Which Crossover Chapter Do You Want To Be In Dbd?

DemoFace10906 Member Posts: 9

Which Crossover Chapter Do You Want To Be In Dbd? 70 votes

Alien (Xenomorph)
HorsePowerAdelooSeiko300kodiakyWoodywoolTapeKnotmusstang62MrPenguinNemmy_WemmyMooksChurchofPigbm33Marc_go_soloBrokenbonesOrleanistArialSOMENINJANAMEAmazingXandDistortedDreampiggygooik 24 votes
Predator (Yautja)
Paina 1 vote
Fnaf (SpringTrap)
FallenRanger0MiriamGSpacingLlamasJFFCornpopers_EvanScary_Punk_GhostRothlonMr_MadnessAwkward_FiendDarkMagikglitchboixtr4meuchicku[Deleted User]RyRapsYTSasakiHaiseGazgemauchHaunterofShadowsUnknownGoddess 19 votes
Hell Raiser (Pin Head)
GibberishTurtleSushiTVVioletCrimesAvignon 4 votes
Terminator (T-800 Endoskeleton)
TerminatorGuyBadonkadonkDemoFace10906 3 votes
TheRockstarKnightTaigaTheGhostofZgorDr_LoomisGeneralVMrsGhostfaceMadLordJackMapersonSquillDBD Antares2332Exerath1992JarolZestyBoobaDwightFairfieldQwQwAnneBonnymilkyplainDBK1 19 votes


  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    I would like it to be Friday the 13th or Child's Play, but we will most likely have Candyman and Alien first.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    idc how unlikely it is i want soma

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    Fnaf (SpringTrap)

    I failed to realize the "other" button. I want The Ring.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    Alien (Xenomorph)


    Terminator would be cool but I guess it would open the gates to other non-horror licenses and I actually don’t want that…

    the others listed I wouldn’t mind but don’t have any connection to

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434
    Terminator (T-800 Endoskeleton)

    If they strictly base it off the first Terminator movie, then it would still be a horror license. The first film is tagged as horror along with action/sci-fi.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    Alien (Xenomorph)

    Uhh didn’t know that!

    sounds great and Bhvr was already in contact and got the license for Deathgarden!

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited May 2021
    Alien (Xenomorph)

    Yeah I meant they (BHVR) were in contact with the license holders of Terminator for the licensed content in Deathgarden…

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    Hell Raiser (Pin Head)

    I picked Pinhead because that has potential to be really ######### up and actually scary.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    Something original, when allowed to come up with things BEhaviour has actually had a lot of good ideas, I think they need some fire under their asses to get those old cogs turning again.

  • Avignon
    Avignon Member Posts: 133
    Hell Raiser (Pin Head)

    Pinhead and i'm honestly kinda surprised he isn't in yet, i don't think Alien or Predator would make it, we they're perhaps a little to 'high fantasy" allmost every killer is just a deranjed psychotic human being (xpt demo pupper but every family needs a pet ;) ).

    Can also see the Wendigo's from Untill Dawn make an apearance.

    Also Josef Heiter just because i'd like to see how they'd dance around THAT mechanically speaking....

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    F13 as always.

    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294
    Alien (Xenomorph)

    I love the idea of some awesome original Killers(like a Scarecrow or Werewolf), but between The Twins and Trickster I would much rather see some tried and true already beloved characters.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Hellblazer (John Constantine)

  • Badonkadonk
    Badonkadonk Member Posts: 79
    Terminator (T-800 Endoskeleton)

    I want Arnold and not the T-800 skeleton, but I guess that could be cool too.

  • Booba
    Booba Member Posts: 62


  • SasakiHaise
    SasakiHaise Member Posts: 15
    Fnaf (SpringTrap)

    Bring me that nasty green rabbit!

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380


  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2021
    Alien (Xenomorph)

    Xenomorph undoubtedly. There is no question.

    On a separate note though, I personally think that the T-1000 fits the Dead By Daylight thematic and style more than the T-800. The T-800 already got it's time in the spotlight and found it's home in mortal kombat where I think it fits there more than it fits here. The T-1000 on the other hand is so much more flexible in terms of what kind of powers and abilities it could possess, and liquid metal would look so much more visually interesting as far as animations go than just the basic T-800 endoskeleton.

