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Since everyone agrees Self Care is bad

Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

Why not buff it?



  • GargledFire
    GargledFire Member Posts: 83

    You can heal yourself just as fast as a teammate can if you can hit great skill checks. Self care alone, you need to hit 3 or 4 greats to heal regular speed. With botany knowledge only 1 or 2.

    Self care is decent alone, and incredibly strong with botany knowledge. Not only are you saving time when you heal a teammate, you can heal yourself without running around the map like a headless chicken trying to pull someone off a gen to heal you and give the killer twice as much pressure if they find you.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    what?? self care is amazing, it's just prone to misuse. that makes it a great perk that shouldn't be changed. it has a skill floor, it can be hugely rewarding...

  • twocansofbean
    twocansofbean Member Posts: 200

    Self care isn't bad it gives you decent value if you use it right.

    It's a meme cause no one ever uses it right.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    I want them to replace it with another perk for Claudette because of the amount of people that don't use it responsibly.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    There's too many perks that boost healing speed to allow a healing speed buff on Self care.

    We don't need to go back to 2017, drop pallet, self care and be healed by your 6th pallet also there 28 pallets left.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Because then you would buff a perk that allows survivors to be more self-sufficient the entire match. That's why perks such as unbreakable or deliverance are so powerful when they are used, they don't require the team to get help. Before it was nerfed, everyone ran self care because of this exact reason. Why would you ever run a medkit if you could have a perk that is basically a free medkit at all times?

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Selfcare isnt bad it is just how people use it thats bad.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Glad I finally got everyone to admit it's a good perk. My plan worked.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Can you use Autodidact with Self Care?

    Imagine the speed healing on yourself...And does it stack with Botany Knowledge? (I can't tell of BK is 'healing speeds (in general), and the efficiency of Med-Kits' or 'Healing Speeds (of med-kids) and the efficiency of Med-Kids' increased.)

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It's an inefficient perk, it's not good. Especially if sloppy is a thing, honestly I'd happily verse more selfcare users than the people that dont heal and rely on dead hard. It's much easier to pressure people and gens when they spend most of the time healing.

    As for the buff, it's not needed it's just not a good perk... plus if you buff it youd have an infinite medkit which would be a big issue especially for certain killers or the idea of causing pressure

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    No, it's perfecly fine as it is. People calling bad are people who either don't understand how it works or think it's bad because they saw players misusing it.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I feel like the buff Self-Care needs is to show your aura to other survivors within a certain radius while injured. Kind of like a reverse empathy. That way they know "Come heal me instead of me wasting time healing myself'

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited May 2021

    It's fine and has good synergy with Med-Kits and healing perks. The problem is the potatoes who self-care in a corner against sloppy against Plague with nothing else while a teammate is hooked and you're being chased. Actually happened to me also why I really dislike Claudettes.

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    Every experienced survivor with over 1k hours has gone through that teenage stage where they thought self-care was the best thing imaginable since sliced bread, and for a certain period/rank-range it likely was, but the closer you get to the top of the rank system, the less forgiving your matches become.

    You simply cannot take yourself out of matches for 32+ seconds (its always, always more than that because location location location) every time you get injured, and then pop back in to say hello. That's easily 50% of a gen that now another survivor has to cover for you, because whem you use Self-care, in order to for it to be the most effective, you also require a place with seemingly more privacy than your typical bathroom.

    I will gladly heal you, I even bring Kindred+BT specifically with you in mind. Instead, try to stay inside the match with your fellow survivors, and together we shall reach the gates of Valhalla, where we will all ride eternal, shiny and chrome.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,369

    A great skillcheck while self caring only saves you 0.32 seconds (if the killer doesn't have anything to inflict mangled), 4 great skill checks will therefore only save 1.28 seconds, and despite what you may believe, 30.72 seconds, is nowhere near the same amount of time as 16 seconds.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    Nah i dont think it should be changed, its decent the way it is, and the medkit efficiency is alright.

    I hate it when people misuse it, its so frustrating as im sure you know, but just making it normal speed or anything will make it too strong.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Though a dirty combo you can do is Self-Care, Botany Knowledge, Resilience, Spine Chill. Get the heal 99 quickly then when the killer is coming pop the heal.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088


  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    No thanks Dbd 2018 where 3 Claudette's was healing at the corner of a map. Self Care is perfect now, doesn't need buff or nerf. I'll still use any other healing perk before Self Care (yeah, even Solidarity). Nowadays I just grap brown medkit without add-ons, one heal is enpugh for one game.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Actually isn't that bad, can come into clutch in a lot of situations

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    If it's "just not a good perk", then it should be buffed.

  • nickofford
    nickofford Member Posts: 105

    What the perk need is a new secondary ability , why on earth does it give medkit efficiency when it let's you play without a medkit

    My idea for a new secondary ability would be a token system that would increase self healing for every heal completed

  • GargledFire
    GargledFire Member Posts: 83

    I always thought it was 10% but I guess it's 5%, still not bad of a perk if you can hit them. And its not 0.32 seconds it's 0.8 seconds since the bonus progress isn't halved.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Ya ngl I run self-care. I also always have a med-kit and do half med-kit half self care. If no med-kit I run botany another note resilience speeds up self-care as well which is also always in my builds. I like to 99 myself and self-care helps with that.

