Survivor entitlement is the cancer of DBD. Stop blaming the killer for your bad behavior.

The number one source of toxicity in DBD is the entitled survivor. Sure, killers and survivors both have their legitimate complaints, and those belong in forums like this. However, in the game itself the rage-quits and the crybaby tantrums come overwhelmingly from survivors. Where the ratio of this bad behavior should be 4 to 1, as there are 4 survivors per match and only one killer, the ratio is actually closer to 40 to 1. Survivors regularly rage-quit because of camping/tunneling and regularly muddy the post-game chat with their tantrums.

Here are the facts:

1) Tunneling is just chasing. Complaining that a killer chased one person too much or chased for too long is ridiculous. Stop it.

2) Survivors call almost anything a killer does "camping." A killer who lightly patrols is a camper. A killer who stays around a hooked survivor because he saw one or more survivors right next to the hook as he was hooking is a camper. A killer who happens to have two people hooked right next to each other, or in the basement, or next to an important hex, and therefore stays in the area for tactical reasons, is a camper. A killer who tries to secure a hooked survivor after the exits are available is a camper. A killer who merely returns to a hooked survivor after leaving, or who keeps returning to a generator, is a camper. Therefore, it is ridiculous for killers to take seriously most complaints about camping.

3) There is no such thing as "wrong" camping. A killer who stands right next to the first person hooked, waiting for them to die, is certainly a camper, but this is a legitimate tactic. It may be an unwise tactic but that is a decision for the killer to make. Such a tactical decision by the killer may be irritating for the survivor, but it's no different from the many things survivors do that irritate the killer. The cancer of DBD is not any tactical decision made by the killers, it is entitled survivors who think the killer must play a certain way. Stop it.

4) This is a competitive game. The killer is not there to be your friend. The killer is not there to be an artificial intelligence, programmed to give you a challenge, let you think you're God, then let you win in the end. What is good for survivors can be irritating for killers and vice versa. (The entitlement and rage by survivors is particularly vexing when one considers how DBD is increasingly biased in favor of the survivor as one ascends the ranks.)

Survivors, take your ego out of it. If you were playing a game of sports in real life would you be such a jackass? If you played a game of pick-up football or basketball would you feel entitled to throw the ball over the fence and run away because you didn't like how the other team played? Would you throw a crybaby fit at the end because you didn't like how the other team played? Just because this is online and not real life doesn't mean you can act like a spoiled child. You are playing against other human beings, just like yourself.

Killers, stop defending yourself according to the made-up "survivor rules." Never apologize for camping or tunneling. Never legitimize survivor complaints about camping or tunneling, giving them unjust cause to think their disconnects and whining is okay. The problem is the survivor whining and the rage-quits, not any tactical decision a killer makes.

TLDR: Survivors need to stop justifying their bad behavior by blaming the killer.


  • SlipperyFunTime
    SlipperyFunTime Member Posts: 19

    @The_Manlet said:
    It's because the grind is a large part of the reason why people play the game so much, and when you kill a survivor, especially early on, you're screwing them out of bloodpoints. If it weren't for the grind they'd get a lot less salty when they lose and be a lot less antagonistic. Survivors barely get any BP even when they win, so making them lose is a personal attack on them.

    Aww, and the average match lasts a whole few minutes! So awful! Its a "personal attack" to make the survivor lose by camping/tunneling!

    Tell me, when is it a "personal attack" on the killer? When the killer's hex is immediately removed? Is that a "personal attack" on the killer? How about when the killer is followed around by a player with a flashlight, constantly hounded every time they pick up a survivor, and on a map like cornfield forced to drop multiple times. Is that a "personal attack" on the killer? How about when 'cheat with friends' means the first person dead reveals all perks and add-ons of the killer to the other players, so now they can play against nurses calling, not worry about NOED or break all hexes if NOED, etc, is that a "personal attack" on the killer?

