Please actually have an event for the 5th anniversary.
The devs have really been lazy with their events recently. My gut feeling is telling me they're just gonna do crowns again, with a new offering (just new picture and 105% bp), and give people a second shot at the claudette and deathslinger skins (which I'm against). What I'm really hoping for is new exclusive skins to be earned with the crowns returning as another objective. I would like to see the black and silver skins from the 3rd anniversary actually come back as exclusive earn-able cosmetics instead of just being pictures before the live stream started.
Please actually do something creative, that's all I ask for.
I have low expectations, but with the backlash that they received for the Halloween non-event, they announced that from then on, they will only be doing two events, Halloween and the Anniversary. This way, they can focus more resources on them and make them more enjoyable. If this event is a bust, it will be really sad, especially since they're getting Resident Evil.
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Man, I better be able to gorge myself with cakes >:D
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There better be lots of shirtless Felix's running around or I'll be very disappointed in the cosmetics team.
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Psh, Shirtless Myers would make my YEAR XD
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Why not both? Though, for Myers, I feel like him being shirtless while wearing denim overalls would be hot.
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All the more reason to give us full exclusive cosmetic sets, instead of a crown that fits for every character or a set that's only available by logging in for certain times.
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While I agree with you and hope they do more for the anniversary event I do also hope they do crowns again. I want a crown for elodie.
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They really should do both! If they announce both, I'd play as both lol. I love playing as Shirtless David with his black jeans and black cap. Gotta show off that bod, you know what I'm saying? lol
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Oh it's already been leaked the crowns will be coming back, there were leaked images showing that a crown cosmetic for Blight had been made. I'm not against the crowns coming back, I think they're not amazing looking so I'm completely fine with them just becoming a collector's item sorta thing every time the anniversary comes around.
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As much as I love the shirtless Myers fan skin, they would never get the rights to make it. It'd be like asking the right holders if they could make their iconic killer a joke.
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I love the crowns, but i think they should stay exclusive, i don't want them to be available every year, or at least they should be different so we can see who is using a 4th anniversary crown or a 5th
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I would really love it if crowns could be put on other head pieces instead of on default heads
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Its a fair point but never hurts to dream lol.
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As unlikely as it is, I would love to see an event similar to Scorching Summer BBQ / Howling Grounds, where we fix generators and hook survivors for cosmetics.
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I hope they make a blue legacy. That would look so nice.
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Yeah, I kinda want to get one on every survivor. I got every killer, but I could only find it with Claudette.
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Whatever they do, big or small, is free stuff. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Lower your expectations and you will be happier with whatever you get. A big, fancy event would be great, but I don't come to play because of events. I come for love of the game. I think of video games like good barbeque. The best barbeque doesn't need a lot of sauce. If you have to drown it, you have lousy cuts of meat. If you don't enjoy the base game enough to play it without being bribed, you should probably find a game you enjoy more.
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I mentioned it earlier but I'm really hoping for the silver skins. They were shown back in the 3rd anniversary but were never actual skins. One for Legion, Clown, and Spirit. They all look lovely and I'd love for them to be exclusive cosmetics. I'd hope for reskin legacy skins to be something you'd have to grind for (Like maybe a fourth prestige) to be able to get legacy where you can change it to any color except the original. I'll show you a picture of the silver legion in case you've never seen them before.
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Maybe make them a different color this year? Black instead of gold? Still matches the entity and they could actually be used by survivors.
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Shirtless Dwight
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I grinded the hell out of it and got them for every character I owned at the time (both survivors and killers, except for licensed of course) and honestly, not once have I used them because they're actually detrimental as survivor but I like them anyways.
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Except they don't, the previous halloween event was just some usable items and offerings, no chance to get free skins. Frankly with how the game is, there's not motive to play, the reward isn't worth the time invested so I only play for dailies. I want another objective, and since games drifted from hard to earn rewards like back in the old days and more towards events, I want good events. Behavior is no longer some small indie team, they have the capability to make events and events are what are popular now. I shouldn't be expected to pay for new content if I want something more every three months.
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But how could we see it if he's always in a locker?
