what survivor perks do you have... in real life?

deckyr Member Posts: 795
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

which survivor perks from dead by daylight are true to your abilities in real life?

for me it's probably

  • iron will - i don't vocalise when injured. several piercings done and not a peep the whole time
  • alert - weirdly, i can tell when the front door of the house gets opened because of the way the air pressure moves. anyone else got something like this?
  • up the ante - known for always getting rare drops in video games, rolling high on need/greed. my friends get upset with me when we compete on loot in ffxiv because i always win it lol
  • autodidact - i'm a fast learner, rapidly iterating and improving on new skills in a short period of time.

maybe it doesn't have to be only survivor perks. if anyone has a history of spontaneously causing technical difficulties for electrical devices nearby then, by all means, tell me you have surge 😂 i've definitely heard that's a thing for some people.

Post edited by deckyr on


  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Self-Care and Unbreakable XD

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    edited May 2021


    Self-Care, Fast Track, Diversion, Sprint Burst, and Head On. I might have more, idk.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882
    1. Fixated (I also walk pretty fast)
    2. Sprint Burst (I'm pretty fast, but only in bursts as I get exhausted easily. I could never have Hope irl)
    3. Diversion (My house has a lot of rocks near it, and I think seeing how far I can throw rocks is fun)
    4. For The People (I try too hard to please people)

    Honorable mentions not in this fake Survivor build

    Hope: I'm a very optimistic person, if I included perks based solely on titles this would be in, but there's no way I can be somewhat fast for a solid 2 minutes.

    Wake Up: I wake up very easily, not included cause Wake Up is a trash perk and I don't want to add it to my fictional survivor build.

    Repressed Alliance: I have special powers that allow me to call upon dark entities. Not included as I don't want to blow my human cover.

    Pharmacy: I take (legal and prescribed) drugs.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Iron Will, Calm Spirit, Quick&Quite, Fixated all would suite me pretty well I guess. Maybe Babysitter and Vigil as well.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Killer Perks:

    • Fire Up: The more pissed off I get, the more persistent and determined I'll become.
    • Remember Me: When I become obsessed with something, I really wanna get it.
    • Enduring: I don't sow much of a reaction to pain.
    • Spies From The Shadows: Birds seem to like me for some reason.

    Survivor Perks:

    • Sprint Burst: I'm a very fast runner, but I get tired out quickly.
    • Lightweight: According to my family, I have very silent footsteps.
    • Aftercare: I care a lot about my friends.
    • Spine Chill: I have a strong gut instinct.
  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    What's the Survivor perk that makes you poop too much?

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    if the forum jokes are accurate, i think it's Inner Strength

  • Babysitter i guess, as the older sibling.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Definitely not Self-Care.


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Empathy, Flip-Flop and Calm Spirit

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063
    edited May 2021

    Well, probably Fixated (I focus deeply on whatever's caught my interest or whatever task needs doing), Empathy (I'm pretty sensitive to how other people feel and try to do unto others), Autodidact (I don't have a great knowledge pool to start, but I learn very quickly) and Pharmacy (does a prescription count as a green medkit?)

    But can I have Infectious Fright as a survivor perk? Not to help me or anything. I just make loud noises when I'm startled.

    I might also have the Oblivious status effect permanently applied.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    edited May 2021

    Wake Up- After I sleep I wake up

    Empathy- I care a lot about other people whether I know them well or not.

    Quick and Quiet- I'm actually pretty light on my feet. Sometimes.

    Prove Thyself- I'm a lot more efficient when I work with other people, despite not being the most sociable.

    EDIT: Why not do killer perks too, I'm bored.

    Franklin's Demise- I am a huge klutz.

    Unrelenting- I bounce back from failure and I don't give up much.

    Make Your Choice- I am very indecisive at times.

    Bamboozle: I find successfully being able to think ahead and prevent a bad thing from happening or opening up a new opportunity for success very satisfying, and thinking ahead is exactly what you need to use when you use this perk.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    the way you've cut your post here is so goddamn funny

  • NoTerrorRadius
    NoTerrorRadius Member Posts: 201
    edited May 2021

    Quick and quiet



    Post edited by NoTerrorRadius on
  • XOXOnotreally
    XOXOnotreally Member Posts: 11

    Off The Record, I am known for my tight lips

    Calm Spirit, I am pretty caring/good with animals, even the ones others might not be lol

    Fixated, I get hyper focused pretty easily

    Empathy, I'm always the kind that wants to help, that's why I work as a nurse irl lol

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    • Quick and Quiet. I have lost track of how many times I've accidentally snuck up on someone. Alternatively, Lightweight could also fit here.
    • Balanced Landing. Several years of pole vaulting has taught me how to maneuver my body mid air and how to fall gracefully.
    • Visionary. I have a knack for accomplishing things in ways that people didn't think possible.
    • We're Gonna Live Forever. "Your few friends deserve the best protection." I've never had many friends, but I'm loyal to the ones I have.
  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    No one escapes death

    Im gonna die eventually.

    Also borrowed tike because i have way too much free time.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427
    edited May 2021

    For Survivor Perks:

    • Alert: I'm a very alert person and somewhat paranoid, so noises in the flat immediately put me on alert at certain times. Yes, I still manage to run against doors somehow...
    • Empathy: I'm a highly emphatic person. I feel like, it also could fit Solidarity and Bond here.
    • Bite the Bullet/Enduring: I tend to stay quiet and "sleep off" pain when I can or I just continue doing what I'm doing.
    • Head on: I'm very stubborn.