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 950

    Lol, I thought about the other day. Would be interesting to see if it was buffed to be able to do that (I don’t think it does atm) + guarantee 1 skill check upon healing. Maybe then we will see more SC and Autodidact.

    Yes, SC stacks with Botany and Desperate Measures.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Self care is bad because you can just bring a yellow med kit with a brown addon instead and waste much less time healing and be able to heal yourself 2 times

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I think you misunderstood the context. There is nothing wrong with the Perk itself, but rather if/when Survivors tend to lean on it to the detriment of their team. I play a LOT of Solo so I tend to use a Perk Slot for it (or bring in a MedKit) but I don't use it unless I have no other options. It shouldn't be your "go to" response to getting hurt. It should be your backup plan when you can't get it any other way.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,841

    As much as it seems like it, the forums is a very small portion of the games players. Relying on the forums to base your argument that everyone agrees with you is foolish.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
    edited May 2021

    Afraid not, there will always be good and bad perks. While it's a bad perk its balanced for what it is. There are alot worse perks, if selfcare was better medkits would pointless... so you cant make it better it's just one of those perks that isn't high tier or for high level play

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    People really need to stop the Self-Care hate bandwagon. It's not a bad perk. Stop assuming everyone who uses it is a rank 20 Claudette who refuses to do anything until she's fully healed.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    Self care is only viable with other healing perks or medkits. Those who run it without them are bad players

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Maybe in SWF is bad, but playing solo is a good perk because you don't have to find a team mate and they sometimes even refuse to heal you.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It's not a perk that's to be used by itself as a primary source of healing. It goes with other perks or acts as a healing top-up from medkits or other players.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I've seen a LOT of people say that Self-Care is worthless, a "beginner's trap".

    I used it and found it okay I guess, I just wish it didn't take twelve days per heal.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967

    There's no point of self care if you have any significant hours in this game you probably have like 100+ brown kits on a survivor

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    That's a good point as well. After prestiging one of my characters I then invested enough points to get them from level 1 to 18 (all at once, a total bloodweb party). By the time I was done that level 18 character had stockpiled something like 20 medkits of all different qualities (not to mention loads of supplementary items for them).

    In reverse, another character I was ABOUT to prestige had a bunch of items that I wanted to deplete so they wouldn't be lost when she went back to level 1. She had a combination of literally around 45 medkits and toolboxes, simply because when I first played the game I was conservative and didn't take an item with me into every match. Between all of her items and offerings it took me another week of playing - probably at least 50 more hours with this character - just to run that stuff out so she could "freely" prestige.

    TL;DR: Between other survivors and the frequency of medkits, Self Care isn't as useful as I originally expected it to be.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Guess everyone doesn't agree afterall.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    "Why would you ever run a medkit if you could have a perk that is basically a free medkit at all times?"

    Because that's the smart choice. In most games i've played, mainly mmos, if you can get the same buff, skill or whatever from both items and armors (perks in this case) you should always use the item and leave the armor for unique stuff.

    Also, good players don't need unlimited heals anyway.

  • latigresa
    latigresa Member Posts: 88

    Self care is good in solo queue. Its has drawbacks which make it balanced.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 924
    edited May 2021

    Self-Care is a hard meta staple in Korea, and Koreans are some of the very best players of this game.

    How valuable a health state is cannot be overstated. People talked about how OP Mettle Of Man was and how strong Exhaustion perks are, yet also seem to think you can "just stay injured" as if it would be a waste of time to heal. You can take a hit "for free" if you are healthy, and it slows down the killer while giving you a speed burst - It's Mettle and Sprint Burst in one, every single time. Being healthy allows you to aggressively pressure generators, hooks and other potential objectives, which is regularly either impossible if injured or at least very risky. It enables you to play much more boldly in chases as well, and best case you get rewarded for those bold plays while worst case you merely take a hit and sprint off. If you are injured to begin with on the other hand, any bold play is a risk that can cost you your life. You can try to force basic hits even against killers like Leatherface and use that to your advantage, not least because you can 99% your heal and bait them into basic attacks. You can take hits for other survivors, another thing that can have a huge impact on games. And generally, the more survivors are healthy, the harder it is for the killer to snowball; Twins, Nurse, Spirit, Hag should have long taught people how fast games can spiral out of control if they keep people injured, and the same is true (if to a lesser extent of course) for all killers. Against stealthy killers you will obviously want to be healthy whenever possible as well, else they'll not seldomly down you without there having been much you could have done to prevent it.

    Self-Care more than any other perk allows you to reliably and consistently heal up, on your own, no matter where and when, even if you are in the middle of a chase and have to finish a heal. And it is actually not more time-consuming than having someone else heal you, either: it takes twice the time it would take someone else to heal you, but in the latter case it would obviously be two survivors occupied with the heal, so in terms of time efficiency, Self-Care comes out even. And in a lot of cases, SC will actually be more time efficient because getting someone else to heal you requires you to run around looking for other survivors (then necessarily also leading to survivors clustering up, which can be detrimental). Not to mention of course that sometimes it is altogether impossible for other survivors to heal you.

