killer idea : the scarecrow

jo715 Member Posts: 4

hello all

i just drop some ideas of perks and power

my goal is to get back the " fear " when playing survivor, and the " sadism ' when playing killer

in the current state, survivors arent in the trial to survive, but just to annoy the killer , just my opinion.

scarecrow power : fear attack, cooldown 20 sec .

movement speed like huntress.

terror radius short .

scarecrow use his fear attack, short range, no lunge, like a M1

if he hits the obsession, all survivors within the terror radius will lose one health state

if he hits someone else, all survivors within the terror radius will have their aura revealed and be oblivious

when the obsession is hooked, another become the obsession

perk 1 : when a survivor is put into the dying state, this survivor will receive a mark. the mark will activate when unhooked . whenever the marked one is within 10/15/20 m of other survivors, their auras will be revealed. the mark will last 60/70/80 seconds after activation. other survivors dont know who has the mark. only the marked one knows.

perk 2 : when a survivor is hit by a normal attack, this survivor will be marked until he s hooked, whoever heals the marked survivor will have their auras revealed for 20/25/30 seconds and give a visual and sound notification

perk 3 : when a survivor is hooked, he will be marked, whoever unhooks the marked survivor, will lose one hook state the next time he s hooked.

thanks for reading


  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    Ability: So he is a 110% killer without a lunge and a short terror radius, BUT he needs a big terror radius to get value from his power. He can be pretty good when all Survivors are at the same place, but this will probaly never happen, because Survivors will realise to split up against him. His whole power can immediatly be completly countered, so he is a slow killer without a power - much worse than trickster.


    1 - its ok, but useless in a group of survivors (SWF - Survive With Friends)

    2 - its good on stealth killers, but still a perk i would absolutely ignore like deathbound (which is similiar)

    3 - What?! The Unhooker instantly loses a hook state? This is way too strong, while you dont even have to do anything for it, besides hooking a different survivor. (1chase = 2 hook states) I'm happy, that this perk isn't and probaly will never be in the game.