Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Will Dead by Daylight be in Smash Bros.?

Vulgun Member Posts: 439

A question I think a lot of you have heard, but I felt like asking to give a fresh topic, do you guys think we'll be able to see a DbD representative in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in any capacity, be it character, assist trophy, Mii costume or spirit?

If so, what would you envision for the Dead by Daylight representative? (Note: Licensed killers are not eligible, even Pyramid Head despite him being a video game character. That one's up to Konami.)

My Vision

For me, I'd pick Oni as the playable representative since he would have the biggest moveset potential, due to how Blood Fury works and because he's also not too terrifying to audiences. The other Killers in the game either have the problem of having an extremely limited moveset or are just far too disturbing for a game targeted towards children and young teens.

Oni would be the playable representative, then there could be Trapper, Wraith, Huntress and Spirit Mii Costumes. Those same characters, plus Clown, Legion, Deathslinger, Nurse, Trickster and Hillbilly would all be Spirits.

The stage, I feel like, would more than likely be Yamaoka Estate. After all, I did choose Oni to be the playable representative, so it would only be fitting that Yamaoka Estate is the stage, with the main part of it being the shrine.

As for things outside of Smash and in Dead by Daylight, I think there could very easily be a charm that's accessible to all players of the game to indicate the connection between the two games, being the "Smash Ball Charm".


That would be my vision anyway. What do you guys think? Do you think DbD has a chance of being in Smash? If so, what would they possibly add? If not, tell me why!

Like always, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it.


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472

    Nah they are just going to make their own fighting game, I think something along the lines of a 3d fighting game where you can rotate around your opponents, I can already see clown rolling bottles on the ground and oni readying his kanabo

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276

    Oni is probably one of the lesser known killers... not sure why it would ever be him over one of the earlier ones like Nurse, Billy, or-- y'know... Trapper, the poster boy.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Trapper's mask as a Mii outfit would be sweet. I think if DBD gets in Smash we should get it represented as spirits and mii costumes, as cool as a DBD fighter would be, I just can't see it happening. However, DBD is popular in Japan, so who knows?

    The fighter would definitely be Trapper or Huntress, they're the most iconic characters in DBD IMO.

  • Vulgun
    Vulgun Member Posts: 439

    Because I'm thinking from a moveset potential perspective, as well as an appearance perspective. Think about it, most Killers in the game typically have one standard ability, and many of them aren't even supernatural characters. Not only that, but the Killers you mentioned would look way too off-putting to audiences playing Smash, and would likely raise the ESRB and CERO ratings for the game to Teen. Characters like Hag, Twins and Spirit, however, would be impossible to bring due to their appearances being what they are.

    Oni is a different case because not only does he have an appearance that wouldn't outright horrify and keep players from playing him, but he would have more than one special move to utilize, as well as a possible transformation mechanic like many other fighters in Smash. He has the moveset potential and the more Smash-friendly appearance.

    It's also not like we haven't had a DLC where it wasn't the poster boy before. Min Min was a character from ARMS that came into Smash and the poster boy for ARMS was Spring Man. So Oni being the playable character instead of Trapper or Billy or Wraith would make more sense with this context in mind.

    I hope this clarifies a few things in regards to my choice.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I kinda see DBD in FOrtnite ngl but I hope to god Fortnite stays away from being inside DBD, I will be fine if was just one charm

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    I see Blight or Nurse getting in

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Dbd in MK would work a lot better since some of the licenses have crossed over like bubba and Freddy.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    PLEASE trapper in the mercedes benz throwing a red shell at peach would be truly iconic