So...Does Nobody Play Ghost Face Anymore?

Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

Whatever happened to the killer a majority of the community labeled as the best stealth killer? He used to be one of the top 4 killers I'd see on average, but now he's as rare as seeing Twins or Clown. Is it his weird tier list placements that affect the opinions of players?

Love the surge of Blight players though. Glad to see more of him these days.


  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Are you sure? I am seeing them enough.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,998

    I see him more then any other killer other than huntress , I'm at rank 3 rn as survivor

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    I legit haven't seen one within the past two chapters.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    The number of people playing him have certainly dwindled, but he's not one of the rarest killers for me.

    People are most likely dropping him to go play Wraith instead.

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    Now that I think of it I have been playing less Ghostie

    I really do love playing him I just kinda stopped

    crazy bro

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    If it's not a Freddy, Wraith, or any occasional killer appearance, I always face a Spirit or Huntress.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 5,998

    Like at green ranks it was mostly hag and blights , but now it's ghosties huntress and the every once and a while wraith, one twin today was really excited but they decided to farm instead was disappointed, see trickster alot 2

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,633

    I seem him quite frequently. Yesterday, 2 Ghostface.

    I guess, we come to the point where every Killer can be seen rarely, just by coincidence, because we have so many Killers. Also, Wraith got buffed recently, so people who played Ghostface (because they enjoy Stealth Killers) might try out Wraith currently.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I don't know. That reminds me. I heard someone say that nobody plays Blight once. And I was like, "dude, a lot of people play Blight". And the day after, I got 5 Blights in a row xd

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    I'm not getting ghosty frequently at all, and to be fair i don't play him much, i would like to go against more ghostfaces though

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Yeah, it might just be me then. There are the more obvious "less picked" killers that you won't see often, but in my case, Ghost Face is starting to creep into that category.

    All I ever see is HuntressSpiritHuntressSpiritHuntressSpi-

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    To be fair, Blight went through alot of changes before people really began to play him more. Blight before used to be more of that special appearance type killer similar to not seeing a Nurse in a while.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I guess I'm getting all of yours? Feel free to take them back.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The problem with stealth killers is, that they fall behind during the current gen rush meta.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    I'd play him if his power actually worked normally more.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    I always see him. For the entire trial. I never get a Ghostface that doesn't chase me forever.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    I mean, it still does...

    The whole reveal issue schtick isn't as common as people make it to be.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    Idk, for me it feels like I'm always getting revealed when I shouldn't or getting stalks that I really shouldn't.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Literally every time that I face a Ghostface, there's something wrong with the reveal mechanic. No matter what I do, 9 times out of 10, the Ghostface player is just immune to being broken out. Either you're just lucky, or the Devs have a personal vendetta against me.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The meta shifted, gens got quicker, Dead Hard became more common, medkits became more common, and the Devs have done nothing about any of it so Ghostface got shelved.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Have you seen more Wraiths?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 451

    They probably all ran out of Chewed Pens and Address Books.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Don't remind me of the people that claim he's add-on dependent.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,793

    Glad to see less of him personally. His busted reveal mechanic makes him very frustrating to play against.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,932

    He's still fairly common in my trials. Maybe with the sheer variety of killers he gets lost in the shuffle on some servers?

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I don't really miss him. Dealing with the Reveal mechanic (whether playing as or against him) was pretty awful.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    He is still my favourite killer because that's my prefered playstyle but he is a killer that needs help. His whole concept is countered by 1 Perk. What does it matter if i can Stalk and possibly 1 shot if at any moment SpineChill warns survivors with enough time to hide or just leave? Spinechill counters my stealth, wich is simply a mobility tool, and extends the chase because of early warning, diminishing my 1 shot potential. And if it isn't SpineChill then someone can be hidding somewhere and reveal me before i manage to stalk someone wich denies me of both things, mobility and lethality.

    His power recovery is lackluster compared to how he can be easily countered and most of the addons don't work because his power doesn't work or the add-ons have riddiculous requirements or drawbacks. Both iridescent add-ons are not very useful by themselves or together.

    NightShroud (nice name) Recovery add-ons are the only worth while and unfortunantly absolutly mandatory in most scenarios add-ons GF has.

    The lense add-ons don't help much since stalking without leaning is longer and you're more exposed, they only help if you're stalking mid chase and by some reason the survivors isn't looking back. You will always wanna lean while stalking.

    Crouch speed add-ons shouldn't even exist, crouching is never used for mobility just to hide your body or in some mindgames so the speed disadvantage of crouching is extremely negligeble.

    Marking Durations add-ons are fine but not necessary.

    The stalking movement speed add-ons are also bad, there's no need for movement speed when stalking since you don't wanna stalk without leaning and stalking in loops is not advisable since the chances of survivors looking back at you are very big.

    Killer instinct duration when survivors reveal me is also useless. If they reveal me it's either the survivor i was chasing/marking or they interrupted me from stalking someone, there's an argument to be made that i should abandon the one i was stalking and focus on revealed since if i hit them it won't reset my stalk progress cause there's none of that survivor and i don't have to wait for my power to come back to finish marking the other survivor plus for all intents and purposes now i know where 2 survivors are and the killer instinct duration gives me a few more seconds to find who revealed me but overall it's pretty useless for killer instinct to last longer than it's base duration.

    The reveal distance add-ons... these are weird i can't tell if they work or not, i honestly don't notice a difference when using them, dunno if they are bugged or not but i honestly feel they don't work.

