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I hate pig for only one reason

I just hate getting tunneled with an active trap on my head and the fact how they just body block the jigsaw boxes is what kills me the most like its an instant death. No im not saying I hate tunneling killers in general I just hate that type of tunneling. I know pigs want a head pop but sheesh thats the most annoying way to get one. Its possible to get head pops without doing that since I use to main her.


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,864

    That is a pretty scummy way to play Pig but if she’s playing normally, I love playing against Pig.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I absolutely loathe pigs that stand in front of the box's when you have a trap on. It's so garbage and a big oversight from the devs.

  • Amy095
    Amy095 Member Posts: 96

    This post doesn't make much sense..

    If you have an active trap on your head and she is chasing/tunneling you, it pauses the trap timer.

    Also.. pig chasing you off jigsaw boxes is her tactic so.. cheer up buttercup.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    Pig's trap addons are what's unfair, without them survivors will only have problems if they either waste too much time or if the team is awful at keeping the killer occupied. And even then it's pretty rare to die to a trap.

    If a Pig tunneled you right after getting unhooked and body blocked you till you died and still won the game, then that's your teams fault. Any team with half a mind can finish the gens in that time. If the Pig did this and only got a 1k because of it then that's the player being toxic and targeting you, so they may have been any other killer and nothing would change.

  • NotYourAverageJay
    NotYourAverageJay Member Posts: 35

    @Amy095 nahhhh i know the trap pauses but she can just stand/crouch by you

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    edited May 2021

    I mean....its a thing that you can do as pig....but ultimately its going to lose you the match or become so much of a waste of time you lose gens. And, if survivors lose as a whole to a pig who does that.....then you guys were never gonna win to begin with cause you're bad. I mean yikes dude....thats like 2-3 minutes of hanging out as pig doing nothing but sitting at a box......the exit gates should be open by that point.

    I would approach it the same way you would a killer body blocking a hex or camping a killer is going to lose the match overall....why even be mad? They lost....

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    The only time I'll do this is if I have 2-3 active traps and-or I just so happened to stumble upon a trapped survivor. Minus well stalk them and prevent them from removing the trap while you're looking for a survivor who's not trapped. Pretty efficient, it's their fault for being so reckless and not searching boxes before it was active.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah, tunneling the same person with an active trap on their head is basically just camping with extra steps.

    though, luckily, the devs thought of it when designing her, so her cheesing a trap kill like that is gonna cost her much more time than a regular sacrifice would (a hook sacrifice takes 2 minutes to complete, a RBT has a base 2.5 minute timer + stops any time she enters a chase with you) - and on top of that you could, technically speaking, still escape through hatch (very unlikely, but in theory possible when you're either the last one in the trial or you got a key with you).

    so while it is definitely annoying to deal with as a survivor, its such an inefficient playstyle that you wont see it very often, as the killer is basically just admitting defeat when using it.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    There are three kinds of Pig players

    1. The cool ones who like to sneak up and rush people and sometimes kill people with traps but that's not their main draw
    2. The tunnelers/campers who like to t-bag survs but think ghostface is too high fidelity to make that switch.
    3. The people who play because they love the sound Amanda makes when she gets her skull bashed in with a pallet.