Is Ruin the most game-changing perk?

xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

So I’d like this to be a polite and constructive discussion because this is currently my opinion, and I’d just like to know other people’s thoughts on it without any “killer/survivor bad” bickering or personal insults.

As killer, I notice a huge difference in the matches where I run Ruin and the matches where I run Pop. Maybe this is just down to my playstyle, which is more of an aggressive chaser, but I get so much more value from Ruin even when it gets cleansed fairly early. Maybe not if the survivors literally spawn next to it, but even a minute of Ruin uptime can be game-changing in my experience.

As survivor, the games where Ruin is in play are much harder, especially if the killer is a strong chaser. There are many situations where you HAVE to leave a gen, and losing progress can cause damage to survivor momentum that can’t be undone. Matches where we survivors die with gens still left are almost all matches where Ruin was in play (the rest are typically down to big misplays).

I feel like since the DS nerf, Ruin is now the most game-changing perk. What are your thoughts? Is it a good perk? Underrated or overrated?


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’ve always been more a pop person since BBQ is also a staple of my build. Also Clown can’t really pressure the map

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I want to like Pop, but I just really feel like it was a wasted slot whenever I run it. I prefer Surge and it fits my playstyle better, but it just has so many limitations it feels bad to run on many maps.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Oh yeah, it definitely isn’t a P2W perk or anything. I’ve escaped against Ruin/Undying/Stridor Spirits because just running strong stuff doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have the skills to back it up.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    the most game changing perk? absolutely not.

    devour hope changes the game so much more than ruin.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,404

    Ruin is strong if you use it correctly. But i wouldnt use it without a backup.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Although the numbers sound weak (half survivor speed regression sounds bad), it definitely does a lot more damage than people give it credit for IMO. If you’re able to pressure multiple survivors by slugging and getting downs quickly, it slows gen progress to a crawl.

  • bowo
    bowo Member Posts: 121

    ruin does drastically change how survivors play, but so does any reasonably strong hex perk (like devour).

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Devour Hope can definitely be strong, but if the survivors are efficient on gens it can come too late to do enough in my experience. The fact that you have to avoid parts of the map to get stacks is a PITA.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    you are describing a way that devour hope changes the game where ruin does not

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Ruin is incredibly game-changing when active.

    It's a disgustingly strong perk that, when paired with proper gen or general map pressure, can absolutely prevent the survivors from doing their objective. This is especially true when it's only 1-3 generators remaining, and with less people alive - it can be crippling in those scenarios!

    Why, a simple 16 second heal away from a generator will cost you at least 10% regression on it with ruin.


    Too bad it doesn't last more than 15 seconds when I'm in a match, nor matter all that much anyway when you're already snowballing.

    Ultimate cosmic power, itty-bitty living space and all that.

    But hey, them's the breaks.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803
    edited May 2021

    I don’t really understand what you’re saying with this comment, sorry.

    Edit: Oh, wait, I see what you mean. I was using “game-changing” in the sense that it can win a game that might have been lost otherwise, but you were referring to its effect on the overall gameplay loop? I can see why you’d think Devour is more game-changing in that case, yeah, you’re probably right. And I probably should have clarified what I meant in my OP. :D

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    the thread title is "is ruin the most game changing perk?"

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Yeah, I just edited my comment.

    I meant in terms of its impact on the outcome of the match and survivor behaviour, rather than killer behaviour. I totally see why you think Devour is more game-changing though, it definitely has a huge impact on both sides.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I seem to be quite lucky with my Ruin spawns, it usually lasts long enough to do some good damage. (Hopefully I’m not jinxing myself with this! 😁)

    I honestly think a lot of people underestimate how strong it is in the right hands. It makes sense that people don’t like to run it due to the RNG aspect though.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2021

    Totem spots have actually really improved lately, I've been seriously impressed with some of the ones I've seen even on old maps as well as new ones. It can make a lot of totems survive for a decent amount of time that they really shouldn't be dismissed as good perks as often as I see it happen.

    In that regard, I 100% agree they can be strong.

    That said, my comment was mainly an inside reference to the fact that I run Small Game every game. I don't care where it spawned, I'm gunning it (and every other one of your totem perks) out of the game asap.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I wouldn’t suggest taking Ruin and slugging everyone. Slugging is situational, sometimes it’s a bad move and you’re better off hooking. But sometimes a slug at the right time can win the game.

    Pop definitely has its strengths but between the time it takes to get a down, to hook the survivor, and to travel to the gen, it feels like a lot of work for just 25% regression to me. It only shaves off 20 seconds and you can realistically only use it a handful of times. Ruin applies regression every single time a survivor lets go of a gen, so if you’re good at applying map pressure its effect is incredibly strong.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    My hex buster of choice is maps. No hex perk will ever escape my clutches when I have full wallhacks!

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    If Ruin stays up all match and you actively chase survivor's off of gens, 90% of the time, you'll win the match on Ruin alone.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Ruin is overrated.

    It affects one gen if Survivors are gen focused and can loop, requiring quick downs to make use of it or lengthy status changes for target switching

    It can be great if Survivors get scared easily and don't immediately jump back to a gen once you switch targets. But in this case you could just as easily achieve the same results with perks focused on occupying Survivor's time; sloppy butcher, knockout, thanatophobia

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Most game changing would probably be corrupt intervention it means if you get a bad map on a low mobility killer 3 gens are already off the board.