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Why do people enjoy immersing?

Genuine question. I've started playing survivor more regularly and getting chased is a lot of fun. Some killers are less fun to go against (Slinger and Spirit lmao) but overall, it's been super fun. Unfortunately, in my games I've been getting a lot of immersers. I literally just got out of a game on The Game with a David and Dwight who rotated lockers in the basement when they heard the TR. I don't get it. I understand for newer players the terror radius can be scary and the first instinct is to hide. But for more experienced players: why do you enjoy immersion? What is fun about it? The entire point of the game is to be chased and escape. Do you not find crouching in a corner waiting for the killer to go away boring? As someone who mostly plays killer, that's why I run whispers on practically every build I have. Not flaming anyone for their playstyle; but I am genuinely curious because it's not my preferred way to play.


  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    They either suck major... you know, or they're not bothered with playing seriously but still wanna play.

    I think they're annoying.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    We're they actually being useful or just hiding?

    I find Immersion is a good play style for Survivors that don't have strong chase skills or observe the killer is efficiently ending chases quickly. The only drawback is when it's taken so far that killers get good regression out of it.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I find immersion pretty fun. I find it thrilling to hide not knowing weather or not I will be found and it's pretty funny and satisfying to know you weren't found and you wasted the killers time. I just find it more fun.

    FYI I'm not being useless as I am doing gens and going for saves.

  • scenekidtrash
    scenekidtrash Member Posts: 51

    No I was in a SWF with my boyfriend and we did all 4 of the generators that were done. He and the David ended up getting out because David had a key. While my boyfriend was looping the killer I was watching Dwight and David go in and out of lockers in basement

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Idk why do people play re and not speed run it the first play better it's fun to be a little immersed

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    edited May 2021

    I find being sneaky and being right there when you can hear the killer’s heartbeat, and you’re not sure if they’ll catch you actually fun and exciting and tense. I don’t just hide for the whole match. I do gens and save people. People who just hide the whole match are #########. Also it’s fun to hit a killer with a pallet when they clearly didn’t see you.

  • scenekidtrash
    scenekidtrash Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2021

    Absolutely not the same at all. There is no one else on your team in RE. You are the lone player. Everyone else is an NPC. No one else is relying on you to do the objective in that game

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Re 5 you have a teammate and people can still be immersed in the game immersion can happen in any game it's up to the players creativity and the situation

  • trashgirl
    trashgirl Member Posts: 28

    I don’t do it for immersion. I do it because I suck at looping and stealth play while also helping my team is the best way for me to make it out alive. Hiding in lockers the whole game does seem boring though, but there is some type of thrill in seeing the killer walk right past you and not being able to find you so there’s that.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    I think people like the hide and seek aspect of it; not knowing whether you'll be found or the killer will pass you by unnoticed. For me personally I get a big thrill from being right under the killer's nose without them knowing, narrowly avoiding being caught, or that oh ######### moment when you realize they did find you and now you're scrambling to get away

    That being said, I definitely don't like those people who seem to think lockers are the main objective and generators are just there to distract the killer

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719
    edited May 2021

    Hiding in this game is called being "immersive"? Is that actually a thing? What's immersive about it? I ask legitimately. I didn't know that what appears to be my preferred playstyle had a name that I myself wouldn't have used to describe it.

    Anyway I only hide when I feel that the killer may be near because I find that safer and more exciting than just running around. I can't stand looping, don't care about looping, am not interested in the looping aspect of this game whatsoever. Not one bit. I do it because I have to, but SO MUCH of this game (or at least its players) is looping-heavy that I honestly wonder if I'll ever be truly great at it. It's hard to state just how little I care for the idea.

    Not trying to be an ass, I know that a lot of other people love looping and that's fine. It's just not my thing. The sneaking, stealth, hide and seek, cat and mouse is what I enjoy far, FAR more. I've often said that I went into this game thinking that it was basically a multiplayer version of Monstrum (an excellent game, you should all give it a look). That game is all about the killer being able to wipe you out, no defense whatsoever, so it's all about trying not to get caught. That's what I enjoy. That's what I like making my DBD matches into, at least as much as I can. Now that doesn't mean just sitting in lockers or cowering in the corner letting all my teammates die, but I definitely enjoy the thrill of trying to not get caught. I remember one of my first games in Midwich was against The Nurse. I didn't know her too well. I sensed that she was coming hear so I hid in a locker. Within a few seconds she just went floating past. In another match, before I'd even seen him thus could actually identify who he was, I heard the Oni go into his rage. It startled the hell out of me and I had no idea what would happen next so again, I hopped into a locker. And again, after a few seconds this giant beast comes storming past me. THAT stuff is great. The creepiness of knowing that you just evaded this horrific monster without it knowing that you were there brings a real sense of satisfaction, relief, and, yes, terror when you dare step foot back outside and try to get some distance. That, to me, is far more exciting than tile tag.

