Part 6: How would you feel about Predator in DBD?

HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

Welcome to my sixth poll regarding licensed characters. I know predator is horror-adjacent and not actual horror such as Halloween and freddy however I still think it would be interesting. Also there is something I would like to get out of the way and that is I will not be doing a poll for jeepers creepers. I think you all know why.

Previous Poll:

Part 6: How would you feel about Predator in DBD? 39 votes

Seiko300MiniPixelsDimekmusstang62xtr4meFobbo 6 votes
🟩Sure I'd like it
AdelookodiakyVolantConch1719[Deleted User]ChurchofPigneedyMarc_go_soloBrokenbonesRyRapsYTProductGazgemauchVioletCrimesHaunterofShadows 13 votes
🟨I'm indifferent on this matter
TapeKnotTheRockstarKnightTaigaGeneralVMooksScary_Punk_GhostDabihwowAwkward_FiendMadLordJackMoundshroudDwightFairfieldTheDarkTyrantDistortedDreampapichuloTrickstaaaaa 15 votes
🟧I don't like it but its whatever
GibberishMrPenguinMapersonSmoe 4 votes
🟥Hate it I'm uninstalling if they add this
The_Grapist 1 vote


  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    🟩Sure I'd like it

    I really like the predator. However as I said it's not direct horror and is more horror-adjacent. But that doesn't matter. I would like to see predator in dbd. Also I'm fully aware of Predator Hunting Grounds existence

  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 300
    🟩Sure I'd like it

    It is Predator. I would select Yes I want it but, I'm more of an alien fan, plus predator is less horror than Alien.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    I love characters like Predator but its an action film and with the Predators move set and stuff it would be too much. It reminds me of Nemesis. I love Nemesis so much but he's from an action game and is ridiculously powerful. Very fast and very lethal.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    Wraith but less gurgly and more kill-y.

    Honestly I don't care for most of the Predator movies aside from the first few, but adding him to this game wouldn't really affect me.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    🟨I'm indifferent on this matter

    I like the movies, but I don't think the Predator would work so great in DbD.

    It's not like the devs are gonna make a Stealth Killer that can spontaneously switch between shurikens, bows, spears, laser guns, and/or explosives at a moment's notice. It's not the dev's fault either; it just wouldn't work in a game where chases are based around pallets and windows.

    There's also no real way to incorporate the iconic voice mimicry, eventual demasking, or nuclear explosive.

    If they did add a Predator it'd end up being either a better or worse Wraith (if they include invisibility) or Huntress (if they don't include the iconic invisibility for some reason).


    All this said, it'd make me really happy to face a Predator while playing Detective Tapp. And a map set in a South American jungle could be pretty fun.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    🟩Sure I'd like it

    oh right Tapp was in the second one.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247
    🟩Sure I'd like it


    But only if we get Arnie as the survivor (Or Mike from Predator 2, Danny Glover would have 2 characters he played in the same game which would be hilarious)