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Do you care if other players exploit/cheat in SP games you play? If so, why?

Orion Member Posts: 21,675

I'm talking about games that:

  • Are primarily played in single-player (if you're thinking of bringing up cheating in PvP games, please don't; that's not what this thread is about).
  • Might have a multiplayer component, but it's strictly co-op, or, at best, players being able to each other, without interacting. Whatever the features, if it exists, it is 100% optional.

I'm also specifically looking for feedback from people who do get upset by others exploiting/cheating in games like that, because I find that behavior bizarre, to say the least, and want to try to understand it. Obviously you can post even if you don't share this view, but my primary "target", so to speak, is people who do.

This is something I've seen a lot in single-player games that have exploitable features (lately NMS because I've been playing it more): people complaining that a feature is "exploitable" and makes the game a lot easier, so they demand that the devs "fix it", because "everyone is abusing it".

Just a few minutes ago I saw a guy say outright that the devs should reset everything after "fixing" the features in question because people have abused them for too long and that makes the game boring. Why does he care? There's no competition, he literally can't know who did or didn't abuse those features (there's no "history" for players to check and there's no difference between someone who reached a certain goal in one way or another way), yet he thinks the devs should take away everyone's progress.

Why can't he just stick to his own game and play how he sees fit, while letting others play how they see fit? I could kinda understand this if we were talking about a competitive game, where players exploiting features would give them an advantage over you, but not in a single-player game.


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    No, I don't care because it shouldn't affect the fun of others as it is single-player. As long as they enjoy playing it the way they want, and as long as they're happy.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    if they're having fun, that's fine

    if they're reviewing it, that's not fine

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Single Player games are able to be played however you want, for example, Binding Of Isaac

    There is literally nothing stopping me from using the Debug Console to give myself a ridiculously powerful item combination and getting all of the unlocks on, lets say, The Lost for example

    There is also nothing stopping me from playing through the entire game blindfolded with a mod that makes every enemy kill me instantly

    Play them how you wish, other's opinions are not valid to how you want to play

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,157

    I couldn't care less what someone does in their own single player game, it has 0 impact on my game. Wanting players to lose progress because they may have used an exploit is petty and ridiculous. I wish games didn't have achievements because it's made people obnoxious about how others play single player games.

    When I was a kid my older brother used to have me use the second player controller when playing mega man because we found out that if I hit jump when he fell down a hole he would float back up and be able to continue the level but without the music. It was an exploit that he used to avoid dying and continue the game. Because it was the 90s no one cared that we were cheating in a single player video game. His friends didn't complain that he was cheating in his own single player game because it didn't matter.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955

    No for strictly single player no I don't have a problem, your money your fun. But for coop game, unless everyone in the team consents it's just kills the fun of the game for others. ( Doubt people wont consent if it's grindy game that use cheaper tactics to make game hard)

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    I don't care about what people do in the single player mode, but i don't want them in my team whenever they switch to multiplayer.

    I was playing Monster Hunter Generations some time ago and i met someone who killed one of the monsters in just 2 shots, i checked his stats and they were crazy high. I don't bother on reporting them though, i just either leave or kick them if i'm the host of the lobby.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    It depends. If they cheat to obtain an achievement, I could feel a bit upset against them. Just a bit, being like: "You didn't even work for it." I'm someone who loves to learn and improve, even if most of the time, I feel I'm bad and I will never get it. So, seeing someone getting a hard-to-get achievement by cheating...

    I could feel a bit upset but I won't hate them nor telling them bad things because of it. After all, it's a single player game. I will forget about it soon.

    If we play a co-op game where there is no competition with other players, I'll still be upset about cheating and I will refuse to play. As I said, I want to get the achievement by myself, because of my effort.

    I think I'm in a 50/50 here. I don't get the reason for cheating, but I won't try to convince people to stop doing it. I will say I don't get it, and I will let them do what they want unless it affects my own gameplay.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I just ask myself this question: Is everyone involved fine with it? If yes, it's fine.

    So if someone wants to cheat in singleplayer, that's their decision and nothing else for obvious reasons. When you get to co-op you need to make sure everyone involved is in on it, otherwise it's not okay at all.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,508

    No, I don't care at all. It is single-player, you are not ruining other people's fun.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    edited May 2021

    Exploiting and breaking single player games is all apart of the fun. That's how things like speedruns came into existance. Obviously, using exploits for fun and exploits to simply beat a game are different but it all depends on the person playing and what they want to get ouf of an experience. It doesn't bother me to the point of frustration but I play games for both fun and challenge, not everyone does the same as I.

    However, if I am to play devil's advocate for a moment - I can understand the perspective of people being frustrated at those who cheat their way through a difficult game because they may believe people are robbing themselves of the full experience, the feeling of satisfaction of overcoming a challenge with nothing but your skills and understanding of the game's mechanics. This is why many games have difficulty sliders and so on, so they don't alienate people while also providing that 'intended' experience

    Many people feel very strongly that games like Dark Souls or Cuphead shouldn't have difficulty sliders or 'easy modes' because it would subtract from the game's design and intended experience which I do agree with to some extent. The big pay off at the end of those games is knowing that You beat it. You learned, you adapted, you overcame and so on

    But I mean, anyone can do anything with game they buy (as long as it's not pvp or w/e ), it's their property and their experience but hopefully my post is somewhat helpful

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,166

    The only exception that would make me annoyed would be if they were using exploits to achieve a speedrun record or highest score, and then claim it as a world record.

    Otherwise, a single player game can be played however you'd like to.