Survivor perks way outnumber Killer perks.
This game needs more universal perks. Survivors are getting them with Boon totems, Killers should get more too. A lot of the universal Killer perks are just bad or very niche and situational (Spies, Insidious, MS, NOED against a competent and anti-totem Survivors)
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Because there are more survivors than killers.
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Why are mad? I asked in your opinion what are mindless perks which you only gave me two examples. Plus you are pretty much projecting. Lastly if they are stable why do the devs change them in the past few years. In face the past few months quite a few perks have changed.
Ruin was strong, they changed it. I disagree they has been some changes to some of the metas now than it use to be. Look at borrowed time for a example that’s been in quite a few changes.