So... all in all... (ptb stuff, mainly killer rant)
Looking through the ptb (not played, see below why), streams, video essays etc, there seems to be one thing people sorta agree about:
nemesis could have been better. some say he needs a buff, other say he needs a nerf, but overall people seem to agree that there's a lot of... lacklusterness to him.
Nemesis has (as several BNFs pointed out) little interactivity, and, similar to trickster, he seems an amalgamation of other killer's weaknesses without their strengths.
Where Trickster is Huntress' wind-up (and range, arguably) he lacks he OOMPH, he has deathslinger's hitbox without the chain and thus ability to cut chases short, and Plague's spread-out attack without the bonus of infections doing him a favor.
And Nemesis is similar: Plague's infection without it doing anything in his favor, PH's line attack without it actually injuring survivors, and the zombies than can, in a way, be compared to Pig's traps without them really doing anything (unless the survivor is infected/injured and does run straight into them).
Don't get me wrong, the new map is gorgeous (though i kinda worry if I can actually run it on my comp, and some people might worry the same) and the new perks have potential, but this is the second chapter in a row that brings a killer that seems stapled together from leftover of other killers.
I'm not a fan of the recycled killers powers either. It seems like most killers released since demo has just been some version of plague/demo/huntress but "different" (not really). I want a killer that shakes up gameplay, like when they released Oni, people spent a while figuring out how to change their play styles against him. Recently killers are just static and lacking interactivity/decision making on both sides
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I can see why people wouldn't like him very much but personally I think overall he was really well designed having played the PTB myself.
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The weird bit is 'recycling' powers is not bad in and on itself, if it's done interestingly.
An example. Imagine we WOULD have gotten Lady D and her daughters as killers.
She could have been a mixture of hag, plague and in some way freddy or demo like this:
Each daughter can be used to trap areas, gens, totems, vaults, etc, with each of them having a unique power: One vault significantly slow a survivor down (whether running or progression), one would hold survivors down and would have to be shaken off, and the last would directly injure healthy survivors (giving some short buff as balance). All three could double a teleportation points, that could be activated when a survivor triggers the trap.
So you'd have the choice between teleporting to whereever and dealing with the survivor yourself, or letting the daughter in question handle it.
There'd be more interactivity and tactic going into things on both sides, as survivors would now be faced with the question on not just if there's a trap, but which.
YMMV but that would have been one way to recycle powers while still making them interesting I'd say.
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Playing a little devil's advocate here but at 25 killers in there's not much in terms of original ideas that can be well implemented. Look at how buggy and jank the twins released and still are or how mechanically difficult Blight is or how bugged the Nurse still is. In my opinion this chapter is more for the Survivors and the newcomers. @PixelBush put out a great video about it and I agree 100% with his sentiments. I think I'll have a little bit of fun with Nemesis, kinda like how I have a little fun with Pyramid Head, they're not gonna be mains for me ever but I'll enjoy playing them occasionally.
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that video is exactly what ultimately prompted this thread (don't wanna use the 'camel's back' saying, as that doesn't really fit), and I'd like to highlight one statement from it:
That the chapter is great for new players.
And, honestly, this is why I hope that we WILL get more RE stuff (as the license might be expandable to other entries?) for more experienced players, that encourages doing 'more advanced' gameplay elements.
Coming back to using Lady D as example:
She could have a perk that builds up on mindgaming in chases, like having a fake image appear in a designated spot to trick survivors into running into her arms.
On survivors side we could get a perk that makes looping/dodgelooping easier (it's mechanically possible) or the potential chapter could introduce a new control that makes it easier
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His ranged attack feels very janky, it seems to not hit when it looks like it should and the other way round, also once in T2 if there's a survivor and a dropped pallet you can aim at one and it'll hit the other. Also T3 doesn't feel worth the effort to work for.
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For me nemesis is weak because both PH and plague got a better power
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Never played a RE game and I was really hyped due to others telling me how cool he was in the game, sure the design is cool but what we got is really underwhelming, I would've much preferred if he could break through walls or something.
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I think it's a bit of a reach to say theres nothing new to implement at this point. Where's a fire killer? Wheres a killer who enchants/charms/seduces survivors, like a siren? Wheres the killer that can disguise themselves with the environment/as another survivor? Or create a whole new mechanic like they did with stalking.
Theres a hundred ideas they can go with rather than [mid ranged range attack], but that's all we seem to get. Demo, Twins, PH, Deathslinger, Trickster, Nemesis essentially share the same power, just with different playstyles.
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Except for the fire one I agree (and heck, those two would make for great powers for killer!dwight or killer!kate if we ever get roleswaps).
Personally I sometimes get the feeling the devs don't dare (don't wanna call it ignorance, cowardice or similar) to try something decently new, not even radically.
The mechanics that already are ingame would allow for a lot, but nothing of that seems to be put in. or at least there seems to be no plans to do so.
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In the past 12 months we've had some serious innovation. The Blight, for all my dislike for him, is a unique take on the mobility Killer formula, and the Twins are arguably the most creative and unique Killer Behaviour has ever made. Even Nemesis has some unique elements: the problem is that the unique element he provides (the zombies) aren't a unique element you actually get to play with because they're governed entirely by RNG.
BTW I'm so glad @MeltingPenguins and @JHondo liked my video on the matter :)
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instead of the zombies on the map I think it would have been more attractive if each survivor that left the match spawned a licker with one present at base trial but moved at the speed of the hillbilly when in chase and could only dmg one health state at a time but also if survivors crouched to evade the lickers with their blindness keeping the cannon of the franchise, but nemesis forcing chases so he hits then licker does to do fast dmg.
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not hillbilly leather face my bad.