It's in the math, boys... Enough with the words... It's right there. It's in the math.

TGB Member Posts: 301

You need 4x as many Survivors as you do Killers to start a game.

My Killer queue times are about a minute. Every day. Consistently. In fact, I just had one less than 30 seconds.

It's in the math, friends.

Enough is enough.

Enough words.

Enough redirections.

Enough fallacies.

Queue time for Killer is NOTHING.

Because there are PLENTY of Survivors to go around.

Playing Survivor is free real estate. Everyone knows it. Everyone shows it by what they play.

Take a balance-designed game like CSGO or LoL. Now imagine if you always had to play the team that had 4 people, and your friend always had to play the team that had 1 person. Who do you think would ALWAYS get their games first?

But yet, in DBD, it's the exact opposite. Killer queue times are FASTER. Even though they should be the exact opposite, SLOWER.

How much more do you need??? I am actually asking you this. YOU. You, personally, Guy Who Keeps Saying Game Balance is Fine.

What does it take for you to admit it? If even the sheer, raw math doesn't crack your shell? Do you need god himself to peek out from the clouds and be like, "YES. YES, INDEEDETH, SURVIVOR IS FREE WINS IN DEAD BY DAYLIGHT! NOW AWAY I GO!"

What in god's FREAKING name does it TAKE for you lot to just ADMIT it??????


It's RIGHT the FRICK THERE. It's IN the NUMBERS. It's IN the MATH.

4:1 player ratio and the 1 has faster queues.


The playerbase knows it.





I just can't take it anymore. Human delusion LITERALLY knows no bounds. There is NO LIMIT to what people will tell themselves.

Somebody help me. Legitimately. How do I cope with this? Why does it even upset me so much???



  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843
    edited May 2021

    Bro you should see Identity V. In that game hunter gets a match literally within 2 seconds of pressing the button. I've played that game on and off since 2018 and I don't think I've ever waited longer than 10 seconds for a match as hunter but survivors have to wait several minutes. Technically you could say survivors have to wait 100 times longer and it would be true

    Good thing it's not that bad in dbd... yet 😅

    Post edited by Jacoby2041 on
  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Yes 4:1 would be needed to not wait, but in real life maybe 8 times more people want to play survivors, so then survivors have to wait.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Balance isn't the issue so much as unbalanced matchmaking. A Nurse can go into every trial and maybe lose 1.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Yes, popular response, but doesn't actually make any damn sense.

    What, you think we meet up at our Killers Convention and say, "Alright, what time you all wanna queue up every day?"

    "Jimmy suggests nighttime? Sounds great. For all of you on the other side of the planet, try to remember when our nighttime is."

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Man I just can't do this ######### anymore.

    Got a 0k game, where the Survivors were sitting there trying to coach me on my mistakes. My little micro mistakes, like LITERALLY telling me... in this scenario...

    Gates are open. I have a Surv hooked. I gave loose chase to another Surv around a corner. It's a V-shaped wall, and the hook is in the nook of the V. I'm outside the V. I stop chasing, knowing the unhook is coming. I prepare for them to come out from my left side of the V, heading in that direction. But they could have also came out from the right side.

    Once they indeed came out from the left, I was right on top of them (they basically ran right into me). I started to rev my chainsaw. Well, there was a pallet RIGHT there, as well. First Survivor surfed it.

    Chainsaw still revving.

    Second Survivor surfed it.

    I chainsaw the pallet. I keep chasing, but can't do anything really. They both escape.

    In the post-game, they tell me I should have pre-revved the chainsaw before seeing them emerge. This is my mistake that makes me deserve the 0k, in their minds.

    It's ######### crazy, man. I'm supposed to be a PSYCHIC just to get 1k? This is what Survivors have been conditioned to??? They have it SO EASY, this guy SINCERELY tried to help me out by giving me the advice that I should have preemptively revved my chainsaw with the assumption that they were certainly going to be running right into me, and not going the other direction. Me not making that play WAS MY BIG MISTAKE THAT MAKES ME DESERVE THE LOSS.

