What does contaminated status do exactly?

I can't play the ptb since I'm on console.
As survivors does the status do anything besides make you vulnerable to Nemesis' tentacle attack? The killer still has to hit you twice to down you.
Plague can infect survivors and if they don't cleanse they become broken. With Nemesis it doesn't seem to be as big of a deal.
Survs are vulnerable to tentacle hits and zombie attacks (can injure and down you), tentacle hits are kinda like PHs range attack but are easier to hit but can’t go through certain walls etc.
survs make loud noises and vomit (kinda counters Iron Will and works even when not injured)
also getting survs contaminated tiers up the power of Nemesis
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Basically Pyramid Head and Plague had a baby.
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Actually.. yeah.
some of the Nemesis mechanics could easily have served as Plague rework concepts.
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- Tentacle coming out of her weapon or red vomit as the ranged attack
- Infected zealots walking around the map mumbling to themselves instead of zombies
- One-time use fountains instead of the supply crates with the antidote
Nemesis could have been a legendary skin for a reworked Plague.
Personally I prefer keeping Plague as her own character. Crushing Survivors who think Plague is weak is very fun. You can tell when they realize they are ######### and about to be absolutely destroyed by a Killer they think is bad.
I want a Nemesis skin where he is cosplaying plague though. Just take Nemesis and make him wear the Plague outfit. Or a Nemesis cosplay for Plague.
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Oh I definitely prefer keeping Plague on her own. Just saying that some of the mechanics or variations of them could be used for her. Like fountains only curing the sickness and not healthstates and giving her vomit a purpose on fully infected survs etc.
She could use at least some QoL put into her kit. But in the right hands she is definitely not as weak as people make her out to be.
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So far I'm pretty sure that, outside of it making the tentacles/zombies actually hurt you, it also makes you randomly cough like in RE2make. Not as obnoxious as Plague's coughing though so stealth is still viable with it.
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Being infected also hinders you temporarily, according to Nemesis' add ons
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When a match starts you want to find the zombies and get contaminated as soon as possible.
Since Nemesis doesn’t gain toward Mutation levels when hitting a contaminated survivor this keeps him from ranking up unless he goes out of his way to kill his own zombies over and over to rank up.
Which is like 6 or so for level 2 and 15-16 for level 3.
You want to keep Nemesis at rank 1 for as long as possible. And since there is no actual downside to being contaminated this works out.