    Med-Kits are definitely great to have, but not only does that mean you have to bring an item every time and cannot bring any other type of item either (and are vulnerable to Franklin's Demise), but even the most stacked Med-Kit only comes with 60 charges, which only gives you 3 full heals. In a lot of games 2-3 heals can be enough, but it is also not seldom that you are in a position where you have to, ideally want to or at least could benefit from healing more often. Plus you won't always want or be able to be using the rarest Med-Kit and best charge add-ons to begin with - pairing a lower-rarity Med-Kit with Self-Care can give you between 1 and 3 fast heals while still providing the ability to heal as often as needed beyond that. It's also particularly nice a pair-up with Syringes and Styptics on a brown Med-Kit, as you can then get 1 full fast heal out of it and still have charges to spare for the add-ons.

    I think one reason why Self-Care is not popular anymore in the "Western" meta is that more people play SWF. If you are playing and more importantly communicating with friends, coordinating heals is much more reliable and efficient than it is in solo queue/without communications. While I think that SC is still valuable even in an SWF setting, at least then I can actually see arguments that other perks can be more valuable. Since a lot of the better players in Western regions regularly play in SWF, I assume the opinion that SC is "bad" has trickled down from that setting to the general playerbase. Either way, if a player is actually using critical thinking when deciding whether and when to heal and knows how to utilize health states, SC is absolutely a great perk.

    That all said, I don't think SC needs a buff (or nerf for that matter). It is in a good spot where the healing time is not prohibitively long but does reward killers by slowing down the rounds if they can injure survivors consistently.

    Post edited by zarr on
  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
    edited May 2021

    Wdym Self-Care is bad??? It's actually an okay perk in my opinion if you use it correctly. Altho I wish it was 60% or 70% of the normal healing speed and not 50%.

    Self-Care should work with Autodidact ;)

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    Self Care is perfectly fine.

    SC takes 32 sec to heal, buffed by botany (24 sec) and by desperate measures (28/25/22/20 sec), can be paired with resilience and stacked combined into ultimate self healing of sc+dm+bk+resilience, but diminishing returns make it an overkill, either botany or desperate measures is enough.

    It is actually more efficient to use SC once you are safe than to look for a teammate to heal while avoiding a killer that may be a stealthy one. Even if someone else heals you, it takes 32 seconds off the “potential survivor manpower" as both survivors could make 16 charges of progress in that time on 2 separate generators.

    SC is fine. It is a good perk to keep pressure on the killer in somewhat indirect way.

    Running to the corner of the map for 15 seconds, hiding behind a Z wall and self caring is not a good idea nor efficient one.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited May 2021

    SC is bad because you can take the value of all those things you said about SC, throw it out the window, equip a med kit. Get the exact same value for half the time spent healing and run a perk that's more useful.

    Most stacked med kit is 4 heals.

    Purple kit 2 heals. 16 charge addon 1 heal. Syringe 1 heal. Many matches you won't even need more than 2 though. 3 you will need some matches, 4 is pretty rare.

    Also it's not like the other items are useful. Flashlight saves are pretty reliant on the killer making a mistake. Very stacked toolboxes are good but only the most stacked toolboxes are better than even a brown medkit. Maps are only good for cleansing totems but at that point you can bring inner strength which would be more ideal than SC if you have map. Keys are strong but let's be honest they're gonna get nerfed soon.

    Franklin's is also very easy to play around once you know about it and I don't know what it's like in korea but I only rarely see people run franklin's and when they do it's usually over keys not medktis.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 924

    If you always are able and willing to bring a Ranger with Dressings and a Syringe, sure, I can totally see more valuable perks to use in SC's place then, as I also alluded to in my post. Having or wanting to heal more often than that can still come up, but indeed not often enough that other perks aren't then more worthwhile than SC, I agree. However, again, that relationship changes the less heals you can get out of the Med-Kit you bring. Franklin's is not all that relevant to my argument, I just thought it would be relevant enough to at least mention in brackets.

    As for other items, well, I also agree that Med-Kits are overall the most valuable items to run. But flashlights are fun, and apart from rescue plays there are a bunch of other things you can do with them as well. Blinding at pallets and windows can reliably have value in chases, for one thing. Toolboxes are so-so for gens, but I enjoy bringing sabo-boxes then and again. Maps can be nice, but are then indeed usually better paired with Inner Strength. Keys are keys.

    Either way, what I'm saying is you won't always have those Ranger Med-Kits, won't always want to equip them especially in solo queue where the chances of losing items are fairly high, and surely sometimes you'll just be wanting to bring other items instead.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    I run self care in solo queue and only use it when it’s necessary. I’ll even pair with it with botany or desperate measures.

  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 299

    Self-Care is a great perk, it is how people use it that makes it annoying.