    But Survivors make 1 mistake per second and it's just totally the ######### okay, because they have so much room to do so. They don't even REALIZE they're making 1 mistake per second, because they still win, and the wins cloud their ability to see what's going on. After all, if you keep winning and winning, you'll surely assume you're doing it right?

    It's like, hey, let's play a game of tennis. I only need 1 point to win the whole thing, but you need 300 points. When I finally win with my score of 1, to your score of 278, I'll be sure to tell you all about all the mistakes you made during the game, and tell you to keep practicing.


    It's wild. It's insane. It's crazy. It's a ######### madhouse in here. And I can't take it anymore.

    This game won't be getting fixed. It's too far gone. The Survivor community has an iron grip on the game.


    Why keep being the sucker that plays Killer???

    I'm not doing this anymore. Find somebody else to be your punching bag.

  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    I think you should take a break, and about what you said before they pointed out, ONE mistake, not the only one probably, it was the most recent one, and what they said it's general Billy gameplay, pre rev the chainsaw and get the down, that was quite a big mistake, but since Billy it's an hard killer, i give you that one.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    I was Cannibal.

    And on neither Killer am I to pre-rev a chainsaw without any vision on which direction the Survs took. PARTICULARLY not on Cannibal, as at least Hillbilly can cover some distance in niche cases with a "missed" guess on Survivor pathing.

    Honestly - even though I AM angry, and mean what I say - people do read my posts thinking I'm angrier than I am... So I'm glad you got the touch of sarcasm/humor/whatever in my segment there. Because everyone else probably read it like I said it straight-faced.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Just play survivor. Most killer mains switched for a reason. Devs won´t do anything in that regard until survivor queues pass a certain treshold (if i remember correctly, they said something about 20 minute queues are still fine, but don´t ask me for the actual quote).

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    You might be right...

    I was playing Killer for the BBQ bonus to BP. But if Survivor's still an overall better farm, I might just swap.


  • Progamer888
    Progamer888 Member Posts: 230

    OK so, with Billy it's usually a guessing game if the survivor it's good, you can't just use your chainsaw when you see them, you either fake it, or pre rev your chainsaw. For cannibal, if it was the old one, what you did was fine, for the new cannibal, it's fine but still not optimal, since his buff (and depending on your add on, for example the chilli make this easier) you can use your chainsaw some Meters away from the survivor and build up speed to be a threat or, to eat a pallet, because if the survivor play it safely, you will eat a pallet.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Your experience is not representative, and there are a lot more variables that affect queue times other than "one side is easier". For example where I live during the day queue times for killers are atrocious, while between 21 and midnight they are very fast, probably because in that time window people can hook up with their friends and play together.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,765

    This is true for me as well in my region (NA east coast).

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,765

    I used Ron White's voice, a comedian whose delivery is similar to a preacher...

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    You are in need of a break from this game. Take a few days at least, I know how frustrating it can be

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Not mine. Yesterday i had 2 matches against nurses. First one was a 4 man escape. Second one i maxed out chase points with 0 hooks. My teammates were not so lucky and i gave up after she closed the hatch.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I honestly find survivor to be more stressful than killer.

    Everytime I play survivor and see my teammate drop within seconds, I'm like... It's one of those games. Still won though, hatch escape while crawling was clutch!

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Good for you. Maybe don't think bragging about steamrolling babies is the best idea. I'm certainly not, my opponents tend to get the gens done in between 3.5-4 minutes on average.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh those nurses were definitely not noobs.

    Is it so hard to believe that nurse can be beaten?

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    it's a mobile game that's gotten licensed content that appeals to younger fans (danganronpa, persona 5, etc.), probably just has more players thanks to more accessibility and it being free.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    A good Nurse literally cannot be ran. At all. That's the entire point of Nurse. So yeah, it's pretty damn hard to believe these were good players. So hard I'm going to go ahead and call you a liar.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,581

    A god Nurse can't be beaten. But a good Nurse can, and I don't think it is the same thing.

