Match Making Ranking Agree or Disagree?

LordWack Member Posts: 21

Your rank should be based on your skill level during matches.

Based on how fast you kill survivors and how well you do overall if not killing survivors.

But you can never D rank your skill level.As in if you join a match and you sit there and do nothing and let the survivors complete all the generators and escape.

Yes I have encountered countless of these matches yes they’re great for the survivor.

Same as the survivor you can’t go into a match and not do anything and do you rank yourself.

For survivors, the highest rank out of the 4 is who your matched with killer.

So meaning once you hit elite you can’t D rank yourself back to beginner the only way that can happen is if you completely start a whole new account with level one survivors and level one killers.

So basically once the game mechanics see you at beginner, intermediate, hard, expert or elite Once you hit those levels with your account you stay there or move up regardless of what killer you use or what survivor you use.

Never should you be able to take an Elite account down to a beginner playing lobby.

This is great for anyone with experience.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,590

    There is no reliable way to guage skill.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited May 2021

    The only way to get a remotely accurate MMR is with an extremely complex and in-depth system that takes everything into account, from perks, SWF status and killer, to map layouts, cosmetic items and chase-to-gen ratio. And it would have to take into account how all of these and everything I couldn't be bothered to list interacts with one another, for example the fact that bright clothes on Hawkins aren't as detrimental as on Yamaoka.