    I don't know if that's immersion or what. I just call it playing stealthy. And I just do it because that's a funner type of game to me.


    This, so much this. These posts match my feelings exactly.

    To those who don't like people who are, I guess, "immersive", you have to understand - there's a difference between a survivor just running and hiding and not being productive all game (players who, trust me, even fellow survivors don't like) and playing conservatively, trying to get stuff done while remaining unseen. There's a special skill and care and strategy to playing this way - it's more challenging, less rewarding in terms of BP, but for those of us who do it it's just simply more FUN.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719
    edited May 2021

    (Edited, please ignore)

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    I've actually played Monstrum, it's pretty fun, especially with the different creatures and objectives. When I first played it (I think that might've been before dbd but I don't remember) I hid for so long because I couldn't tell where the monster was and it always sounded like it was nearby. And the alien thing always got me with the egg sacs everywhere

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Yep, that's what I'm talking about. That game is all about stealth and evasion. Sure, there are chases. Lots and lots of chases. But rather than winning a chase by looping, you win a chase by running for dear life and finding a hiding spot, hoping like hell that the monster didn't see you slip into cover. That game is all about that special rush you get from hiding and seeing something you have absolutely no defense against pass you by and not catch you, and the almost unbearable tension you get when you know that sooner or later you're gonna have to leave cover and completely expose yourself to make any progress, knowing that the monster can come back around the corner at any time.

    One monster can only be identified by its loud footsteps. One monster can only be identified by the existence of scattered egg sacs. And one monster can only be identified by the lights going out. And all of these "tells" can happen from several hundred feet away, in different rooms, or even different floors. You don't know which one you're going to face each time you play, and the game's randomized map, room, and item layout mean that you also don't know where you - or it - are in the maze. So you have to tread extremely carefully, look, listen, pay close attention to your surroundings, and try to pick the best times to run, and the best times to hide.

    THAT is the kind of game I thought DBD would be, and I like making it as close to that experience as I possibly can. Playing tag around crates and walls? Yeah, nah.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I will hide too and be immersed at the start of the match. Just because I am scared if I get caught I will lose opportunities to gain BP or a small chance that I die on first hook and depip.

    Give me few minutes to get a gen done, cleanse a totem and unhook teammate. Then I will gladly be chased and run in circles for additional points.

  • LittleSagey
    LittleSagey Member Posts: 78

    i have over 2k hours in the game and my looping skills are still pretty #########, i spent a good portion practicing but in the end i just wasnt motivated enough to try play loops perfectly every game, so i do a balance between getting their attention to split the pressure, and immersing to do the objective, i find it thrilling when the killer walks right past me

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    I like hiding as much as being chased. There's a diffence between playing stealthy and over immersed. Seeing a team mate crouching in the other corner of a map when you were getting in a chase is.... Dear zeus.

    But if i can hide and make the killer waste time looking for me... I'll do it! It wastes so much time! When i play killer it's horrible knowing someone is around but not being able to find then, because i don't know if they are still around or not but i do know the other survivors are pumping out gens.

    But again I'm talking about playing stealthy not over immersed

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Why do people enjoy running in circles? Different people like different things. The people you mentioned, however, were doing nothing whatsoever. My guess is, they were there to troll the killer and/or you.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,860

    I used to play immersed but just recently stopped as of two weeks ago. Asymmetrical horror games are my favorite genre and I enjoy the cat & mouse/hide & seek element. The tense thrill of trying to make it out the match undetected, but yet useful to my team was fun. But I’m over it now. Im slowly getting better at chases, so the new fun is doing my best to waste the killers time when it’s “my turn.” Running the killer for a min and a half then hearing two gens pop while getting downed actually feels good. Makes it feel worth it. So I have gen efficiency and safe hook rescue nailed down pact, and if I can get my chases to be more consistent, I’ll be a better overall player. I’m saying all this because some people will eventually grow out of playing immersed. It’s a phase. The important thing is not to confuse being immersed with being a coward. What you described going on in that basement sounds like cowards to me. I don’t even understand why both of them would be down there if there was no one was on hook being camped. There’s only one chest. Two people aren’t needed to open it lol. I don’t knock people for playing immersed cause I totally get it. But I will knock cowards and call em out for it. If I’m downed, on hook, or someone has kindred- and I see you crouched in the corner out of the killer’s terror radius crab walking back n forth, you'll get a flaming message by game’s end. And they’re doing it to get carried. Not a stealth killer. Too scared for their own good. The type that’ll open the exit gate with full health and just wait there while you are being chased by the killer, hoping they’ll leave so you can hear the hatch- since it’s evident they’re not coming to body block. Yea, F those guys.