    GF caught on Tape buffs leaning stalking and debuffs standing stalking wich is what you wanna do anyway and this would help during chases if a survivor leaves 1 loop for another you might have enough time to stalk if there's LOS and your power is ready to use, it might be faster than survivors revealing you however if there's LOS like trees or any other of the manny things that maps have then it won't be worth it, if there's 2 survivors in the same loop it most probably won't be worth it unless you're thinking long game terms, get some stalk on who's going away chase the guy in teh same loop as you, it's a situation where decisions need to be made. A big issue is that you need to be very aware of stalking times with and without this add-on so that you don't mark someone too early or fail to mark someone if you're stalking them standing. Best use of this might be with I'm all Ears, they vault you see them if they leave loop you will know to stalk and get it fast. But this is an ultra rare you won't have manny of them plus the scenario itself won't be possible that often and you have bigger problems to fix with add-ons

    And that leaves the Outdoor Security Camera wich reveals survivors outside of GF's TR if you down a marked Survivor, wich is 32 meters big OOF but you can delete TR at the press of a button so this only affects detection range basicly but since that's circular that means anyone behind you that you missed or that came inside your TR can reveal you from far, so if you can't mark survivors or down them while they are marked the add-on is worthless and there's manny counters to stalking and hitting marked survivors so this add-on is not gonna help you very often unless you're playing out of your mind and managing to stalk and hit marked survivors often.

    Aside from SpineChill, there's also SWF, it means you'll have no power at all. 1 person sees you everyone knows. Good killer vs solos completly useless against SWF.

    If i were to buff GF i'd make Standing and Leaning stalk speed the same so that leaning only offers cover instead of being the only effective way of stalking. So it would take 3 seconds no matter if leaning or standing, wich is a direct standing buff and a minor nerf to leaning, so from 5 to 3 seconds on standing and 2.5 to 3 seconds when leaning.

    I'd change the reveal mechanic to only work if players can see Ghostface's mask, meaning you can no longer reveal him from his back at all or sides if there's no LOS to the Mask but since the mask has to be visible anytime he stalks i think this is fair and consistant, it's a smaller target but it's a target that as long as Survivors has LOS it should work everytime plus third person view still helps survivors.This allows for Survivors in an SWF case with locaiton info but by not revealing GF it can give GF a Marked target, it still saves something for Ghostface instead of being a total loss for GF and for Solos it's gives anyone who see him from behind his location and opportunity to save a teammate from being marked by stepping into GF's view and taking minimal stalk but saving someone from 1 shot down. AND carrying survivors and survivors on hooks no longer reveal him.

    I'd decrease the base time recovery of Nightshroud to 15 seconds to once and for all delete his dependency on recovery add-ons and allow NightShroud to remain active if GF marked and downed or grabbed a survivor without being revealed.

    I'd fix the add-ons that may be bugged, like the reveal dsitance ones, i'd nerf the recovery add-ons accordingly to the buff in base NS recovery time, i'd add on hit effects add-ons for player that want a hit and run style without sacrificing perks slot for m1 hit effects so that they can keep perk slots for perks they'll need like chase perks, aura perks, gen slowdown perks, etc. The outdoor Security Cam would reveals auras in the whole map if you down a marked survivor and GF on tape would be a Buff, with reduction in detection so instead of 32 meters it would be 16 , increase in stalk speed to 2 seconds from 3 seconds but a 20 second power recovery. This would pair well with a hit and run style while keeping the snowball effect from stalking but you gotta take a slower recovery and take on hit effects for the hit and run style or take a recovery add-on and maybe sacrifice a perk for Sloppy Butcher if you wanna have a hit and run playstyle.

    Overall i feel these changes would give GF something meaningful without removing too much counterplay. He definetly needs help and i believe i've helped him without compromising counterplay. Good GF players will be rewarded and feel like a true predator in the night and bad GF players will still get countered. SoloQ survivors can still help each other it just won't screw GF over so much and SWF's still have the same advantage they had except there's a little more room for GF to still accomplish something.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Micheal is just more fun. More you can do thanks to the faster vault speed with chaser perks.

    GF is stronger sure but the finicky detection on both sides can be quite aggravating to play as or against.

  • WormMilk
    WormMilk Member Posts: 118

    Man I see him every two games and I hate playing against him.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    When he gets a 150% speed mobility buff, everyone will play him.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256

    Well, Wraith is now way better than Ghostie.

    Also he just isn't really that good.

    From a Ghostie Main.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    I just went against two ghost faces (not in a row though) lol but yeah i don't see them often. Might also be because many stealth killers use indoor map offering and i dodge those games

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,152
    edited May 2021

    I do not like playing him because his stalking is very situational and he get punished very heavily for failing stalks. The ability to stalk is far too opportunistic so much so that a lot of the time, it is better to just hit survivors then stalk them. It makes you feel like your power is only good for 0 TR and not good for his intended instant down mechanic. Hitting survivors in which you failed to completely stalk resets the stalk meter making you lose all your progress and effort into stalking. I'd play more Ghostface if that mechanic if stalking did not reset upon hitting a survivor.

    Ghostface in his current form feels too much like M1 killer with water-down power where survivors have too much control and you have very little. Its not very fun so I don't really play him very much. He's like one of my least played killer. I assume others don't find him very fun either. Killers do not like when their power get hard-countered by looking at them with 3rd person camera hence you see very little ghostface.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,741
    edited May 2021

    I've been taking personal stats of killers I've played/ran into as survivor and this is what I've found:

    In 319 survivor matches...

    5.64% of my matches have been against a Ghost Face (putting him as 4th most seen killer for me)

    and because you mentioned Blight

    2.51% of my matches have been against a Blight (putting him as tied for 4/5/6th least seen killer for me)

    This data has been taken since the All-Kill Chapter dropped on live servers.

    However, I will add that I didn't see Ghost Face for more than a week when All-Kill first dropped, but once he came back, he came back.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,301

    Ghostface was my 2nd most popular faced killer when Trickster was released. The spread is so good nowadays, thankfully