    Someone can be a really good Nurse, and still lose a few games from time to time. It is unlikely, yet possible. Perhaps @Tsulan was in one of those games.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Or, it's because kids are out of school and playing in the evenings. Most of who are going to play survivor with their friends. As for players on the other side of the world, unless a VPN is in use you would never play against them. So it has no effect on que times.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    During the days its pretty fast on both sides. It's only at late afternoon/evening the balance is out of whack. People home from school/college/work and playing with friends to chill out and have fun.

    And us loners play killer instead lol

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682
    1. killer vs survivor is a completely different game, it's not like different sides on LoL at all
    2. you can only co-op as a survivor
  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You should do it. Swap to survivor and get free and easy wins. You’ll see just how easy it is to play survivor and win every game and can report back here on your long, effortless escape streaks. Seems like a no brainer to me.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    How much caffeine did you drink today

  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248

    Exactly, this is a big factor. During the day, there are a lot of solo players because not everyone is off work. This means more people play killer.

    At night, more people want to play with friends and unfortunately, you can't do that as killer (except in custom games).

    I don't really think balance has anything to do with it.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Will it ever end? Queue for the killer is quick only during the evening and the night. If you try playing killer at ~15:00 you will see the opposite. It used to take me up to 20 minutes to find a game as Killer during daytime, now I've just given up and only play killer after 21:00.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    While this game does have awful, awful balance, I have enough 4Ks under my belt to say that survivor is absolutely not a free win. Even though it feels like it half the time.

    The main reason it seems unfair for the killer (in my opinion, and I'm not asking you to share my opinion) is because of how shoddily made this game is. Pretty much every tactic in use now or previously was most likely an exploit at some point on the game's life. Moonwalking, Bodyblocking (BT or otherwise), Genrushing, and even Looping in general were (or are, depending on your opinion) exploits, and a lot of the time they feel like it despite being accepted as valid tactics.

    Most of the ways survivors can express their skill is by either just not making mistakes (which makes the killer entirely powerless even if they don't make mistakes themselves) or by using tactics that entirely break immersion and have very little counterplay that isn't based entirely on assumptions (which is why they're used, and coincidentally why everyone hates Spirit [although Spirit is worse because you have no idea what they're doing for the entirety of the match and there is actually no way to gather information on their movements]).

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    There are more survivor players than there are Killer players. If the killer pool of players goes down, survivor queue times go up exponentially. If Killer population increases, then survivor queue times go down. Its a supply and demand issue.

    No killers=No game.

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301
    edited May 2021

    Human nature doesn't gravitate towards "wanting the challenge" compared to "wanting the easy wins". This applies to all facets in life. And when you're talking about grand averages of a population, this will ALWAYS be true.

    DBD players are not moving towards Survivor for the increased challenge.

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588
    edited May 2021

    Killer Queue times for me in the morning is like 7 minutes

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    Yes, man. That's... exactly my point.

    And so the next question becomes: Why are there more Survivor players?

    Not just "more Survivor players," either, but... Why are there SO MANY more Survivor players? The ratio to start a game is 4:1. And it's no problem. And as others have said, there are EIGHT TIMES more Survivor players than Killer players. That's TWICE the required ratio.

    And so...

    Why is that?

    Some have one theory, others have another...


  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927
    edited May 2021

    As a math major with a degree, allow me to quote something from my stats classes. "Correlation is not causation." There are MANY other factors. For a year and a half, I didn't even touch survivor. It didn't appeal to me until Ash dropped because the literal thing that brought me to the game was getting to play as killer. Even now, with the tomes. Every tome, I've done every killer challenge, but still have a bunch of survivor challenges left on several of them. To me, killer is just more fun. Both sides are equally as frustrating to me at times. You can't say, "More people play survivor, therefore survivor is better, and killer isn't balanced." No, that's not how it works. What if there are just more people that WANT to play survivor?

    Ps.: Hell, I've played so little survivor lately, my survivor rank dropped to 20 this last reset.