Is this a bad thing to do?

Ok so I've been a killer main for years. Aside from when I was taking breaks or not playing as much I'm rank 1. I feel like I'm decent at the game and win the majority of my matches. My friends on the other hand are pure survivor mains. I play with them quite a bit and we usually do pretty well together too. That's just a little background. So last reset put me back at rank 13. I know it was a crazy reset (rankroulette) and because I haven't played much survivor that's around where I'm at. So recently I played with them and we were getting rank 11 and 12 killers who were obviously no match. Even though we couldn't help it I felt bad. There was a ghostface in particular who struggled heavily. I ran him for almost 5 gens. He was a determined little guy but I could tell he didnt know how to play certain loops and no mind games. While most survivors would be like hahaha I ran him the whole game, hes trash, etc... I felt for him. I knew it had to be a miserable game. Even after he hooked me and last gen popped he left me. No camping, no tunneling. He did have noed but I'm not gonna blame him. It was cleansed immediately. After I saw his rank I wanted to message him and give him some tips to try and help out. I told him it's ok to leave a survivor if the chase is too long. He didn't message back but got me thinking maybe he thought I was being toxic about it. The killer main in me wants to see the killer do well even if I'm playing survivor. We need more killers. So is messaging people when I'm truly trying to help a bad thing? I know they didnt ask and probably aren't in the best mood after a game like that but sometimes I just wanna message and give them a few pointers so hopefully their matches are better in the future. I know it's kinda weird but 2017 me would've appreciated a little help here and there. Theres been times people thanked me and said my tips helped but I don't do it very much anymore. Poor rank 11 ghostface hit me in the feels for whatever reason.


  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Tragic, but it depends on the individual. Some don't mind, and because intention & tone is lost in messages, they could have taken it as a backhanded advice.

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    I often give people pointers that my killer friends told me, and usually I get a thank you, or they're shocked I'm not trying to be toxic.

    Before I give them a tip though, I usually say 'gg, you played well' or if it's a killer I don't see often I say 'wow! i don't see many (killer) players, keep up the awesome work!' if they only got 1 or 0 kills, I ask if they want a perk build for the killer they played or tils for that killer based on what I've learned. If they say yes, I give the perk build/tip, if they say no, I'll say 'okay, have an awesome day/night and keep up the hard work' or 'good luck in future games ^^'

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    I don't think there is anything wrong with this so long as you preface the advice in a friendly tone. If you make it clear as to why you're offering the advice and maybe compliment the things they did well then the suggestions will seem constructive and helpful rather than a mocking remark about what they could have done better.

    It sounds like the kind of positive interactions that this community needs so I say go for it!

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    It depends on the individual. You always run the risk to come across as condescending.

    I suggest trying to make your intentions sound genuine by broaching the subject with stuff like "gg tough map for (insert killer)", or "gg you did well even though we had a lot of good pallets to work with" and then maybe follow up with "when I play killer I usually prefer to do X in X situation. I found it works well."

    You get the idea.

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    Yeah I like this approach. I'm sure playing killer they've encountered enough mockery and trash talk. I'd hate to come off like I was making fun or mocking them. I just feel like if I could give people a couple small tips sometimes itd help their play a lot. Like it being ok to drop chases sometimes or not running the outside walls of a T&L. Two major mistakes that cost that guy the game.