Killer and Perks Concept: The Lord
Height: Tall
Speed: 4.6m/s
Weapon: Armor Spikes/Spiked Gauntlets
Terror radius: 32m
Power- A Lords Influence: The Lord can raise his subjects to increase his presence around the map. Press control to summon a subject in a spot. The subjects are static, bound to the ground by chains, and look rather withered. The Lord gains a subject to summon every 45 seconds. Starts with 2 charges to summon his subjects. Subjects have the following properties-
· Subjects mimic the lord's terror radius.
· Subjects are unable to be placed within 3 meters of an interactable (vault locations, generators, etc.) or each other. They are also unable to be placed in the basement.
· Subjects are chained to the ground and can’t move. While The Lord isn’t using his power his subject are kneeling on the ground. Survivors can gouge the eyes out of subjects while they are kneeling, preventing The Lord from scrying through their vision. After 45 seconds, the subject gains its vision back. Terror radius persists regardless.
· Subjects are permanent. With enough time, the entire map could be under a terror radius.
Summoning: The Lord can press right-click to Scry through his subjects, seeing through their eyes. Pressing right-click while scrying activates a teleport. He is able to teleport anywhere within his terror radius as long as he has line of sight from the subject. It takes 2 seconds to summon and the subject he is being summoned through has a visible animation of summoning him along with a red stain.
Domain: All dull totems gain your terror radius. All hex totems gain your terror radius but the size is set to 100/125/150% of your terror radius. Tokens are equal to the number of survivors in your terror radius.
· At 4 tokens, survivors in your terror radius take a 1/2/4% penalty hindered status effect.
· At 3 tokens, survivors in your terror radius are oblivious.
· At 2 tokens, survivors become mangled if hit.
Enthralled: When your obsession is unhooked, they become enthralled. The first generator they try to repair while enthralled explodes and regresses 10/15/20 %. While enthralled, you can see the aura of survivors within 5/10/15 meters of the enthralled survivor. When a survivor rescues the enthralled survivor, a random survivor that is not either the unhooked or unhooking survivor becomes the obsession.
Under lock and key: Opening chests triggers 1/2/3 skill checks. Failing a skill check blocks the chest for 45 seconds. Chests have moderately/moderately/slightly better quality and give increased blood points for opening.
Lore: Currently in the works. I am partial to the name James Everett.
Killer Thoughts: The idea behind The Lord is that he is the inverse of a traditional stealth killer. Since you are often in his terror radius, you may or may not be on high alert even when his terror radius is on. He can see around the map and teleport places so he can quickly end up next to you. Slowly but surely his presence becomes stronger on the map, so the longer the match goes the stronger he becomes. He should have a very strong map presence by the end of the game and his kit synergizes well with terror radius perks.
Perk Domain Thoughts: Domain is an interesting perk that puts the terror radius portion of The Lord's power into a perk. This can be run with terror radius perks and it still does something even if your totems are destroyed, it just becomes less effective. On The Lord, this perk does a lot more though. Since he can teleport within his terror radius, it opens parts of the map for him to teleport to. It would also play a bit like a war. The survivors find totems to destroy and get rid of these terror radius emitters while The Lord protects them and sets up new terror radius emitters (His subjects).
Perk Enthralled Thoughts: Enthralled was hard to balance and make useful. It actually saw changes until right before posting. Ideally, this perk would cause survivors to run and find a gen that is not worked on or is the least worked on gen to pop. It also incentivizes them to do it with other survivors being revealed to the killer if they don't. Making getting healed or cleansing totems less appealing.
Perk Under Lock and Key Thoughts: Under Lock and Key is likely the most uninteresting perk out of these 3, but it is designed to coerce survivors with the better loot and waste their time. It might at first catch them off guard, preventing that chest from being opened for 45 seconds, but skill checks are generally pretty easy to do.
Overall: You might have noticed that all of these perks are built around the survivors doing something other than rushing gens. Whether it be finding the right gen to pop, cleansing totems, or looting chests. Survivors are given incentives to do something other than gens. It would hopefully make the game a little more interesting and give the survivors more things to do. Each one is themed around the killer's concept. Domain, literally being the land over which The Lord presides. Enthralled is an extension of his indomitable will that seeps into his subjects. Under Lock and Key exists because every lord needs an armory.
This is my first concept for a character, so please give me some constructive feedback.
Thank you for reading! :)
I also have ideas for addons but I'll add them later.