Devs,this is a fun killer and he isn’t weak like 70% of the roster. After destroying billy i find my new favorite killer in the twins because they have the 2 characteristics i described above. If nemesis is nerfed after the ptb people will still pick the same killers for the obvious reasons,only a few can complete against good survivors (solos or swf). This killer has alot of potential don’t make him miserable to play
IMO probably the first time I believe a killer is already ready to be released in the live version of the game. He's actually perfect.
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honestly he is really good but not too oppressive. I hope he gets no changes i think he is perfect for release
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I think if something warrants a nerf it should receive one, whether Nemesis warrants one is another thing, but time will tell.
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Should increase zombie tbh, bigger the map more zombies. Such a cool feature but 2 is damn awful, should at least be 3 and 4 on the bigger maps. It's not like they're actually strong, they ain't moving anywhere fast lol
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If he gets nerfed it's not gonna be before the initial money grab.
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Nemisis is good but right now i cant see myself playing him over ph.
The zombie AI great thing i love it i use most of my addon for them
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I´m not even sure he would deserve a nerf. The 3 matches i played against him (with survivors only using the new perks) he got between 0 and 1 kills. Sure, thats not enough to get to any conclusion. But it looks like he needs the zombies, because his power is pretty weak without them.
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Nemesis is weaker or as weak as Depipster was, there's no way he should be nerfed. His tentacle has the range of a finger nail, Contamination does nothing to Survivors, there's no need to cleanse it's just blue goop on you, it's purely visual but if you don't cleanse then i can't keep tearing up so i have to kill my own zombies but they give very little mutation so i need the add-ons to increase mutation gain from zombies. This is already problematic.
The tentacle doesn't allow for any tracking, it doesn't have any verticality to it either. It's more like Scorpion's Spear in MK than an actual tentacle. It takes 3 Tentacle hits to down a survivor, first for infection, 2 more for DMG since you can't do DMG without infection... If a Survivor is already injured but not Infected i still have to hit twice with Tentacle. This is an M1 killer very clearly, his power is a hindrance.
The Zombies are placed by RNG so using them to gain mutation and tier up means i might have to go a different path just to get to them...Also if a Zombie infects a Survivor i'm losing big time by not infecting with Tentacle, means i'll tear up even slow. Zombies also take 3 hits to down a survivor since they only do DMG if they apply Infection first...
Nemesis couldn't be more RNG if BHVR tried...Tyrant BOW for Killer was a terrible choice.
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Nemesis will get nerfed. It's not uncommon that they release slightly OP or good killer and then nerf it few weeks or month later once majority of sales are done. If you compare this killer to others he has too much things going on. He is like buffed plague
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Considering how Nemesis works and what Jill and Leon can do with flashbangs and mines Survivors are winning big time on this update. Free blinds without items, gg BHVR, the Gen mine is especially too strong since you have to waste too much time if you really want or need to kick the gen and the flash is really freaking bright, tone down the brightness of the blash BHVR.
Nemesis perks are very trashy, 7 seconds of auras at the begining? GG you only play with 3 perks for X minutes and there's no guarantee those 7 seconds actually allow you to do something. 7 seconds won't allow you to cross the map, won't allow to stalk either and you're left with 3 perks.
Going around kicking gens takes time and 6% regression is laughable plus there's 90 sec cooldown on top, gg BHVR, Pop and Surge and more effective.
Oblivous status effect does nothing to Survivor, they can still see you from far away plus the requirements are awkward, by the time you get 2 people injured the first person might have had enough time to heal already so there's no way, even on Legion, that you'll injure 3 people then cancel Frenzy, fatigue for 4 seconds, then go to hit the fourth with an M1 and make the other 3 oblivious without someone having healed up but let's say this actually happens, what does it matter if they are Oblivious, i'm not gonna go across map to down any of the other 3 when i can keep chasing the fourth guy, so i gain nothing from Oblivious status effect. It's countered by SpineChill aswell.
Ah but a hit and run playstyle, who uses that? Wraith and GF? Those two are already hidding their TR for most of the time so they don't benefit from this perk. The only possible way this perk works somewhat decently on any killer would be Deathsling that has actual range that can catch somebody off guard but then again the requirements for the perk to be effective are ass so unless the Deathslinger plays hit and run and hits the longest shots possible he won't be benefiting from this perk. Playing hit and run on Pyramid Head doesn't seem ideal either he lacks mobility and his tool kit already give him a good power.
At the moment i legit don't know how any of these perks seem remotly useful to anyone.
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lets hope not,nemesis should be a strong killer like the re movies and games. If they make the mistake to nerf him people wont change their main killers. I dont see myself getting bullied while playing the iconic nemesis,an unbeatable tyrant as portrayed in RE. Survivors are getting stronger and stronger with new perks,they should not release a weak killer.
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I doubt he´ll get nerfed. Since his power can be completely rendered useless by getting bitten by a zombie and not using the cure.
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Not particularly you can still kill zombies to gain it.
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BHVR I trust you .. don't ruin it ..
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6 zombies to get from stage 1 to stage 2. Good luck trying to find enough zombies for the last stage.
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Trust misplace
If Nemesis is to be changed it would of already happened. The release build for next week should of already been sent in for validation.
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You see Jason get smacked around in Friday the 13th game. You can also see the pig, Michael and freddy get pallet stunned all in one day.
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Why would you think he would be nerfed? If you don't mind asking.
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His zombies need a range nerf imo
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What ?
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They can camp someone on hook or someone slugged. I think the range for stuff like that should be increased, so they can't camp.
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If you're slugged why not just crawl away, the zombies don't react to incapacitated survivors,face camping zombies are only rgn ,this doesn't happen every match. Why take away from fun and random moment's surviving one match isn't truly that important is it?
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You should play a character because you really like or love them not because of said features, while something's are fun and different from the character you like and you want to play them for that reason that is fine but it shouldn't call for throwing one character away,at least that's what it seems like you're saying.
Nemesis doesn't have much going for him except random zombie attacks, but it takes so long to get to Tier three the match will be almost over
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We will see
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He needs a buff if anything.
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He needs a buff if anything.
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Definitely doesn’t need nerfs, in fact his Ultra Rare Add-ons need buffs imo.
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IIRC, the only nerf was in the zombie respawn timer (which is fair, IMO, it definitely felt like they respawned too quickly). Every other change was a buff. What nerfs are you talking about?
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