    Hell, the T-1000 can canonically separate itself and operate independent parts of it's body from great distances away. You could be looking at incorporating some mechanics or similar concept ideas from the Twins in this killer at the same time. There are so many things you could do with the T-1000 it's insane people don't talk about it as much.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434
    Terminator (T-800 Endoskeleton)

    One thing the Resident Evil reveal should have taught us is that this company chooses the most iconic characters/killers from the specific franchise. If they want it, they'll make it fit.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Maniac Cop or some werewolf movie.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2021
    Alien (Xenomorph)

    There's a reason we use the word "negotiation" here.

    But besides that, Terminator has already showed up in one of BHVR's properties and that completely flopped and received very little attention. I would expect that even the company at that point would be hesitant about tossing that character in the blender for round two.

    Also it's not like every company operates the exact same way when it comes to making deals. You reference the unreleased Resident Evil chapter, but I can easily backtrack to something like the SAW chapter where the most iconic characters weren't selected for the chapter. Detective David Tapp is only present for a single movie of the 9 films in the franchise which is built on constant flashbacks of which Tapp does not appear in any significant way for a single one.

    Amanda Young is more present as a reoccurring character, SAW II & III, but even she is overshadowed by Mark Hoffman who appears in SAW IV, V, VI, and 3D, and is generally regarded as the overall Secondary antagonist of the franchise while Amanda Young is considered a Tertiary antagonist. Not to mention, the villain the franchise itself is actually known for John Kramer / Jigsaw himself.

    So no, we don't get "all-encompassing" rules to follow based off of the individual deals that BHVR makes with other companies.

    As for this, I don't consider horror very binary. Especially in Dead By Daylight. It's a much broader genre than people give it credit for, and I think that so long as elements of horror are present in the license and it's a realistic, fitting, and worthy enough option, not just Joe Shmoe license from a, b, or c movie then I think that is good enough.

    For example I wouldn't really consider Stranger Things a thoroughbred horror license, it very much leans in far more heavily into its sci-fi aspects than it does into its horror elements especially after the first season. Yet it's still in Dead By Daylight. Which is fine, so long as you accept that there's an acceptable gray area that Dead By Daylight is allowed to pull from.

    Hence why I advocate for the T-1000 from T2. Which is tagged as a Thriller, which is only a step away from Horror and in the same Genus of films even if they aren't the exact same species. Thrillers, much like horrors, elicit feelings of suspense, anticipation, and anxiety, stimulating audiences in very similar if not the exact same ways as popular Horror films.

    T2 specifically, not only knocks these categories perfectly on the head, but it also definitely has a very identifiable thematically horror concept behind it. A machine that cannot be destroyed through conventional means, which can transform into anybody and nearly anything, frequently turns it's arms into slashing instruments to slice and / or stab it's victims to death, and so much more, perfectly fits the bill.

    There's so much more present to enjoy about and going for the T-1000 in Dead by Daylight than there is about the T-800. All the T-800 is, is a standard "killer robot" archetype and there's very little else that's truly unique about it. And I hate to put it this way, but Schwarzenegger fanboys can't just say "because it's Schwarzenegger it's better" that's just objectively not justifiable.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434
    Terminator (T-800 Endoskeleton)

    I forgot that you love getting deep into these, so I'll join and entertain you once again. Firstly, don't see how his lack of attention in Deathgarden is a factor. Even if they added a Predator or another licensed skin for the hunter, it would've still flopped due to a number of core gameplay and communication issues. The game was marketed more towards the already existing asymmetrical community aka DBD. So in other words, somewhat doomed already. Regardless, the T-800 did well as a DLC in Gears and Ghost Recon Breakpoint. That should be enough proof to show that it would not correlate.

    Regarding Saw, how do you know they even had to option to select the characters and were not restricted by the license holders? I'd also argue that choosing the #1 most iconic survivor(s), while still being important, is a lot less important than choosing the most iconic killer in the series. It's like choosing Valtiel instead of Pyramid Head for the Silent Hill chapter, Leatherface's brother for TCM., etc. It would be a lot easier to implement survivors who are not as popular as long as they are somewhat known however, i.e Detective Tapp, Quentin Smith.

