NOED should be basekit

Hear me out before you kill me.
First, I don’t think NOED should be a HEX. Here is how it should work:
When the last generator pops, the exit gates are blocked, (This appears to be the most disputed element of this proposal, and I just want to say that I’m not married to the exit gates being blocked) and the killer receives the NOED powers. However, these powers are on a timer, and it is based on the number of hooks the killer has gotten throughout the match.
NOED is granted for a minimum of 30 seconds, and for each hook an additional 10 seconds is added to that timer.
When the timer runs out, NOED is over. Killer gets guaranteed use, a guaranteed strong end game, and then devs can fix the speed of the game instead of bandaid fixing gen speeds with NOED.
Cant believe I forgot this part:
For each totem the survivors cleanse, 10 seconds is reduced from the killer’s total NOED timer. (This could be upped to 15 seconds) This would be effective down to zero seconds depending on hooks.
If the exit gates weren't blocked then maybe I'd agree to this, but because of that suggestion I'm against it.
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I agree though killers should honestly feel scarier at end game, it adds more pressure to survivors so they spend less time 99ing the damn gates and looking for chests to plunder
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Mmh. Actually I like it. Maybe I think it would almost impossible for survs to leave, if there were one or two deaths til the endgame starts. So the "gates are blocked" is a little bit to much, I guess. Or we leave the "Cleanse Totems" counter there, so the survivors keeps their "obtional second objective".
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This sounds like a dementedly massive buff for no particular reason.
We need less NOED, not literally five times as much. Especially Nurse and Spirit should not get uncounterable NOED on steroids.
Kinda surprised this isn't a Lord_Tony post.
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I say just make it basekit and give the survivors an actual totem counter and not one that's tied to a perk. This way it will actually emphasise totems as a secondary objective if they know that they will get hit with noed if they don't cleanse them all.
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I don't hate this idea but the exit gates should not be blocked so that survivors can still open them but are pressured to leave asap.
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we already have no way out and bloodwarden we don't need anymore exit gate block perks. I respectfully decline your proposal.
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That would inadvertently nerf all hex perks except for haunted.
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I added an edit that I meant to include in the original post. Are you thinking that you keep it as a hex perk still? As a secondary way to end the killer’s reign of terror?
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That’s a good point. What do you think about the idea that hexes should affect gameplay in ways other than just one hit downs? Btw I added an edit to the post
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I disagree. NOED should come with risk, and reward Survivors for doing their secondary objective. In fact, I wish there were MORE Hexes like NOED that triggered later (although not necessarily in the ECG) to encourage them to go after Dull Totems. I keep hoping they create a Perk that lets the Killer reignite a Dull Totem to bring back a cleansed Totem. It wouldn't be automatic like Undying, but rather take time and effort (at least much as cleansing it did). When the game was originally designed the DEV always assumed Survivors would dedicate more time to the secondary objective. Generator speeds, to some degree, kept that in mind. Ignoring Totems causes some of our "too fast" issue with Generators. So no, I like NOED the way it is now, and hope there are more Hexes in the pipe that turn Dull Totems into active ones mid to late game.
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I completely disagree. A strong killer doesn't need to rely on NOED, simply done. A lot of matches are completed before end game even begins, let alone needing NOED. If you're struggling to the end, then sure, have your crutch of a hex totem. Not to mention, if this was even viable, you DEFINITELY would not be able to block exit gates - that makes No Way Out (trickster perk) absolutely useless and that would need a rework, which ultimately makes this a moot point. Furthermore, you math does not add up as the more hooks a killer gets, the totems would not equate based on your numbers. I.e. You state it needs a base of 30s, okay, but 10 seconds for each hook - if it's fully maxed out, that's an addition 120 seconds. You're saying totem cleansing would relieve 50 seconds as there are 5 totems per game... So 150 seconds for NOED...but cleansing all totems takes off 50 seconds? That doesn't add up as you said if all totems are cleansed, NOED would deactivate. Mind you, I will say I'm not opposed to some sort of rework, perhaps for the baby ranks where NOED is actually more needed for baby killers. As someone who has played this game since 2017 - console launch - I have seen a lot of changes to various different perks. Thing is, as someone who was purple rank killer (about 4 months ago), and more recently red rank survivor, killers who are in the red ranks generally don't rely on NOED. Truly. They usually get pretty damn far with most killers, with the exception of some - i.e. Plague, Legion, for sure - but I have definitely seen a LOT of 4ks with Nurse, Spirit, Ghostface, Bubba, Michael, Billy, Blight, heck, even the Twins. It all depends on how much you can keep pressure - so adjust your gameplay instead of relying on NOED.
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No, I said that it is possible to get it to zero. A lot of killers who run NOED get 2 hooks or less and rely on NOED to pick up the pieces in the endgame. I’d be fine with making each totem worth 15 seconds.
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Agreed, except with this.
"the exit gates are blocked"
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I could maybe compromise that part a bit. Would you replace that with nothing?
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you had me in the first half but I love this idea!!! I love how it forces people to get more hooks that way they can get up to a minute of exposed effect on survivors, and pairing this with no way out would be a great end game play lol! I hope the devs see this idea :)!
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Theoretically they will see it since they say they read this section. I’m glad somebody likes it! 😁 My goal was to provide an incentive for NOED fanatics to get more hooks in regular play to get full use, but also to encourage survivors to DO BONES as they say, but with an incentive of prevent a massive NOED that lasts for a 100 seconds.
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Given that, that would be more possible and feasible for sure. Though I still don't think killers need it as a base, personally. I can see where your idea comes from and commend you for it, but honestly, besides getting the achievement for rank 1 - what makes you want to be at red ranks? That's the only issue with auto NOED - red rank killers don't generally need it and it's mostly effective at the yellow and brown ranks unless it's a specific killer that is being used that might not has as much pressure - but that can be managed with learning how tiles are and utilizing perks to help balance. Green to Purple ranks don't really need it unless you end up with a full red rank swf, in which case, just accept the loss and move on? I still don't understand the competition this game brings to people.
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I think I agree with almost all of that. This is kind of just an idea to solve the never ending problems that certain perks create. I try to think in terms of incentives for players to behave in certain ways. For example, how do you get a NOED killer who averages 1-2 hooks in the main game to get more hooks? How do you get survivors to actually want to do bones? To me it’s a matter of what appeals to each side. Killers want power, survivors want to escape. With those end goals in mind, NOED as is gives a killer a lot of power without any investment, whereas the survivor investment to prevent it is huge. I’m just trying to find creative incentives for both sides that encourage a healthier game.