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I think you kind of missed the point of my earlier post. If you aren't enjoying the game, why are you still here? I'll be honest, I don't care about new skins. I rarely ever buy cosmetics (Krampus being my one exception). I play the game because I enjoy playing the game. The Blood Points I earn are spent on stuff, as you would expect. The stuff, however, isn't the objective/motive. It is just fuel to play more games, because I enjoy the games themselves.
To put this more in focus, my friends and I play a LOT of custom games. We enjoy doing these and we don't care about the grind. Why would we? Everything we need is unlocked and available in a the Custom Games format, and we don't need Blood Points to play. Do you see the point I'm making, the very different way you and I approach the game. I play because I enjoy playing. That is my motive. You apparently need something else to motivate you.
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A surprise when you open it
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Yeah. I don't use them as survivor either because the killer can see you when you window tech with it.
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They said they would be doing less events and focusing on anniversary and Halloween so if it's a bust then they've basically just let every down including themselves.
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Fair enough lol.
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I enjoy the grind, even if it frustrates me sometimes. I enjoy knowing I'm making progress within the game, and custom games often times leads to either no one trying leading to a boring match or a sweaty match leading to friends annoyed with each other. SWF is fun when I'm messing around with my friends while completing objectives and earning rewards while doing so. There are some games I play purely for the fun of it, but those games often don't have a progression system, or at least in the traditional sense.
Like I get what you're trying to say but the whole "lower your expectations" is another problem. The devs have so many forms of micro transactions that it would be fair is someone who didn't play the game thought it was free-to-play. There's $120 in dlc alone with a $20 base-game with even more money in the cosmetics. The whole "be grateful for anything" mindset is frankly unbelievable to me, I paid for the game and I buy dlcs, I now expect the devs to make fair changes and interesting events that reward me for playing the game. The grind itself is slow and unrewarding and it just keeps getting bigger, so yeah I don't play the game often purely for the fun of it. I however look forward to bloodhunts and events because they're opportunities to actually feel like I'm rewarded for the effort I put in and it pisses me off that they're just no doing them anymore because they don't want to.
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Hrm. As I said, we play for different reasons. My Custom Games with friends are always hard fought, vicious even. We don't get upset with one another about it because we go into them knowing we are going to fight tooth and nail for every inch. I stopped caring about the Grind long ago because I have a Scrooge McDuck vault so full of swag that I can play any Build I want, using the most powerful add-on(s) every match and I would never run out. I don't consider adding more things to the vault to be "progression."
To me, progression is getting BETTER at the game. My goals now are to get good enough to pull Otz, Monto, Stalky Boi, Jund, and their like so I'm competing in the hardest matches I can get. I will most certainly get my rear kicked, but I will continue to put my head down and charge until I can compete. That is MY idea of progression. I consider the grind nothing more than the gold stars we used to get in Kindergarten.
I digress. This thread is about the upcoming event. We agree on one thing; I hope it is a grand affair. I'd love it to be big, challenging, and bring new aspects to the game. Where we disagree is that it failing to do so would be some kind of failure or betrayal. What I want and what I expect aren't the same thing. I keep my expectations reasonable and low, so I'm not let down. I'll be happy with whatever we get, and I will still have the GAME which I love to play. It is win/win either way.
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Jesus Christ calm down with the high and mighty attitude. You don't think I strive to get better at games I play? That comes naturally while trying to unlock everything, it's kinda hard to track your progress in skill. I'm aware that I'm really good with Hillbilly, but I was never striving to be really good with him, he was my main and I played him a ton, but never did I think "I'm only playing him to get better," I played him because I liked how he worked and enjoyed him. Also what's with that not so humble flex of I have everything in the vault? First off, it's just plain cheesy to call your inventory a vault, I get it, you've played the game a ton and got a bunch of add-ons and offerings because of it.
Also among the 3 friends I have that play this game, 2 are brand new and the last only plays once in a blue moon. They're not looking for a sweaty match where they're put head to head, and I'm not looking to go against them. Oh and another thing, you act like I'm being unreasonable, which is plain stupid. They've done events back when they were still a small team and they did a good event with the Hallowed Blight even (though with a rough start). That event was really good and I look back fondly on it. How is it unreasonable to ask for another event like it? I do claim it as a failure as in comparison to other games, not having an event on their anniversary when they're hyping up the anniversary stream is plain stupid. I don't see as a betrayal though because I'm not the drama queen you're painting me out to be. I'm not entitled, I won't throw a fit if there's not an event.