    Do you think Hoffman is more popular than Amanda Young as one of John's apprentices? Genuine question, just wanna know. I think they are very very interchangable as there was a point where the Saw movies started to decline and so did its fanbase. Some movie series have a "peak" of popularity, whether it be one movie or a trilogy. Now as for John/Jigsaw, that's a whole different story. Not only was he an old man dying of disease, but he also had somewhat of a standard of morality. He did not kill people, not directly anyway like the killers do in DBD, and that tied in with his way of thinking/actions. There was no possible way of him being chosen. Overall, the iconic killer rule still stands, hence why this game is called the "hall of fame" of horror per the game director.

    Horror is subjective to the individual, sure. But overall, if it is offically tagged as horror then it's horror. If it's not, it's not. Simple as that and there is no way of getting around it. If this company went by your logic, them I'm sure we'd have Darth Vader from Star Wars(scary and thrilling to some, right? Consider Rogue One scene for ex) as a killer or any other non-horror character that is remotely creepy.

    Hey, you don't have to consider Stranger Things as thoroughbred horror. The fact still remains that it is indeed horror and is tagged as horror regardless if the sci-fi elements are heavier than the horror ones. Whenever you need to tell if a piece of media is horror or not, just type in "___ genre" on Google. That space being any film, game, etc and see which tags pop up.

    So far, every license that they have added has the horror tag. As long as this remains, T2 and the T-1000 will axiomatically never have a chance of making it in. It may fit to you, but that won't matter. As long as this game continues being the hall of fame of horror, we will no doubt either get T1/T-800 or nothing at all. I obviously would prefer the former, but if we get nothing then it is what it is.

    Last point is all subjective. I'm sorry, but the reality is that T2 will not be selected for the reasons above. It doesn't have to be the Schwarzenegger look either, just as long as it's based off the only movie that is tagged as horror and was inspired by the Halloween franchise by its director, James Cameron. And even that might not happen either even though we are missing a killer robot anyway. Be happy with what you'll get.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035
    edited June 2021

    I'd love an anime like ID Invaded or deadman wonderland. Don't starve has some really good material that could be added. And REPO! The genetic opera has been something I've wanted to see for some time. I have some well thought out chapter concepts on these if anyone's interested...


  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    All of them!

  • TurtleSushiTV
    TurtleSushiTV Member Posts: 156
    Hell Raiser (Pin Head)

    We need the Cenobites and Pinhead also can you imagine that Mori Kill...... So Glorious.

  • SquillDBD
    SquillDBD Member Posts: 163

    IT (Pennywise)

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2021
    Alien (Xenomorph)

    Sometimes I just write for the sake of it, and then I end up writing a few paragraphs more than intended. :P

    It's a fair point, Deathgarden had plenty of issues before the license and you're right the choice of license likely wouldn't have had an impact. That being said, they stuck their neck out with Terminator and went on a limb to put that character in a game that didn't have too many prospects to begin with- and I'm not sure the company appreciates that. Even if it's not going to be a major factor in their decision or not, I wouldn't say it's not going to be a factor at all.

    As for SAW, I know because it was covered at the time though I can't find the article now. The original survivor pick was supposedly detective Eric Matthews, but for one reason or another it didn't work out and they ended up getting Danny Glover's David Tapp. Detective Tapp aside though it seems to me that even officer Daniel Rigg would have been a better candidate for survivors, the same "obsessed cop" archetype that Tapp represents in Dead By Daylight, except he is younger, has a larger more significant role in the films, is generally a more likable, fleshed out and explored character being present in SAW IV as a main protagonist and a supporting protagonist in SAW II and III. Even in his own movie Detective Tapp was bland, and fairly one dimensional.

    As for the killer I would argue that yes, Hoffman is more popular than Amanda Young if for no other reason than purely the fact he has more screentime over the course of multiple films in the franchise. Beyond this however, Hoffman seems to be a more interesting and complex character than Amanda as he leads a double life as a detective working criminal cases like his very own Jigsaw case while at the same time working for Jigsaw himself setting up the intricate plans and traps that ultimately lead to many deaths.

