Solo Que sucks and needs something

SWF is a killer's worst nightmare due to frequent use of coms and the ability to use teamwork more optimally than intended.
However at the same time SWF is the only real "optimal" way to play survivor due to it leading to the most consecutive victories.
Because I am a forum jockey with no friends I play primarily solo que and have had far more demeaning and tiresome experiences than when I play SWF. I think something needs to happen to make the solo experience better, I have no idea what if could be but something needs to happen.
I play entire games where I somehow do amazingly just to have all that time and effort be meaningless because one of my teammates decide to kill themselves and screw over the rest of us, or have no gens be done because the Doctor is scary. It kills any good mood I had and makes me want to play something else.
Solo Que needs something to incentivize people to play by themselves, whatever that may be.
It's amazing, that nothing was done in the recent years and no one cares.
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I sympathize with you too much. No friends to play DBD with atm, and solo queue is just so damn miserable to play.
We need a comms system. Not voice comms, but a comms system. A way to tell your teammates I'm doing this or that. CS:GO has something like that, I believe.