okay so I was hooked and everyone got the gates powered and I had adrenaline so all someone had to do wouldn’t unhook me and I’d be instantly healed plus I could’ve boosted away. I could probably have survived that round and someone was right by my hook too about to rescue me when all of a sudden I automatically stopped struggling and jus died when no one escapes death activated. Is that a bug? Or is that supposed to happen? if it was you’d think they’d let you know in the description of the perk I also looked every online about info on that perk and no where’s does it says if you’re on a hook and it activates you just automatically die. If that’s true and its supposed to be like that then that’s wayyyyy too OP like what if there’s 3 ppl hooked and the last person is about to go on a mass unhook they finish the last gen and that’s the THREE insta kills for the killer? #########..