    I don't believe that one character here is equal to the other and as far as the franchise goes Hoffman stands out as Jigsaw's ultimate successor who did most of the hands on dirty work. Set apart from Jigsaw however by the fact he did kill multiple people with his own hands and not just with the traps, showing his disregard for John Kramer's original vision, unlike Amanda who didn't frequently display the capacity for killing anyone herself directly, only with the creation and tampering of unfair traps that were unsolvable and couldn't be escaped.

    But yes, Jigsaw himself was more or less off the table.

    Also, "Hall of fame of horror" is a community dubbed title. It's something I myself have been saying for years now and you referencing Mathieu Cote's basically picking up that honor (quite recently) doesn't really help your case anyway. The T-1000 is very much an iconic and beloved character so it's not as if you're eliminating its candidacy by saying that.

    Your black and white image of horror doesn't hold up either, especially the example you provided of Darth Vader, who is mainly an Intimidating character but not a Horror character, unlike the T-1000 who I will preemptively say right now, is indeed a thriller/horror character, because I know you'll try and use my words against me.

    There are many moments throughout Terminator 2 that justify his inclusion amongst the ranks of other horror characters. One of the most iconic scenes that come to my mind, when the T-1000, completely made of liquid metal lays in wait flat against the tiled ground for a security guard to pass by suddenly materializes behind him and then kills him silently without a word by stabbing him through the head.

    Or when the T-1000 takes the form of John Connor's mother (who has already been killed) and then stabs his father through his mouth with a blade the size of the length of an arm.


    Not "cop-out" or non-horror as you are suggesting, (your analogy to Star Wars is frankly insulting) these are bona-fide horrific scenes and images which rely on traditional elements of classic slasher horror amplify the very real danger that the T-1000 presents. If you're really going to try and convince me that this somehow isn't horror because it's not always "tagged" as horror then I'd really ask you what kind of criteria you're using to "tag" something as horror. Beyond a google search.

    I'll wait.

    But while I'm waiting, let me just send a link of a podcast, which focused on a psychoanalysis on "James Cameron’s action HORROR masterpiece, Terminator 2: Judgment Day."


    Also this fun little article I found about how Robert Patrick's Performance as the T-1000 in Terminator 2 "will always be the scariest Terminator in film history" that I found along the way.

    Besides. All this talk about what is and is not horror, is all just a front / distraction from the real issue: which is that the T-1000 is a fundamentally more interesting and thought provoking addition to the Dead By Daylight cast of killers than the T-800. Which is something you haven't touched upon at all, which I consider more of an excuse than anything else.

    Sorry, no guns allowed in DBD. We're not in Mortal Kombat or Deathgarden here. And Nemesis kinda already took the "fists" option as a primary weapon, so it seems to me you're kinda dead in the water here as far as ideas go.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434
    Terminator (T-800 Endoskeleton)

    Yeah you do it quite a lot. You'd make a fantastic author. :P

    Deathgarden tried to incorporate a lot of "back-up" methods to try and keep the game alive. The Terminator add-on and the Bloodharvest relaunch were examples of that. Anyhow, the film distribution company that licensed out the T-800 to other game developing companies was StudioCanal S.A.S from what I remember(not sure if the rights have been bought out to someone else since then). They aren't protective at all from what I can see when it comes to lending out the rights to the T-800 endoskeleton, as long as it's being requested by a decently sized company. Another reason I say it's a non-factor is because I have been told that the Terminator's chances of being in DBD is not affected by its inclusion in Deathgarden at all by a certain bhvr higher up. Now, I know this is annectodal and with no evidence, but you don't need to believe it if you choose not to. I think we can both come to a consesus that it would a non-factor.

    Wonder what happened internally that made them choose Tapp over Matthews. Could it have had something to do with Lion's Gate decisions and our folks over at bhvr having no say in the matter? Something you, as a consumer would not know about? I'm sure if the devs had the power to choose any character from any series on their own, they would always choose the more popular characters. But once again, it's not as important for survivors as it is with killers.

    The fact that Amanda vs Hoffman in terms of popularity is arguable already shows that they can be interchangeable. We don't need to go into the nitty gritty of the character's hubris and downfall. We see in SAW 3 that Amanda Young is vulnerable to going her own way as well. Only held back by John Kramer himself. They were both iconic candidates to be chosen into the realm of the Entity unlike Terminator where the T-1000 is nowhere near iconic as the T-800, and thus can't be debated. Simple as that.

