other resource they have to evade the killer other than windows so yeah, of course they need to rely on pallets just like killers rely on their power.
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"no skill blind"
*brags about how they were able to "no skill" swing through every pallet without any repercussions*
Yeah, sounds like an unpopular opinion to me!
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I think the word you were looking for are: 'Bait opinion: the pallet stun bug was great.'