Does anyone know how to friend cross-platform?
I'm on a PS4 and I've got a few Steam users I'd like to play the game with. Searching for their username or their Steam I.D. doesn't bring up any results. Does anyone know how to do this?
Any help is appreciated! 😊
Best Answer
Go in SWF, click on the + aka invite a friend. At the top left you'll see your ingame name in white and below it, in dark grey, you'll see #(4 numbers). Then go to "search for a friend", a head and + just above requests. Add your friend code and you'll see it in request.
Here are some screenshot, I cut my name because I don't want random invite.
you need to go to your friends list and then find a search button or something along those lines. if you click this button you'll be allowed to type in a name then search it. then you send the person you want to be friends with a friend request
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I've done that, yes. I've searched their actual numerical steam I.D. as well as their current username but it shows no results found.
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is it case sensitive
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This worked! Thank you so much for the informative answer and image!
@miketheratguy tagging you as this worked for one of my Steam friends and I. If you care to try this then #8201
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Wow, this is so needlessly complicated. BUT, at least there's apparently a way to do it!
Thanks, I'll look into it when I'm back at the game. I MAY have also sent you a request through my Switch Lite, I searched for the name you gave me before and it did come up, but with one extra letter (which I'll keep private because I assume that you meant to as well). If you got something from "MikeTRG" that's me on the Lite, lol. If you did get it you don't have to accept it or can delete it, I was just trying to see if I could find you that way since Steam wasn't working. I mean I'm fine with friends on the Lite but most of my playing is on PC so it's fine either way.