    The "hall of fame of horror" title helps my case a lot, fortunately. We first have to establish that Mr.Cote is the game director who is involved in the licensing department and negotiations. Note: DBD can only choose one killer at a time for the chapter reveal. Who is more beloved in the Terminator franchise? Who is more widely recognized? Who would sell more? Who comes from a movie that's offically, and I repeat officially, tagged as a horror film regardless of your subjective opinion? If you answered the T-1000 to any of these, then you are simply in denial and bias. There is only one iconic candidate that every Terminator DLC includes.

    But Seiko, my friend, who are you to state that the T-1000 is objectively a horror character and Darth Vader isn't? What would you tell someone who is terrified of Darth Vader and says he is a horror character since you're doing the same thing with the T-1000? And then what would you say to me and many others who would tell you to your face that T2 is not a horror movie and the T-1000 is not a horror character/ not scary? My point being, you are going based off a subjective, unofficial viewpoint. I however, am not as I have google and James Cameron to determine that the T-800 is indeed, axiomatically a horror character. You saying "it is horror" doesn't make it horror. "The world doesn't revolve around you" as the old saying goes.

    It's only undeniably horror to YOU. You seem to somehow equate violence to horror with your pics and clips which completely invalidates your point.

    Wow, look at Vader. Chopping off limbs, causing bodily harm, brutally killing people and just being an unstoppable force just like a T-1000. That's pretty scary, even more so than merely intimidating while being a Disney character at the same time. I guess he can be added to DBD right? Violence does not equal horror. The T-1000 is not a horror character. Burden of proof is on you to convice me that he is. Which you have no way of doing because he is in fact not a horror character. That is axiomatic.

    Now, let me show you something even cooler, Seiko. You ready? You see this:

    Funny thing is I don't even need to go beyond a simple google search to determine what is oficially horror. It tells me straightforward. Your denial of the truth does not change anything. That is what shows up for Terminator 1. You see that nice tag, smack dab in the center. Yeah... the T-800 comes from that. Now, do the same for Terminator 2:

    What do you see? No horror tag found in sight. And as far as I'm concerned, no character in DBD comes from a series that is only tagged as a thriller. T2 has no chance, I'm sorry.

    Why did you send me two links to a subjective article and podcast? Someone like you could've wrote that and made an opinionated "psychoanalysis" (that is hilarious btw). I looked at the article only. This is like something Buzzfeed would send me lol. Just because some nobody says T2 is like horror, doesn't make it horror.

    "...the T-1000 is a fundamentally more interesting and thought provoking addition to the Dead by Daylight cast of killers than the T-800" Firstly, subjective opinion again. And secondly, I can find hundreds of other non-horror characters that would make for a better addition than the T-1000. I just know there is no point, because DBD only chooses movies that are horror-tagged. Like T1 and not T2. Ouch, that's gotta sting!

    Didn't I tell you in the last debate we had like a year or two ago that the T-800 doesn't need guns? Want me to pull up a dozen decent T-800 killer concepts on Reddit that are very unique and don't feature guns? Your lack of creativity is not mutual with others. And we have multiple killers with knives too. Or a chainsaw. Play the Family Feud buzzer for me on this one.

  • TheGhostofZgor
    TheGhostofZgor Member Posts: 334

    Pumpkinhead is my current vote. Theres plenty to work with and think of the Halloween skin for him! Also, I'd love to see The Strangers worked in somehow (I know, I know, thats just Legion but its not like we don't already have some similar killers already)

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2021
    Alien (Xenomorph)

    You personally know BHVR higher ups????

    "Something you, as a consumer would not know about?" also applies to you as well, and that brings us straight back to square one in pretty even ground. Equally you yourself don't have much if any insider knowledge about how easy or strict the negotiations with Lionsgate were and whether or not they had the option to pick these more popular characters and deliberately turned down the opportunity.

