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PC- Visual glitch or exploitation of instant hook/no picking animation

keith_shinji Member Posts: 15
edited May 2021 in Bug Reporting

This happened on PC. At the beginning a Feng Ming was downed by a doctor killer, but instead of being picked up I can see her aura (since she was downed) dragged/sliding across the floor and being put on the hook even though her aura silhouette remain as the downed status. Next, when my survivor was downed, I have the jiggle animation on the floor even though I didn't press any button. The killer walked away and didn't pick me up but within seconds I was hooked on that same spot even though there is no hook at all. Immediately after I was hooked another survivor was downed in a mid distance away and what happened to Feng Ming happened to her as well.

There is no lagginess or de-sync in the match as far as I can tell, since I can still vault/put down pallet properly. I have attach the screenshots and the log file in the attachment.

  • Character played - David (the glitch happned to a Feng Ming and Nea as well)
  • Perks played - Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Spine Chill, Borrowed Time
  • Map - Léry's Memorial Institute
  • Frequency of the issue - For this particular match

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