The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Stealth kill Zombies

Hey everyone, I have a suggestion and I’m curious how the community feels about it. I believe Nemesis’s power on its own is pretty well balanced, maybe it’s a bit to demanding with its hit boxes but otherwise it seems a fine addition and one I’m excited to play with and against, but the zombies. I think the zombies are overpowered, yes even with the janky AI, zombies can reveal survivors, infect them, injure, and down them, and can only be killed by pallets, which is a complete waste of a pallet because the zombie respawns, so my proposal is giving survivors the ability to sneak up on zombies and killing them. They’d respawn like Normal but this would balance the issues I’ve been seeing and add a new exciting and dynamic gameplay element to survivor gameplay.