    Saying it doesn't matter with survivors as much is also an just an out / escape so you don't have to argue that front. It's easier to defend the killer side where there are quite literally fewer options to pick as a true killer seeing as the whole franchise is about morality, "cherish your life or be punished for it" and all that. However much more difficult to defend on the survivor side as the issue becomes much more apparent when confronted with the fact that Tapp shows for literally a single movie and could only with great difficulty be argued as a more popular pick than Detective Eric Matthews, Officer Daniel Rigg, or a good 80% of the total cast of the franchise. It's a hole in your argument and you know it, you only make it more obvious when you try to play it off as if "it doesn't matter".

    It can be debated because the word iconic is a threshold, not a numerical measure or scale. Once a character has breached the brink and become an icon, they are iconic thus fulfilling your self-imposed "rule" and everything else is just semantics. Because then you can just pit license against license and say which is "more" iconic than the other? Answer this: which is more iconic, Resident Evil or Left 4 Dead? And then tell me which came first to Dead By Daylight?

    Even if iconic was a scale measure though, I don't have to stick to SAW either to make this point clear. Another example is the Nightmare on Elm Street license- and while yes, technically it's Freddy Krueger in name, that doesn't change the fact that fans were desperately hoping and waiting for Robert Englund's classic Freddy Krueger. Why? Because the 2010 remake is a completely different character, and would arguably according to your logic be "less iconic" and therefore not worthy of being picked for the game. Yet here he is.

    I say objectively because it is displayed through the traits and characteristics of the genre. Not because of a google search, but because how the separate films Star Wars vs. X, Y, Z, horror films present and advertise themselves. X, Y, Z, horror films share many things in common that unites them and creates the genre that they belong to- for example, typically involving a psychopathic killer (in this case, the T-1000) who stalks and murders innocent victims in a typically random, unprovoked fashion (John does not know or understand why he is being hunted down, and that is part of the horror: living your normal life one day, on the run from a killer the next) who uses unconventional weapons such as blades, cleavers, and other sharp slashing instruments (refer to pictures already presented above, the T-1000 and his shape shifting blades) and is able to withstand most or all of his victims' attempts to defend themselves and thus even after being shot, stabbed, bludgeoned, exploded, etc. (The T-1000 continues to be shot and attacked but only reforms more or less unscathed) he is not only alive but able to continue stalking his victims.

    These stories are often enveloped in an air of suspense, evoking feelings of apprehension, anticipation, tension, and some form of anxiety in the viewer, elements which develop due to the mysterious, unpredictable, and often frightening events which unfold throughout the narrative. In T2, this comes from the sudden appearance of a murderous, nearly indestructible android who is more or less unstoppable and unceasing in its pursuit to hunt down John Conner, who kills anyone who gets in the way between him and the victim of his obsession, much like your classic slasher villain. The overly dark and gruesome tone of the film gives all the action within it that much more weight, and like within any horror sequel, the stakes and overwhelming odds have been increased in the antagonists favor now that the Terminator Model has been upgraded with superior cognitive abilities that make it a better infiltrator and hunter, which can take more damage absorbing nearly any blow and regenerating itself in the moment, and deal more damage as the shapeshifting body parts allow it to be more dangerous at close ranges even without firearms. And much like any good sequel, the kills overall become more elaborate and gruesome, with more blood and bodies

    If you have not gotten it yet, my point here is not to say that the original Terminator is not a horror film, but that in all the ways that the Terminator is a horror film so too does Terminator 2 follow in many if not all of its footsteps. The films were released only a few years apart and both were steeped in an environment which is basically the golden age of slasher films.

    And this entire time I've been engaging this discussion on a conscious and critical level with rhetoric to back up my "subjective opinions" all you've mustered so far is a "welp, google doesn't say it. So 🤷‍♂️ ". So no, it doesn't "sting" at all, it's a frankly boring an uninspired approach to the conversation that is uninteresting more than anything else, and is worth less of my time to respond to.

    Also, I encourage you to pull up some mock Terminator concepts! If you've got a dozen in your back pocket you should be able to tell me at least one good and unique idea that could make the inclusion work. Not only does it have to work the "burden of proof" as you put it, would be on you to convince me that it'd be better than the myriad of powers and abilities that could be provided for the T-1000. Calling me "not creative enough" to come up with something for the shambling metal skeleton who doesn't use any sharp objects (kind of a critical component for a game based on "slashers") doesn't work to prove your point. That's just an ad hominem.

