Don't Be Like These People

I decided to play some Spirit tonight. Apparently, that was a fairly big mistake. I got 2 Rank 4's and two Rank 10's. All of them had flashlights, constantly clicking, t-bagging, you get the picture.
I didn't fall for the obvious bait, and quickly won the game. Both because I was better than them and also because, well, Spirit. They did no gens and I got an 11 hook game.
Afterwards, I'm treated to these wonderful messages for daring to play Spirit.
Needless to say, don't be like these people and if you see people like this, call them the ######### out because this is unacceptable.
EDIT: I'll refrain from the smiley face in the future, I'll try to see if I can find a positive substitute.
Yep, Survivor entitlement on display. Not surprising at all; they only GG when they win. If they lose it's a slew of excuses and insults.
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I just comment gg and leave the game, don't indulge anyone
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Not necessarily exclusive to Survivor.
Had a Killer today scream at me for messaging him gg after HE won. He said I had no right to do so.
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I also say gg.
Obviously, some people take exception
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Sorry you had to deal with this. Just say gg wp and leave a smiley face or something. It doesn't get them the attention they want.
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Still, that doesn't fix the problem.
They are going to continue to attack people because they think it's okay.
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Yes. I get that Stridor Spirit is OP.
But that doesn't justify this.
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I'm not worried about me.
I'm worried about other people. I can deal with that sort of abuse. Other people may not be able to.
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I will never understand why some people act like this. Especially over something as silly as a videogame.
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I won't either.
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Yes I completely agree. I love this game but the community is very draining. Ignoring them is the best we can do unfortunately because people would rather be toxic and blame the other side than try to have a fun game and the developers don't care enough to give us tools to counter it. The block system making it so that we cant play with these people anymore would maybe fix a lot of these issues.
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Ugh, people are gross.
This is why I have messages and friend requests turned off on PS4. There have been matches after which I'm just like, "I bet they really want to write me hate mail... gosh, I hope it burns them up that they can't."
Back when I had messages turned on, I was always super polite to people who sent nasty messages, and sometimes I'd pretend to be confused. I mean, the confusion was somewhat genuine considering they were complaining about stuff I didn't do, but whatever. Being super nice and polite and/or confused worked well, it either hilariously frustrated them or they calmed down and apologized.
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I've had people apologize. These guys used alt accounts to send me slurs, so I doubt they'll apologize.
Can't turn off messages, unfortunately.
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LMAO, people really need to stop this. It solves nothing. You handled it well. They are not mature enough to know better.
Although Stridor Spirit is the worst to face, it doesn't justify this.
Hope the next games are better :)
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@Pulsar This behavior is definitely super uncalled for and unfortunate. Even with all of the frustrations that Survivors (myself included) feel about the lack of counter play to Spirit it is sad to see anyone treated badly for playing her. I'm sorry that you were harassed for the Killer and perks you chose to play. Hang in there and try and have fun playing whatever you'd like - obviously not everyone will be rude about it.
Thought honestly if you hadn't played - ... Just kidding. 😊 Stay positive and happy gaming! <3
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:p had me going there
Yeah, it isn't me I'm worried about. I can take the abuse they throw.
I am terrified that others can't.
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I agree! This community is largely great for the most part but I feel like it could be so much better if more people were just kind and positive. Or if the game notified/rewarded when someone gave a 'thumbs up'. I hope that the devs will implement simple things like that which would really balance the negative experiences or could lift someone's spirits.
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I hope they do
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Alt accounts, wow. That's like double the normal cowardice of sending hate mail over the internet.
You can't turn off messages? Oh, that sucks. I'm not sure I could live like that with playing DbD. The salt can be funny at times but eh, in general it's not really my thing, I prefer silence.
It's crazy that you can't turn off messages. Damn. Privacy settings like that are so baseline, that's a horrible decision on Microsoft's part. Muting, blocking, and reporting are not an acceptable substitute. DbD generates a lot of reportable messages, people shouldn't be forced to deal with that garbage.
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You can go into Do Not Disturb.
All they have to do is friend the person and it no longer matters.
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To be fair, messaging them with a "gg :)" (especially with a smile added) when they did not manage to complete a single Generator sounds like you wanted to trigger them. Because it clearly was not a good game on their part, otherwise they would not lose with 5 Gens up. Which was probably also your intention, given the fact how they behaved ingame.
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I don't know about that; Pulsar seems to be a chronic do-gooder. :) I means that in an envious, I wish I was that nice, kind of way. He probably just gives them a GG with a smiley face as a matter of course.
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Uhm, the ":)" sounds really sarcastic and that you were taunting them, or at least i would interpret it that way, especially after a match vs stridor spirit.
Don't get me wrong, wishing people death is gross, if they were frustrated they could've just replied with a ######### off. If your GG was genuine and not sarcastic, perhaps try avoiding using the :) next time
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I did not intend to be taunting.
I USED to send GG :D but then I got yelled at and told that the :D was toxic and that :) was better, so I've switched it up.
