Do you think DS should deactivate when interacting with killer belongings?

I mean, if you can take the time to cleanse yourself, disarm a trap, or remove an RBT, you aren't being tunneled.
The Alarm Clock and getting caught in traps would obviously not apply.
Do you think DS should deactivate when interacting with killer belongings? 33 votes
Maybe, but I think there's another solution.
I thought it deactivates on totems.
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Yes, it's not fair that survivors can disarm Trapper's traps with no threat.
What I mean by killer belongings is items that appear on the map that are killer specific.
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Maybe, but I think there's another solution.
I just chose this due to lack of options. I am fine with it working if you try and mess with the trappers traps but I think you would have to be a lot more careful with the pig since there’s a lot going on there
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No, I don't think that change would be fair at all.
Trappers traps, yes.
RBT Boxes, Devotion pools, or Alarm Clocks, no.
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Maybe, but I think there's another solution.
DS should stay active when interacting with jigsaw boxes and definitely deactivate when disarming traps. I'm fine either way with the others.
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Yes, it's not fair that survivors can disarm Trapper's traps with no threat.
If you have DS active while disarming bear traps, you basically have old DS, where you can actively work against the killer while they can't do anything against you.
Plus, Trapper is already the weakest killer in the game.
Jigsaw boxes I could see, though.
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Maybe, but I think there's another solution.
I said it should deactivate when disarming traps.
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Yes, it's not fair that survivors can disarm Trapper's traps with no threat.
So, you just mean RBTs?
Cause bear traps are the only actual "traps" that can be disarmed by interacting with them.
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Maybe, but I think there's another solution.
Correct. DS should stay active when interacting with Pig's jigsaw boxes, and deactivate when disarming Trapper's traps. Added Killer names to make it more clear.
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No, I don't think that change would be fair at all.
So what happens when you Deliverance yourself from the killer shack basement against trapper that's trapped all 3 just...die? Or when the other survivors goes down when saving you and is unable to disarm a trap?
Does disarming the trap progress the survivors objective in any form?
So why would it disable DS?
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Yes, it's not fair that survivors can disarm Trapper's traps with no threat.
You... realize that you don't instantly die if you don't have DS, right?
Plus, that's a very specific scenario.
You've played Trapper, right?
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No, I don't think that change would be fair at all.
It's Trapper, its not a very specific scenario. Trapper always wants to trap up the basement and get as many kills as possible from that instance.
Literally just yesterday I faced a Trapper that had someone in the basement and all the traps were on all 3 exits.
He did not leave the shack, therefore, anyone that would've attempted to leave would indeed have instantly went down or have been trapped.
You've played Survivor, right?
You do know that DS is made for situations specifically like this, right?
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Yes, it's not fair that survivors can disarm Trapper's traps with no threat.
- You didn't answer my question.
- Yes, I do play survivor.
- Not every Trapper is a basement Trapper.
- The odds of you getting Deliverance to activate in the basement while you have DS (and haven't used it already when Trapper has virtually no reason to slug) but not Dead Hard and going against a basement Trapper and the basement being in the shack are... not optimal for the argument you're trying to make. That is frankly quite a few variables.
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No, I don't think that change would be fair at all.
Maybe for Trapper's traps, But for other killer traps, No.