How to beat someone with 23K thousand Hours in DBD?

I was just chilling and checking out some survivor profiles while in a lobby for killers(for hackers so I can lobby dodge).
I check this profile because survivor got the legacy prestige if it's below 300 Hours I dodge the lobby and behold! The Absolute Monster with 23 Hours in DBD, I insta lobby dodge because no way I'm gonna be Killer for this monster. Others in the lobby got like 4K hours too so I dodge a depip for me there.
I'm... I have to say it. I'm disappointed they still miss three achievements.
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I think I'd be too fascinated to see how someone with 23k hours plays to dodge. Fascinated and terrified
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Someone please correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t this mean this dude would have to have spent 11-12 hours every day for the past 5 years playing dbd?
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Yesterday I was teamed up with a corner of the map urban evader 8k hour dwight.
You are right i should've dodged that lobby.
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You murder them in real life. Because beating them in the game would be impossible.
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And I thought I no-lifed this game. Holy #########. I genuinely feel sorry for that 23K hour guy.
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I played an MMO for 10 hours a day during a month I had to stay at home, years ago, with nothing more to do.
It was only a month, but playing a dozen hours a day is possible. We don't know, they could have let the game run on the back while doing something else to boost their hours.
I sometimes let DBD runs in the lobby screen (the one you have to click on Ready to find a match) because I'm doing something quick like feeding the cat or washing something. I probably have one or two hours of me doing nothing.
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She's a girl as she stream in youtube gaming.
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That’s why it is better to hide your hours to avoid killers not wanting to go against you for that. Plus it foils the occasional swf check. But imo dodging high hour players isn’t fun since everything else is easy in comparison. It’s like a learning experience.
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They almost certainly farmed hours. I.e. They left the game on while doing other things to artificially inflate their hours.
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Who would let DBD run 13 hours a day for 5 years.
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It's still scary that she's a genuine legacy player that played DBD since 2016.
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My bad. They must farm hours right? There's no conceivable way that someone would waste so much of their life on a video game, right? Are they at least popular on Youtube?
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This has to be related to farming hours. Otherwise it is impossible.
Edit: Or this girl is the Entity herself.
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Idk, I played Dota 2 since 8 years ago and I still have like 6K Hours but 23K Hours is something else... We're still talking about farming hours for 13 hours a day for 5 years.
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I found her stats, I think she might like huntress a bit more than trickster
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You said she's streaming... Did you see on her profile if she seems to stream a dozen hours a day or something? Like, her VOD, are they 12-13 hours long?
It could be a first hint.
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How do you find those stats? That has me curious.
Anyway, I can't imagine playing DBD to that extent. That implies you don't have a job, or leave the house, and at no point did you ever get bored. There has to be farmed hours in there.
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Is it wrong that I, for one second only, thought about bragging that I've pulled more survivors into the Dream World than she did?
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If you type "Dead By Daylight most hours" in Google, you'll find out she's not the only one apparently, and 23k hours is not even the most played time.
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I've got more lacerations than her :P
I googled dbd players with most hours (she's in the top ten) which linked to her steam profile, and she links to her stats herself from the description on there.
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"I've got more lacerations than her :P"
I don't :)
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Also does that stat mean old freddy only, or is it just when anyone falls asleep now?
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I played like 230 or 300 hours hours of dead by daylight on the xbox.
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And yet the people who get upset at me tell me I have no life
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Both, actually. But I believe most of mine have been with Old Freddy.
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Latest, but when did she publish it? I guess not that long ago...
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Okay so there's actually websites and software people can use to increase their hours (steam allows this apparently, also I'm not promoting this or anything it's just...interesting)
One boasts that you can have up to 32 games idling at the same time
As to why you would want to do this, let alone pay to be able to do this, is beyond me.
Also I'm not saying she uses one of these, she might just leave it open. Maybe she likes the background music?
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I am pretty sure he could've finished an undergraduate + medical school + residency + fellowship and still have hours to spare. The guy is a legend, he should open his own DBD university.
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Oh good lord bet half of those hours were in queue
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Why is it scary that someone's played a video game since release? Especially a game like DbD, where the skill ceiling is relatively low and has a pretty bad RNG factor woven into almost every aspect of it. I've never understood that, it's so strange basing whether or not you'll play against someone on their hours, it seems to be the most common in DbD where people find any excuse to avoid players.
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Also a good way to learn something. I really don't mind losing as a killer if the survivors show me something new.
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Those hatchets thrown stat is crazy!
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You know seeing this made me feel just a bit better with my 362 days played
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There was time when devotion didnt exist
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How to beat someone with 23k hours DBD? Just tunnel their teammates I guess.
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Not really, I've never played with a legacy player that was anything too great, besides this one claudette she was good
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Play spirit
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It's unlikely they actually played that much. I will say they probably exclusively play DBD since it's release, but people often leave the game on in the menu which counts your hours.