Some Tome Challenges Are Not Well Thought Out

Blood Debt in level 2 of the current Tome, for example. Safely unhook a survivor that unhooked you earlier in the trial 3 time(s).
Does anyone see the lack of thought in this? The game is requiring you to perform a detrimental action for you and the team in order to progress the Challenge. This would be like Apex Legends, in one of their weekly challenges, asking a player to be respawned 3 times. In a game where dying may mean your team loses the match, you need to do this to progress the Challenge. It really isn't well thought out at all. These need to change and be way more creative in the future.
Played like 6 games with this challenge active yesterday and ended up with 1/3...
The fall a great distance while being chased challenge sucks as well, considering there’s only a handful of maps that meet their criteria for “great heights”
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I would've progressed for 2 in one game and then this Kate I unhooked managed to go down twice before the safe unhooks. With Borrowed Time. And the Wraith was literally camping. So, there was no other way to unhook her.
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The plague one where you have to hit 2 survivor in the same attack with purge twice,. With the current meta way to deal with plague how even the worst survivor play, it's almost impossible.
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My best advice is to run blood echo and thana. That gives me much more cleanses
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And maybe couple those two with the Iridescent Seal and Tinkerer so that you gain Corrupt Purge and have something of a stealth function while in Corrupt.
Or use Insideous and hook camp? Scummy, but at least it gets the challenge done. Or hit sirvivors with Corrupt Purge at the Exit while they grief you ??
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or just farm, done in 1 match no risk