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Multiple Survivors Interacting Forces Attacks to Miss

Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

So I have reported this thing for MONTHS. Near as I can tell it's been in the game for close to 6-8 months.

What happens is this: A Survivor is healing another Survivor or working on a Generator or any other interactable object.

If you approach and attack from an angle that would cause both things to be within range of the attack, from what I can tell, the aim-dressing can't decide who to attack, has an error, and defaults the attack to a miss.

Range of the attack does not matter. You can walk right up and be standing directly next to the Survivors. Your attack will pass harmlessly through them if both of them could be potential candidates for the aim-dressing to occur.

It is also not just with melee attacks. Hillbilly saws, Huntress hatchets, Deathslinger harpoons. ALL OF THEM will default to a miss under this scenario.

The only way to land a hit is to physically move yourself so that only one Survivor is in front of you. This will force the aim-dressing to target the Survivor in front of you, and allow you to hit them.

Please fix this. It is so goddamned frustrating and has cost me many matches.

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