Plague challenge

kucerka Member Posts: 186
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

Alright, I just tried 5 games playing friendly as Plague (aka not hitting a single survivor) and one would think, that they'll understand that I need help with that dumb challenge but I guess not...


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,832
    edited May 2021

    I tried the same thing. You think they'd let you hit them with Corrupt Purge when you've been super friendly, but nope, they almost always scatter. I don't understand why.

    To make matters worse, when I did have two survivors close together, the stream would only injure one and not the other because the particle physics and/or latency are absolutely busted for Plague. It cost me the challenge multiple times.

    I only finally got the thing when I got so frustrated that for the millionth time Vile Purge hit a survivor and caused the "ew, ick!" animation but didn't change their status to infected I started walking into a wall (as close as I could get to slamming my head into it) hitting it with Plague's weapon that the other three survivors came over to see #########. And even though they too would scatter when I tried to hit them with Corrupt Purge, they did it slightly less than the other groups and that was enough to manage—through multiple tries where I hit two without injuring both because again Plague is [BAD WORD]ing busted—to complete the challenge.

    That was last night and even though I usually sleep that stuff off I'm apparently still pissed about how frustrating it was. The devs need to stop making challenges like this. Twice throughout multiple matches, fine, but twice in one match... oh I have some very not nice words I'd like to say to them.

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186

    The thing is...I played many matches normally, but that's just impossible to hit two survivors during normal gameplay. Then I switched to hook camping tactics, but before I was able to hit them for tge 2nd time, all gens were done and survivors gone...I really can't wait what otger dumb challenges await us in the next tomes...They might have lowered the exp needed to lvl up a rank in rift pass, but they doubled the difficulty of some challenges...

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,158
    edited May 2021

    Alright, people probably won't like my advice for this but it's a frustratingly hard challenge so - here's how I did it:

    First, addons - You need Rubbing Oil (Decreases charge time) and Devotee's Amulet (Increases duration of Corrupt Purge). You can run apples if you want in place of the amulet but the rubbing oil is required imo

    Next, perks - You need survivors to cleanse so run stuff that will encourage them to (Blood Echo, Thanaphobia)

    Finally, tactics - There's a few ways of playing that maximize your chances:

    • Slugging - Slug someone and when someone goes to pick them up, use corrupt purge to hit them both
    • Proxy-Camping hooks - Again, I don't generally advise people play like this but for this challenge it's almost required. Hook someone, go away, get corrupt purge and then go back to the hook as the unhook occurs and hit them both. Almost everyone is running BT these days so don't worry too much about it
    • Finally, hope to get lucky in the exit gates if it gets to that point. Survivors like to sit in the exit gates sometimes, be it to stall, heal, tbag or whatever. This is an oppertunity to get two hits with one corrupt purge

    It took me a few attempts but this is how I did it, hopefully this helps

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,740

    Farming with survivors really depends on what survivors you get, but there's a few things you can do to maximize chances of friendship once you've found most/all of the survivors and gotten them to stop running from you.

    -Bring a few hex perks and lead survivors to the totems.

    -Go under pallets and hit them until survivors drop them on you. Do this a few times, and let different survivors do it so that more than just one of them likes you - you need two for this challenge, after all.

    -Telegraph hostile interactions you're going to do if you have to initiate them. If you want to down people, go up to a hook first and hit it so that they expect it. For this challenge, lead them to the pool and hit it before drinking up, or vom on one of them and hit a clean pool so that they give you the fountain first. You can also wait around a bit to see if they'll lead you to a hook and ask you to hook them, and then you can get the challenge right then because they won't run away when you attack them.

    -As such, don't immediately gather the survivors and then start attacking them. Hang out for a while and let them take the lead. Don't let them finish all the gens, because they may just leave, but let them do a few gens before asking for help with a challenge if that challenge involves hostilities.

    -After you down someone, if everyone else flees, pick them back up yourself re: picking up and dropping. The other survivors will see the aura and may clue in that you're not suddenly trying to kill them all.

    When I got the challenge, two of my entourage scattered, but the other two stuck with me, and that's all you'll need. If you're lucky, you'll get survivors that are aware of the challenge and will figure out what you're trying to do. If not, always next game.

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    This is one of those challenges that is really bad for the game because their is a easy way to do it but its not fun for anyone. Camp them hook them by a fountain go to it get your purge while using the extended add-ons and when they unhook blast them. This is one of the challenges that pop up every now and then and can seem good but really just hurt the game because it encourages bad play-styles. It reminded me of all the challenges that are hook people in the basement. Stop it we dont need those it just makes people play basement trapper and no one has fun.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Yep,this challenge is beyond stupid.

    I thought the devs learnt from those awful challenges they made in the first tome.I guess they didn't 😧

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186

    Omg after like 12 attempts 2 Neas understood what I was trying to do 🙏🏻

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Survivors can be a bit clueless. Back during the "grab a a survivor out of a locker with iron maiden challenge" I went looking for the killer after not having seen them all match, it was a legion in shack hitting a locker repeatedly while my 3 teammates just teabagged confusedly. Maybe they just didn't trust her