    Also, we had this debate a year ago??? I can't believe you remember that. I don't :P

    EDIT: That explains a lot actually.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434
    Terminator (T-800 Endoskeleton)

    Never said personally. Surely someone like you would have the wisdom to deduce that they stream and love answering questions about the game(s). All good though.

    Doesn't really apply to me as I never used that argument as my own. And LionsGate is no StudioCanal. I look at every other licensed DLC and see that they choose the more iconic/popular characters regardless 90% of the time. Look at the Silent Hill chapter for example. The fact that they chose the more popular Cheryl to accompany Pyramid Head instead of James Sunderland(the person who's subconcious created Pyramid Head in the first place) with a lore retcon shows you where their priorities are at. We got Nemesis instead of any other character from the RE universe, Pyramid Head over Valtiel, the Demogorgon instead of the speculated Mind-flayed person(whoever it was).

    Of course it's easier to argue for the killer side. Now, are the T-800 from T1 and the T-1000 from T2 survivors or killers? Because I'm sure it would be extremely easy to debate Kyle Reese vs Sarah Connor vs older John Connor as a survivor candidate. Essentially, your survivor argument is a waste of time. That simple, no holes or anything else. You can cherry pick the Saw chapter(with no inside knowledge), all you want. Everything other licensed DLC shows that they pick the most iconic killers.

    When something or someone is iconic they are widely recognized and well-established pretty much. I can say that Nemesis for example is more iconic than some rando RE zombie, or that Pyramid Head is more iconic than Valtiel, or that the T-800 is more iconic than the T-1000 because the majority would agree. Regarding your question, I'm going to ask you another question on top of it. Which license would have been cheaper, easier, and more obtainable at the time when BHVR was still a smaller company? Left4Dead or Resident Evil? Very odd question. It's like asking since Alien is more iconic than Silent Hill, why didn't we get that first?

    You know that the reason we got 2010 Freddy instead of Englund has solely to do with the license holders and rights, correct? Even Mortal Kombat 9 had to settle with the Jackie Earle Haley version, worse DBD. If bhvr had to option to go with Englund they would've done it 100%. Again, blame the rights owners and not bhvr's choices.

    Nope, that would be completely subjective again. You equate bodily harm and someone being slightly creepy to being a full blown horror character. Darth Vader had all kinds of moments in comics and movies where he was far scarier than the T-1000, let's add him. Based on your logic, Vader is a complete horror character to me. What do you say to that? And then another thing, the T-800 is also shown to be an extremely scary character in T1, being essentially a robot Michael Myers. Only difference being that T1 is actually a tagged horror movie and is considered one by it's own director. Unlike a certain T2 and T-1000 lol.

    There are a lot of characters that invoke those same emotions. They can range from thriller movies to action movies. The T-1000 may have had scary moments, but yet again he is not oficially a horror character which I have proven with a simple google search. Therefore, he will objectively not be added unless by some miracle did company starts adding chracters that come from movies that are not tagged as horror.

    If T2 actually followed T1's footsteps it may have been an even better movie. Man, if only they hadn't strayed away from the horror aspect and kept the horror tag for T2. Feelsbad

    So you admit you've based your arguments on opinion(I say Darth Vader is a horror character for your same reasons), while I based mines on fact(aka a google search which tells me what is officially horror and what is not). Got it, all I need to know. I'll show you again, this right here, is why T1 has a chance of coming into DBD:

    And then this is why T2 has no chance:


    Here is one concept: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/hzka6k/killer_concept_the_terminator/

    The burden of proof was on you to objectively show me that T2 was horror. You failed to do that. Now I showed you a concept that doesn't even scratch the surface of how the T-800 can be unique. There is also time travel ability one. Absolutely amazing. I'm sure you were creative enough to come up with powers for the T-1000, why can't the literal game developers do the same for the T-800. And no, sharp objects aren't critical for the game as seen with Nemesis. A metal fist would do just fine.

    Of course you wouldn't remember. You grew to 1,500 posts compared to my 358. And god knows how many essay level replies you gave on this forum after that debate when it comes to you. I'd forget everything after a month if I decided to write like an English major for that long on the DBD forums. :P

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181
    Alien (Xenomorph)

    Although I voted Alien, I'd just like to add it's brilliant to finally see Terminator arise as an option!