Killers Tier List - For toxicity, from personal encounters.

Before we start:
- Do I consider head nodding toxic ? In general, no
- Do I consider head nodding toxic after how scummy they played during the match? Yes. Usually seen as BM = Bad Manners.
S tier:
- Bubba -
- Pyramid Head - Not sure if it's the playstyle or the person behind the computer or the tools he has at his disposal.... Always tunneling and playing like scum or that's the way I see it... I don't know...
- Blight - Hoho ! The players with no remorse, no mercy, no fun, all tryhard n' sweat. J-flick lookin' arse & stretch res. 110% doesn't speak English. Will slug you & and your mom. Will pick you up with DS just because he can down you again in 5 seconds
- Freddy - After the nerf, I haven't seen one Freddy, which I'm very thankful for. These guys are the hardcore VPN-ers. I live in eastern Europe and most of them don't speak english & have VAC bans on their accounts... If you're from eastern europe, you know the country these guys live in. Will tunnel, camp & slug you. Loves to bring moris.
A tier:
- Ghostface - This guy will T-bag you, drop you near hatch, close it in your face then tbag you some more or leave u to die from bleeding. Loves to tunnel. Will hit you on hook. Usually doesn't speak english & has bad internet.
- Nurse - If she misses a hit she'll throw the mouse out the window or shake violently. These players will type GG EZ and flame you for no apparent reason thinking they are better than everyone. The player loves to slug more than he loves himself. Will drop you near hatch and close it in your face. Or make you open the gates, down you and then hook you. You'll spend most of the time on the floor. Tends to hit you on hook.
- Wraith - Only if their skill was as massive as their Ego. Will drop you near hatch and close it in your face. Will stand on hatch invisible waiting for the survivor to approach to close it in their face. Will tunnel you because you stunned him while invisible. Will tunnel you because you burned him with a flashlight once. Will tunnel you because your cat jumped on the Crouch button. Will hit you on hook.
- Spirit - Loves to tunnel 24/7. Will flame you in the endgame lobby. Will drop you near hatch and close it in your face. Will node her head if you got downed / outplayed. Will hit you on hook. Usually doesn't speak English.
- Doctor - Will tunnel you, your dog, your dad, your sister and your grandmother. Loves to hit people on hook. Will breath down your neck the entire time while he's doing it. Doesn't speak english. Has bad internet.
B tier:
- Clown - usually not that toxic but will tunnel the heck out of you occasionally for no reason. Will drop you near gate and hit you when u open it & then hook you and hit you on hook. Loves his mori.
- Trapper - Will close the hatch in your face. Will hit you on hook. Will tunnel you if you disarmed his traps or had BT and rescued 2 or 3 teammates from the basement.
- Legion - Loves to tunnel. Will hit you on hook. Doesn't speak english.
C tier:
- Huntress - Will tunnel you and shake her head. Will hit you on hook. Doesn't speak english. Rarely do I run into these guys. Most of them are good sports.
- Pig - Will Shake her head and t-bag you. Will hit you on hook. Why so low? I forgot the last time I ran into a Pig. Her crouch is at least funny to me. Will also camp you while crouched.
- Myers - Will camp you for no apparent reason. Will close the hatch in your face. Will hit you on hook.
- Deathslinger - usually a good sport. Rarely they say "GG EZ" and shake their head at you. 100% doesn't speak English and is from Eastern Europe. Has bad internet & will tunnel you occasionally.
- Plague - Close the hatch in your face and will tunnel you at the start.
- Hag - Wil tunnel & camp you 24/7. Will place 100 traps near you. Never a good sport but I get a Hag player once every 100 matches or so.
D tier:
- Trickster - Ever since his release I've run into one Trickster... My teammates bum rushed the hook and I was left alone and they all died within 2 min. No comments on this guy. Not sure but I have a feeling he loves to tunnel people? Can't say for sure as I've run into one trickster...
- Demogorgon - Uhm... I had to put hin here just to be included. Can't leave a good boi out, ya know?
- Billy - The ultimate Chad of Sportsmanship or will show some signs of toxicity. I've ran into countless Billies. Most of them are very very friendly & good sportsman. I'm one myself.
- Twins - Again, forgot the last time I ran into these guys. Will camp you for sure with victor / Charlotte but that's about it...