Either with, your holier than thou attitude is annoying and you've truly shown it off with this comment.
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Heh. Holier than thou? I merely stated to start with that I'll be happy with whatever they give us. Free stuff is free stuff. I didn't paint you to be anything; I said we clearly play the game for different reasons. As to whether or not you are being unreasonable, I don't know. You do seem to have a "what have you done for me lately" view of their events. Is that a reasonable attitude to take? You tell me. Do they owe us events, or have we come to expect them? I told you that I share your "hope" that the event will be a big deal. I merely clarified that I'm not going to complain, moan and groan if it isn't. Are you saying you will?
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This is a bad argument, by saying you're being reasonable and your claim is against mine you cannot be saying anything other than I'm being unreasonable. When you're disagreeing with my while complimenting yourself, it does depict the other as the opposite. My problem with the events is not that they haven't done anything for me, it's the lazy approach. Slapping together two new reskin items and an offering that just does the same thing as the past ones with a new image and calling it an event is lazy. If they said they're gonna stop doing events then that's fine, so long as they make up for it in other ways.
Also yes, we've come to expect events, and there's nothing wrong with that. The problem being is they actually tried on events in the past, but now it seems like they no longer want to do them so instead they either A: Slap together lazily and call it a day, B: Make it super grindy so it's more worth your time to straight up buy the cosmetics, or C: Make it a code cosmetic (effectively the worst form of exclusive cosmetics) and stopping it there. Also no you didn't, you started off with "lower your expectations" which goes back to calling me unreasonable. The point being is not every addition to this game should be seen as a transaction. If the devs are going to do events in the past, and say they're still doing them now, then they should at least try with it.
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We will just have to agree to disagree. I already have everything I paid for, and a lot more. I don't expect them to give me anything more than I've paid for, and understand that they are a business. Everything is a transaction. They continue to give us things all the time, and for that I'm grateful. I keep my expectations low so I don't get tilted like you appear to be. I suggested you lower your expectations because it is a better way to approach things for your sake. If you keep your expectations low, the worst that can happen is you get what you expect. At best you will be happily surprised.
You seem very defensive, and that isn't any of my doing. It has been my experience that people who get overly defensive are actually judging themselves. That is an uncomfortable thing to do and leads one to lash out at others. My original point, and one I stand by, is anything free they give us is still FREE STUFF and is above and beyond what we have paid for. I will have no complaints. I enjoy the game, and that is why I'm here. I agree with you and share your hope for a big event, but hoping for something and feeling entitled to it are two different things. We aren't owed anything more than what we have paid for.
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You have a mindset that leads to companies being able to walk all over you. I'm not entitled and I'm not judging myself, I have expectations for a developer to do what they've done in the past or better. If they realized no one would mind if they stopped trying, then they would simply not try. You're once again trying to take the holier than thou route and act like you're not. If we're trying to take that approach, I can say the one's who assume the other's emotions have the weakest arguments. They don't have good points so they try to make it all about emotions.
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Oh right, so I'm the sheeple and you are the freedom fighter against those evil companies huh? :) Ok... sure:
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Am I the only one that really liked last year's event? I liked the crowns and the skins
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Nope, I liked it too.
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Not what I said at all, for someone who keeps claiming I'm making up nonsense, you're doing it right now yourself, quite hypocritical if you ask me. What you're saying is that companies simply can do no wrong, that a game like no man's sky that was heavily rushed was completely okay to sell because consumers got what they paid for.
The devs have been doing events for a while, it's apart of the game now. If they're going to make no official statement saying they're no longer doing events then we should expect events, and halfway decent at least. By saying everyone should have no expectations of the devs then they get away with more, and that hurt the quality of the game. These codes aren't consumer friendly and these events are just excuses to put more cosmetics in the shop.
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I actually enjoyed it a lot. My main problem with it though was that the sets of outfits were just daily rewards so while you had to be determined to get the set if you wanted it, there wasn't any in-game challenge to receive them. I liked the crowns but at the end of the day survivors can't really use them and they were the only earnable cosmetic.
Other than that I played the hell out of it, have like 140 of the 4th anniversary cakes in total. I just much rather prefer the hallowed blight type of event.
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