    See what I mean by entitlement? This is a competition. The killer is supposed to force the action. Sometimes the killer has a good match, sometimes the survivor. All this victim language by survivors is absurd- with "personal attack" for "making them lose" being one of the more hilarious I've come across. Thanks for that.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    @SlipperyFunTime said:

    @The_Manlet said:
    It's because the grind is a large part of the reason why people play the game so much, and when you kill a survivor, especially early on, you're screwing them out of bloodpoints. If it weren't for the grind they'd get a lot less salty when they lose and be a lot less antagonistic. Survivors barely get any BP even when they win, so making them lose is a personal attack on them.

    Aww, and the average match lasts a whole few minutes! So awful! Its a "personal attack" to make the survivor lose by camping/tunneling!

    Tell me, when is it a "personal attack" on the killer? When the killer's hex is immediately removed? Is that a "personal attack" on the killer? How about when the killer is followed around by a player with a flashlight, constantly hounded every time they pick up a survivor, and on a map like cornfield forced to drop multiple times. Is that a "personal attack" on the killer? How about when 'cheat with friends' means the first person dead reveals all perks and add-ons of the killer to the other players, so now they can play against nurses calling, not worry about NOED or break all hexes if NOED, etc, is that a "personal attack" on the killer?

    See what I mean by entitlement? This is a competition. The killer is supposed to force the action. Sometimes the killer has a good match, sometimes the survivor. All this victim language by survivors is absurd- with "personal attack" for "making them lose" being one of the more hilarious I've come across. Thanks for that.

    Breaking the totem, no. The rest, absolutely. Hell, flashlight blinding is an attack on the player himself, blinding him in real life if he's in a dark room, which is a good idea when you want to actually see that crouching Claudette.

  • SlipperyFunTime
    SlipperyFunTime Member Posts: 19

    @The_Manlet said:

    Breaking the totem, no. The rest, absolutely. Hell, flashlight blinding is an attack on the player himself, blinding him in real life if he's in a dark room, which is a good idea when you want to actually see that crouching Claudette.

    You completely failed to comprehend my original post. I am speaking specifically about rage-quits and cancer in the post-game chat. I am not talking about general complaints people have when they play. Obviously. You're supposed to be "attacked" by the killer. Survivors are supposed to frustrate and thwart the killer in their attempt to escape. That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, which is the way survivors use their complaints as justification to rage-quit and throw tantrums in the chat.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742

    Fact is survivor is easy and it shouldn't be survivor should be challenging. Some of the best games are challenging :)

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2018

    I agree. I have zero respect for players that cheat/purposefully exploit and are entitled.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    +1 Its insane the level of entitlement i see from survivors. Today i had a squad that genrushed me with bnp's. I only managed to catch one guy just as the final gen came online. You bet your ass i camped him to death. One of his SWF buddies hung around and i managed to catch him. I camped him into the ground aswell. In the post game chat they were salty, saying camping should be banned and that i should have let them make the save. Like lol what am i supposed to do. You blitz the gens with BNP's before i can even get my first hook and then i am the bad guy for atleast ensuring the one catch i managed to get becomes a secure kill.

    Then just yesterday i had a wannabe toxic squad. Clicky, clicky flashlights, D strike, the whole nine yards. They played like ass and i dumpstered them with 4 gens left. 3 of the 4 DCed on me. I just dont get it sometimes. The survivors have been babied so much by the devs that they have come to expect free wins. That any sort of challenge presented to them in any capacity is all of a sudden OP and needs to be nerfed. This is what happens BHVR when you try and balance your game around noobs and hold there hands every step of the way. They come to expect ez games and throw a ######### fit when things go south.

  • SlipperyFunTime
    SlipperyFunTime Member Posts: 19

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    While I agree with everything you said there's also a bit of a flip side, just because a survivor does something to survive doesn't make them toxic. Using the tools DbD provides to a survivor to win is not, in and of itself, toxic. It can certainly seem that way because there are so many tools but just because a survivor disables a hook or a trap or blinds a killer with a flashlight doesn't make them toxic. Even looping isn't in and of itself toxic, it's a method the developers provided to survivors to do just that; survive. As a killer I often find myself thinking the worst about the survivors I play against and I'm often wrong, thankfully.

    That said, there are a lot of toxic survivors in the game too. I just try to not let them taint my enjoyment too much and turn me against ALL survivors.