I also send it every game. Win or lose.
I've played against them before, so they know that's just what I do. It keeps me from being toxic, reminds me that there are other people playing and to be courteous of that.
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Personally, when I face a Killer who destroys our Team or when I play Killer and have a really bad game and the other side says "gg :)" or something similar, I am only thinking "yeah, ######### you too". Even if it might not be their intention. And some people 100% use it to taunt, got those "gg"-Messages after two teammates DCed, which clearly was not a good game, lol.
But yeah, maybe they thought you were taunting them. Even tho, I dont feel that sorry for them, considering their messages and ingame-behavior.
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Hang on, hang on, it's acceptable to bring flashlights if you're not good at using them but Spirit is unnacceptable no matter what?
And people don't understand the definition of hypocrisy any more, I presume?
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I have to say it.
I used to be super toxic during my early DBD career and my entire OW experience.
Sending gg's reminds me that there are living people behind that connection.
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For my own part, when I destroy a team like that I try to say something nice by jumping to the GLHF in your next matches, and compliment something I saw in the match (there is always something) that was done well. I've run into the anger at a GG before too, and I never mean them in a taunting way either. I'm not a nice guy, but I was raised to always shake your opponent's hand at the end of a game and thank them and/or say "good game" as a matter of manners.
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I may have to shift back to GG :D instead :(
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I'm a terrible Spirit too
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Ahdjshdjdmcksmnclenckd that would be worse
Sorry, I just find any kind of "written" emoji extremely sarcastic, i just can't help it 😂
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And this is the reason, why i´m concerned about the new auto ban feature. Because those people sure as hell will hit that report button. Reporting you for playing toxic, in the hope of getting you banned.
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I want to convey a positive emotion.
I take it GG 😂 would be the worst
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No no with written emoji i mean using symbols like :D and :). I definitely prefer real emojis like the one you used.
Maybe it depends on how differently people communicate based on where they live, because I'm pretty sure most people i know would share my feelings regarding emojis lol
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I have met countless A-Holes like that. Especially on console. I had to turn off my messages, but people would still send me friend requests to insult me. I usually just laugh them off, but I think BHVR needs to do something against the toxic elements of the community.
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TBF i am biased towards killer (post history) and i can't stand going against spirit. no tears will be shed if they ever nerf her.
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Certainly not.
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So are you saying that someone deserves to be told such things if they play Spirit.
Because that's what it sounds like.
I've explained the gg :). I try to be positive and most people actually take it well, usually sending something similar. It's important that I remember that other people exist on the other end of my connection.
These guys are the first one's to tell me to die in a while, maybe 3 months and then they brought out an alt to send me slurs in a message. Which is what prompted me to actually post this.
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Tbh, most people I message send something similar back.
Sometimes it's "trash tunneling" but its most "gg" or "gg wp" or "gg :)"
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The Spirit part is justifiable to what? I don't like to face Spirit, I don't think a lot of people do, but there is nothing to justify the words which were written. Spirit is a character everyone is free to use, Stridor is a perk everyone is free to use. I'm not saying Spirit is enjoyable to face, but it doesn't justify the hate messages.
But I do agree with the "GG :)". I think it's a way to provoke others, even if the goal behind it was just to be nice. We are behind a screen, we have no idea if the "GG :)" is a real one or a sarcastic one. And even if it's a real nice one, when being upset, it could increase the feeling of anger.
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Is GG :D better? That's what I used to say.
I just want to have a bit of a positive spin on the gg thing.
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That is why I never say anything in post game chat.
If they all died at 5 gens, how much of a “gg” was it, really?
And like others have pointed out, the :) smiley is quite sarcastic indeed.
I feel like it all depends on context. If survivors told a killer “gg :)” when they didn’t get a single hook, it would have been seen the same way imo
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Personally, I have to send gg.
Idc if people send me gg 🤣🤣🤣 so long as they are chill afterwards
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Not sure how it works on console, but on steam you can make so only friends can message you.
For me it does stop people from taking the time to add me to just be rude, and usually only people who want to play together will add me.
If you have a similar system on console I’d try to use it
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Just wait until the RE Resistance players who never played DBD, transition over. You’ll be in for a real treat then.
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Why are you messaging them in the first place? Don’t get me wrong they absolutely shouldn’t be saying stuff like that to you, but messaging people “gg :)” after a game where they all died at 5 gens to a Stridor Spirit and then being surprised that you got salt back is basically the embodiment of the surprised Pikachu meme.
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You can do something similar, but they just have to add you to get around it.
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To say good game.
Despite the fact that they threw for flashlight saves, they were actually pretty competent.
I understand now that the :) can be misconstrued, it's only purpose there was to make the gg feel less impersonal and more positive.
Apparently, that's not how most people here would take it. I suppose I'll have to start putting gg <3? Maybe that'd be better
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No offence to you but this is the daily life for someone who plays league of legends. At least on the OCE server. The same ######### happens on dbd too.
Being abused on the internet isn't something new.
I'd ignore it.
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That doesn't make it right.