- Oni - Right, again. Same thing with Billy. Expect this guy just doesn't show any emotions... Doesn't speak much nor in real life nor in the game. will usually say GG WP. I've ran into a few Onis recently but they all played normally.
I feel like Myers should be higher on the list. Most of the time I go against them, they hook the first person they see and face camp either stalking people in the process for tier 3 or have it ready to pop for a squad rescue.
Or the Myers players usually get so salty when you've ran them for 2-3 gens and when they finally catch you, you get face camped and hit on hook.
Bubba I agree no words are needed for his placement on this list. LOL
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I think I have one to share:
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I am doc main and I agree with everything other than non English speaking. I will however tunnel the ######### out of u
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...why is Demo that high up?
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Demo has a reputation of being a "good boy". I've seen the opposite. From unnecessary tunneling to face-camp and BMs, not to mention post-game chat.
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those guys are not part of the Demo pack, i am sorry for your experiences
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I say the same about toxic Freddies that OP and many others have encountered. Just some bad apples ruining the image of our killers.
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I don't know about "toxicity" but Bubba is the ultimate killer for trolls.
Brain dead easy to use power that's also one of the best at contesting hooks.
I can't stand the devs for pretty much replacing Billy with him.
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Slinger and Hag are too low imo
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Slinger needs to be higher on just his obnoxious laughter alone.
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As a Pyramid Head main, I am mildly offended.
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I don't know about toxic, but I hate going against Hags. The way they play 99% of the time feels like a miserable experience as a survivor.
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Also, whats wrong with shaking your head? It's like the only way you can communicate as killer.
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Can I say ow for how you rated Blight? I am a Blight main and I don't use that small PP tactics others use
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Slinger should definitely be in S tier.
But Hag I don't know. One thing I'll say about Hag players is that they don't seem to bm people very much.
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Is eating a decisive even toxic? Now I can see going out of your way to tunnel someone out of the game. But many survivors with DS go out of there way to get chased to use DS, is it then toxic to eat it and then immediately down them again?
-unashamed Blight main
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What's the point of saying that players do not speak english?
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I don't think I've seen a Blight run a different build other than:
- Ruin
- Undying
- Tinkerer
From past experiences Blight mains are the biggest tryhards of this game. They will show no remorse, no mercy and allow you to have no fun. They don't even know how to take jokes. Generally, very toxic. Especially if they're wearing the halloween skin or the skin with the top hat.
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Freddy is toxic? Lol.
I am Freddy main, not Vpn user. I am not tunnelling or camping. I am hooking someone and then teleporting repairing gen. Kicking with POP and starting new chase. And most of Freddy mains playing like that, i never faced with camper or tunneller Freddy.
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I was surprised to see Legion and Trickster in the A tier! Is it post-game chat or BM during the game which put them there for you? My experience with most Legions and Tricksters have been that they are the most ready to show mercy and let someone go. It's so funny how different all of our experiences are!
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Some might be controversial but I'll briefly explain each tier.
Ghostface - I've never faced a nice one and to me he's the most toxic in the game by far.
S - Almost always toxic and tryhards, will often tell you how bad you are post match if you die and will claim all of you were a swf if they dont get a 4k or 3k with a hatch escape.
A - Almost always toxic with the exception of some memers. Killers playstyle itself is toxic regardless of the user.
B - 50/50 if they're toxic or not, many of their playstyles revolve around toxic or unfun moves which is what separates them from C tier.
C - Not much nicer than B tier, but the way the killer plays is much more fun to face.
D - Demo is a good boy.
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Love this tierlist LOL. Deathslinger should be in S tier tho; mega bm and most likely to have NOED.
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For Trickster, it is mostly BM. But then again, I haven't faced that many Tricksters, and some of those were console players, so there is that.
For Legion, it is both and much more, even exploit abuse back in the day (Infinite Mending Legion might ring a bell).
And yeah, it is very interesting to see how different our experiences are. Such as Demo, for example. While regarded as a "good boi" by most of the community, I have seen plenty of toxic ones.
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Waiting on Hatch invisible as Wraith is toxic to you?
I do it so i can (almost) guarantee the only-remaining Survivor's location, cause 99% of only-remaining Survivors look for the Hatch and don't do Generators anymore.
And then i have to close it of course, to deny their victory and get mine.