    I'm not sure who you're responding to. I don't think any playstyle is toxic. Yeah, I know people use the term "toxic" to describe almost anything a killer or survivor does that frustrates an opponent, but that isn't what my original post was about. I think that if you play in a style that isn't an exploit or a hack then its fair game.

    My original post was simply that the complaints survivors have are used as justification for disconnecting and acting like babies in the post-game chat. Sure, both sides have their frustrations, but no frustration should justify rage-quitting or throwing a tantrum in the chat, and both of these are common with survivors.

  • SlipperyFunTime
    SlipperyFunTime Member Posts: 19

    @Juya said:

    @Shadoureon said:
    Same can be said about killers complaining about looping, flshlighting and BNPing so your point is? Tired of people whining like kids when theres 2 side of the coin.

    This, both sides are whining hard when they want to.

    And, hey OP! Stop pointing as if ALL survivors are like that.

    Both sides have their complaints. My original post was simply that the complaints survivors have are used as justification for disconnecting and acting like babies in the post-game chat. Yes, both sides have their frustrations but no frustration should justify rage-quitting or throwing a tantrum in the chat, as is common with survivors.

    For some reason people imagine I am saying that only survivors complain. Please, learn some basic reading comprehension skills.

  • SlipperyFunTime
    SlipperyFunTime Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2018

    @SadonicShadow said:
    +1 Its insane the level of entitlement i see from survivors. Today i had a squad that genrushed me with bnp's. I only managed to catch one guy just as the final gen came online. You bet your ass i camped him to death. One of his SWF buddies hung around and i managed to catch him. I camped him into the ground aswell. In the post game chat they were salty, saying camping should be banned and that i should have let them make the save. Like lol what am i supposed to do. You blitz the gens with BNP's before i can even get my first hook and then i am the bad guy for atleast ensuring the one catch i managed to get becomes a secure kill.

    Then just yesterday i had a wannabe toxic squad. Clicky, clicky flashlights, D strike, the whole nine yards. They played like ass and i dumpstered them with 4 gens left. 3 of the 4 DCed on me. I just dont get it sometimes. The survivors have been babied so much by the devs that they have come to expect free wins. That any sort of challenge presented to them in any capacity is all of a sudden OP and needs to be nerfed. This is what happens BHVR when you try and balance your game around noobs and hold there hands every step of the way. They come to expect ez games and throw a ######### fit when things go south.

    Yes, exactly. This is the common experience for anyone playing killer in DBD. This is also why I get frustrated whenever killers apologize for camping/tunneling or when devs sympathize with the survivor complaints about camping/tunneling. Sure, the devs have said explicitly that camping/tunneling are legitimate tactics, but that is buried in the dev streams. The whole culture of DBD is one of survivors crying "waaa, do something about 'toxic' camping killers" and not enough people telling them to STFU and learn to lose like adults.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @SlipperyFunTime said:
    The number one source of toxicity in DBD is the entitled survivor. Sure, killers and survivors both have their legitimate complaints, and those belong in forums like this. However, in the game itself the rage-quits and the crybaby tantrums come overwhelmingly from survivors. Where the ratio of this bad behavior should be 4 to 1, as there are 4 survivors per match and only one killer, the ratio is actually closer to 40 to 1. Survivors regularly rage-quit because of camping/tunneling and regularly muddy the post-game chat with their tantrums.

    Here are the facts:

    1) Tunneling is just chasing. Complaining that a killer chased one person too much or chased for too long is ridiculous. Stop it.

    2) Survivors call almost anything a killer does "camping." A killer who lightly patrols is a camper. A killer who stays around a hooked survivor because he saw one or more survivors right next to the hook as he was hooking is a camper. A killer who happens to have two people hooked right next to each other, or in the basement, or next to an important hex, and therefore stays in the area for tactical reasons, is a camper. A killer who tries to secure a hooked survivor after the exits are available is a camper. A killer who merely returns to a hooked survivor after leaving, or who keeps returning to a generator, is a camper. Therefore, it is ridiculous for killers to take seriously most complaints about camping.

