Hey remember when the devs said they were gonna fix Billy's animations?

In total it's been almost a year now since they bugged them, and every new patch notes there's still nothing about fixes.
Adding to all the nerfs, the janky animations where you get like Nurse fatigue after using the chainsaw and the buttery hitboxes where sometimes you just slide off survivors, are the cherry on top of the sh*t cake.
I can't fathom how you have almost an entire set of animations for a killer that don't work properly, and you can't be bothered to fix them in all these months.
Well, i guess that when they'll be bothered to fix this buggy mess of a killer, it will be for real unlike things such as Blight's sliding issues being """fixed"""
I mean nurse has been bugged for....how long?
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remember when they said that they were happy with how billy was performing and that in chases the better player usually came out on top only to nerf him into no one playing him anymore. I remember, and I'll never not be salty about it.
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While his animations are a bit wonky right now isn’t he supposed to look down during his cooldown like nurse? I thought that was intentional
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Yes but not to a high amount and without the weird camera shakes.
Video of his old animations working properly, the other differences are obvious.
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Its clear they gave up on fixing hillbilly why fix a killer that maybe 1% of the community plays lmao.
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yeah I can see that now. Just like nurse I don’t think the devs are bothered to fix him honestly
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"The Cannibal was one of our less-popular Killers, so we are pushing to lessen some of the character's weaknesses while chasing Survivors"-BHVR
They nerfed Billy because Bubba wasn't selling enough. Was the license complaining? Or are we just too focused on auto aim 5 chance m1 killers like blight to care about the characters that brought this game to where it is today?