    For Killer perks:

    • Shadowborn: Migraines.
    • I'm All Ears: I'm a good listener.
    • Hex: Huntress Lullaby: I like to listen to music when I fall asleep.
  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Oh, this is kind of fun.

    If I had to relate perks to my life and personal traits, I'd probably say these fit me best:

    In general (I feel like a lucky guy, what can I say?):

    • Ace in the Hole
    • Lucky Break


    • Fixated (I walk fast)
    • Balanced Landing (I can trip at times, but I never fall)
    • Calm Spirit (I feel at ease in nature, and the animals in my area are very trusting)
    • Off the Record (I don't carry any electronics when I go out, I like the solitude)


    • Leader (I often engage and get people working together and on tasks in group projects)
    • Prove Thyself (I also have a chip on my shoulder to always stand out and be better in whatever I do)
    • Spine Chill (I can get paranoid when something bad is going to happen - especially if I play horror games or expect something)
    • Technician (I love working with computers)
  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    I would say Fixated, Spine Chill, Self Care, Appraisal

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    Piercings isnt pain. 2 years ago Ive got my right arm's humerus broken into several pieces, sound of an empty plastic bottle and texture of a chips bag with bones parts pointing through the skins. Trust me, you scream lol

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited May 2021

    No mither, I'm actually pretty frail when it comes to physical contact I avoid conflict at all aspects of my life.

    Mettle of man, if I'm getting any freebies in this life I'm earning them the hardest way possible.

    Iron will, my sneak skills are at 150.

    Sprint burst, running is the only thing I've done my whole life literally and figuratively.

  • GGSlushy
    GGSlushy Member Posts: 61

    I have every perk that make me go faster.

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    Repressed Alliance - I used to have entirely negative hallucinations but I've managed to make good/friendly ones

    Object Of Obsession - If I'm in a tense situation I can get a really good idea on where someone would be

    No Mither - I am very weak and skinny, you could probably kill me with a pillow

    For The People - I've had moments where I've had friends that weren't doing well and I put myself aside entirely for their sake

  • Crazziiboi97
    Crazziiboi97 Member Posts: 11

    Autodidact: Very fast learner

    sprint burst: I’m fast for like 5 seconds then my asthma takes me out

    No one left behind: I like helping people

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    For the people: I'd take injuries to help others close to me.

    Left Behind: Not a lot of people think I'm a good friend so I tend to do things better alone.

    Sprint Burst: I'm a strong runner when it comes to short distance.

    We're Gonna live forever: "Your few friends deserve the best protection." says enough.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Firstly, this an awesome post! Anywhizz, mine would be:-

    For Survivor:

    #1. Calm Spirit. I get on far better with animals than humans, and often end up befriending random pets and creatures as I go out and about.

    #2. Babysitter. I'm good at defending others by turning the antagoniser's focus on to me and the direction of action or subject matter I'm choosing.

    #3. Desperate Measures. I tend to be very good and focused in dire situations, but in lesser scenarios I'm not as effective and don't take it as seriously.

    #4. Smash Hit. I can capitalise very quickly on others mistakes, whether it's a game, work, debate, etc..

    For Killer:

    #1. Insidious. People have commented that I just seem to appear out of nowhere. Especially at work, where I've been blamed for many accidental jump-scares.

    #2. Beast Of Prey. When really into something I hyperfocus; blocking everything out and often lose track of time and what's around me.

    #3. Whispers. My gut instinct is normally very reliable. If something doesn't feel right it's often not. I can also tell by someone's atmosphere if something is amise.

    #4. Blood Warden. If a task is finished but there's something that's been skipped or not looked into, I'll ensure people resolve it before we consider it truely completed.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    For survivor:

    Dead Hard (I have long legs, tend to lunge forward if I need to get somewhere quickly)

    Quick and Quiet (self explanatory)

    Spine Chill (I'm weirdly aware of other people around me and pay massive attention to reflections and shadows)

    Slippery Meat (I'm an idiot and will try to get out of a terrible situation by myself even if it would be better to ask for help)

    For killer:

    Overwhelming Presence (also effects me most of the time)

    Franklin's Demise (I would rather remove your advantage than secure my own)

    Nemesis (if you can dish it, be prepared to take it full force)

    Forced Penance (get the ######### out of my way!)

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Distortion, because I am immersed.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    Sprint as survivor and Play with the flood as killer.

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    Leader, streetwise, and head on

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340


    I can always tell when someone is sad and/or hurt physically, mentally or emotionally.

    (Kinda wish I had Balanced Landing, but I’m 25 with 90 y/o knees apparently.)

  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    Diversion. Must throw rock

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Autodidact - quick learner

    We're gonna live forever - teammates ftw

    Quick n Quiet - stealthy when needed

    Adrenaline - when I need to gtfo

  • MrCrazyCat62
    MrCrazyCat62 Member Posts: 168

    Calm Spirit

    Bite the Bullet

    Spune Chill


  • uncreative_username
    uncreative_username Member Posts: 85

    They are saying what perks do you actually have irl not you would have, but having unbreakable would be interesting

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    Sprint Burst, because I get winded after sprinting for 3 seconds too


  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    Sprint, at least when i was younger lol

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    No mither

    self care


    Second wind

  • Micheal
    Micheal Member Posts: 288

    In my school I'm so far the strongest there. That's what my football team says. I'll do what ever it takes to protect my team and the more lower are score is the more inrage I get so this is what I think I have.

    Mettle of man

    Freddy's perk more gens completely gain 4% more speed.

    Soul gard

    Dead hard

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    I have an uncanny ability to escape the inevitable

    Sometimes when I'm dreading having to do something or deal with something, it magically solves itself