    3) There is no such thing as "wrong" camping. A killer who stands right next to the first person hooked, waiting for them to die, is certainly a camper, but this is a legitimate tactic. It may be an unwise tactic but that is a decision for the killer to make. Such a tactical decision by the killer may be irritating for the survivor, but it's no different from the many things survivors do that irritate the killer. The cancer of DBD is not any tactical decision made by the killers, it is entitled survivors who think the killer must play a certain way. Stop it.

    4) This is a competitive game. The killer is not there to be your friend. The killer is not there to be an artificial intelligence, programmed to give you a challenge, let you think you're God, then let you win in the end. What is good for survivors can be irritating for killers and vice versa. (The entitlement and rage by survivors is particularly vexing when one considers how DBD is increasingly biased in favor of the survivor as one ascends the ranks.)

    Survivors, take your ego out of it. If you were playing a game of sports in real life would you be such a jackass? If you played a game of pick-up football or basketball would you feel entitled to throw the ball over the fence and run away because you didn't like how the other team played? Would you throw a crybaby fit at the end because you didn't like how the other team played? Just because this is online and not real life doesn't mean you can act like a spoiled child. You are playing against other human beings, just like yourself.

    Killers, stop defending yourself according to the made-up "survivor rules." Never apologize for camping or tunneling. Never legitimize survivor complaints about camping or tunneling, giving them unjust cause to think their disconnects and whining is okay. The problem is the survivor whining and the rage-quits, not any tactical decision a killer makes.

    TLDR: Survivors need to stop justifying their bad behavior by blaming the killer.

    My advice is if you are tired of those players and you see one who does that. Just don't give them the time of day or any of your time. If you really want to go to an extent just block them. Simple as that..

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited June 2018
    All this post does is add more fuel to the toxicity fire
  • SlipperyFunTime
    SlipperyFunTime Member Posts: 19

    @ThePloopz said:
    All this post does is add more fuel to the toxicity fire

    Right. Because saying something about all the irrational butthurt in game is the same as contributing to it. You're a real brainiac.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010

    @ThePloopz said:
    All this post does is add more fuel to the toxicity fire

    Right. Because saying something about all the irrational butthurt in game is the same as contributing to it. You're a real brainiac.

    You unknowingly are contributing to it but you refuse to understand how
  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    Complaining that a killer camps is like complaining that the opposing sportsball team is using bad plays.  
    IMO survivors should get points for every other survivor that escape.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SlipperyFunTime said:

    @ThePloopz said:
    All this post does is add more fuel to the toxicity fire

    Right. Because saying something about all the irrational butthurt in game is the same as contributing to it. You're a real brainiac.

    Well lets see I could post all the pics and videos of Killers being jerks and or toxic both in game and chat but that'd mean both sides need to take responsibility for when their jerks. You're title blames it on survivors being entitled, where's the killer entitlement bashing?

    I've been in queues where we're all low ranked/newbs and the killer either rage quits the lobby instantly or waits to see the offerings/map before quitting. They chase someone and don't get them down in 30 secs quit, down them and no one takes the Hooked camping bait, quit.

    I've had just as many killers rage quit as survivors lately because they couldn't have it easy. For awhile it was survivors quitting the moment they got hit/downed/hooked/about to get sacrificed. That's still a major issue but killers have been doing it way more often lately and it hasn't been due to looping or anything else.

    So to sit there and say entitlement survivors are the issue while ignoring the idiots on the other side is HYPOCRITICAL. Both sides have their jerks on them and yes it gets worse at higher ranks but don't act like killers are innocent either.

  • SlipperyFunTime
    SlipperyFunTime Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2018

    @powerbats said:

    @SlipperyFunTime said:

    @ThePloopz said:
    All this post does is add more fuel to the toxicity fire

    Right. Because saying something about all the irrational butthurt in game is the same as contributing to it. You're a real brainiac.

    Well lets see I could post all the pics and videos of Killers being jerks and or toxic both in game and chat but that'd mean both sides need to take responsibility for when their jerks. You're title blames it on survivors being entitled, where's the killer entitlement bashing?

    I've been in queues where we're all low ranked/newbs and the killer either rage quits the lobby instantly or waits to see the offerings/map before quitting. They chase someone and don't get them down in 30 secs quit, down them and no one takes the Hooked camping bait, quit.

