So what happened to lucky break?
I get more consistency out of other perks than one that is up for 45 seconds and goes down while I heal. That's why I haven't touched it outside of testing the change for about a week.
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That's to assume that you can reliably break line of sight in an unpredictable manner, without giving the killer any indication to where you went. Even when breaking pallets, the killer can often see your feet scuttling in one direction, especially on those very open maps. So breaking that line of sight while still managing to not get smacked isn't exactly easy. Moreso than being based on a survivor's skill, it's dependent on the killer's ability to guess and analyze overlooked environmental cues (like crows) to predict where the survivor is headed.
Plus, 45 seconds is not a long time. With 16 seconds to heal, you're immediately cut down to 29 seconds, meaning you have to escape chase and find a healer in 29 seconds, not to mention that you only get the scraps of that process left for when it procs again.
And greater than that, you have to dedicate two perk slots to iron will and lucky break, where one is on what's essentially a 29 second timer from the moment you get smacked before it's dead forever, assuming you can get consistent value out of it. With limited space for perks, you could be running something like dead hard or sprintburst instead.
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Eh, this would mean that those inexperienced Survivors would be able to do this on a consistent basis. Which I would doubt, losing the Killer in a chase is something which requires experience.
We all know those Megs who hide behind rocks where you see their Cap or those Claudettes who crouch somewhere where they are completely visible.
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You put a couple of qualifiers in there:
- You indicate run behind LoS blocking terrain.
- You said the Killer "can" lose you.
- You said "without" any weak links.
Let's not mince words, that is a lot of "ifs" there. That means, EXACTLY as I said in my post, that the Perk is both map and Killer dependent. There has to be LoS blocking terrain at hand, and you have to get a Killer who is entirely reliant on the red marks to hunt. In my experience, not all Killers are that reliant on it. I'm not. I hardly look at the ground anymore when I play. You also don't address how many times it is going to get used which was discussed by most people.
I enjoy your posts. I enjoy your videos. Most of the time I agree with you. This time I don't. I ran this Perk a lot because it sounded great. My performance (and I record and track the metrics of every match I play) didn't alter because of it overall. There are other Perks, for my own playstyle at least, that served me better. Let me repeat, again, that I'm NOT saying it is a bad Perk. I think it is a very serviceable Perk, and have advised people to try it out extensively to see what they will get out of it. I am not, however, in agreement that it is one of the best Perks in the game.
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Lucky break is extremely powerful for low / average skill survivors. It’s a contender for the strongest perk in the game at that level. Luckily nobody has really bothered to look into it too much, so I don’t have to worry about it when I play killer.