    I've had just as many killers rage quit as survivors lately because they couldn't have it easy. For awhile it was survivors quitting the moment they got hit/downed/hooked/about to get sacrificed. That's still a major issue but killers have been doing it way more often lately and it hasn't been due to looping or anything else.

    So to sit there and say entitlement survivors are the issue while ignoring the idiots on the other side is HYPOCRITICAL. Both sides have their jerks on them and yes it gets worse at higher ranks but don't act like killers are innocent either.

    Just as many killers DC as survivors? Ridiculous. Nobody believes you. Pretending you know the killer's motivation is ridiculous. Such nonsense about all the supposed killers who rage-quit because they can't "get them down in 30 seconds" and "no one takes the hooked camping bait". Again, nobody believes you. That's ridiculous.

    Also, there's no such thing as rage-quitting a lobby. A killer is not obligated to start a match every time. You playing the victim because killers will sometimes leave a lobby before a match even starts is ridiculous.

    Again with the phony victim stuff and the false equivalencies. A real brainiac.

    What, do you feel guilty because you're a survivor who DCs and complains about camping/tunneling in chat? Is that why you are trying to hard to invert reality and pretend killers are just as bad with the DCs and in-game chat tantrums as survivors? Nobody who has played this game even 50 hours and has half a brain thinks killers are just as likely to do that crap as survivors. Give me a break.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436
    edited June 2018

    Can we all just agree it goes the same for both sides and shut up with this same discussion that is just throwing the ball back-and-forth of namecalling and ensuring the one side is more entitled than the other.

    Every discussion turns into this of whether one side acts toxic and not the other and it's getting old. This discussion is counterproductive for the end goal which is a better game. We get it, killers call survivors entitled and whine, and survivors are toxic ######### to the killers. /s. Move on already. Stop justifying behaviour and start pushing more and more for balance. This just getting old, real talk.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    Yeah the ratio of toxic survivors to toxic killers, from my experience, is like 50 to 1. Most of the time when I play surv, the killer says gg and like once in a day will a killer be toxic. But as killer literally every other game is at least 2 survs that talk trash and boast about their 'skills' that only exist due to bad game design in the first place.

  • Judicar
    Judicar Member Posts: 36

    Tunneling and camping are just garbage tactics. This is a GAME, I play it to have fun, not be griefed and trolled by people that want to ruin it for others. Maybe some people have all the time in the world to play this game every day but I don't and booting up a match to just get camped/tunneled is crock. I have played plenty of games where I didn't even get any BP and essentially wasted my time because the killer would just camp me until I died or would tunnel me back onto the hook .1 seconds after I got rescued. There is no justification for that behavior, it's just being an ***hole.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    My original post was simply that the complaints survivors have are used as justification for disconnecting and acting like babies in the post-game chat. Sure, both sides have their frustrations, but no frustration should justify rage-quitting or throwing a tantrum in the chat, and both of these are common with survivors.

    Sometimes survivors could be having a bad day in Dead by Daylight, I mean they're humans as well and they've breaking points. Let's use an example to demonstrate what my point is... Okay let's say you are a survivor, you played normally by repairing generators until the killer found you. Eventually you ended up getting downed and hooked... the killer ACTUALLY camps you (Which is okay, I have no problem with camping itself) and you ended up getting sacrificed. Okay, whatever... but the next game it happened again but this time you was tunneled then you was hooked, camped... sacrificed. Next game it happened again, then again, then again until you had enough... which made you DC (I've DC before because I just needed time to cool down from the game and I wasn't going to wait 2 minutes just to be sacrificed). In general, just make losing be more fun which would solve most of the survivors that DC. However using flashlights, BNP, SWF, instant heals, and etc is currently fun... Thus why you see a lot of survivors doing this which makes the killer have a bad time sometimes. Hopefully you understand where I'm coming from :)
  • WildCard
    WildCard Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2018

    Survivors need to stop justifying their bad behavior by blaming the killer

    Never change, OP.

    Edit: bonus points for managing to be toxic enough to get banned from the steam forums.

  • DeathReborn
    DeathReborn Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2019

    Dumbest arguments ever: Dead By Daylight