The Nemesis

DarkAster Member Posts: 28

how is Nemesis? Too strong, too weak, balanced?


  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    edited May 2021

    Too early to say. His power seems pretty weak while zombies seem all over the place. His power is basically a short, harder to hit Deathslinger shot + Demo Shred hybrid at level 3 and not really good in previous levels. In closed maps zombies may get the Nemesis free hits with no way for survivors to prevent it while in open maps they may be straight up useless the whole game.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    I believe he is okay-ish I haven't even played him though. Just make his tier-up add-ons basekit (spoiler: they won't). Still, everyone is going to buy the DLC because A) Resident Evil and B) the perks are very original and have geniune use.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited May 2021

    I never lost a match in the ptb but most players aren't taking it seriously there.

    I think his whip is going to be very useful vs a lot of loops but right now its inconsistent. I've hit survivors over walls I can't see over and have had it get blocked by tiny rocks it clearly hits over visually.

    The zombies are deceptively strong, some people say they're only good on indoors maps but I've had them block Shack loops, block the god bus window, or even lock down one end of the map like Azarovs while I chase on the other end.

    I think level 3 should be buffed a bit as right now its not a huge bonus and takes a while to get to without Marvin's blood.

    But this is the most excited I've been for a killer in a long long time. Heck, I was still playing the ptb today, usually I just go back to live after a day or so.

    I'd say that you don't even need tier 3 in regards to the tier up problem. And marvins blood will give it with 4 hits on survivors.

    I'm surprised by how strong being able to basically zone a survivor whilst breaking a pallet is too.

  • RobynxGrayves
    RobynxGrayves Member Posts: 14

    Way too over powered. Not fair that he can break a pallet and hit you at the same time. Literally no way to escape him in a chase. Starting to feel very overly killer favoured. Getting tired of these killers who don't even have weaknesses to work against.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359
    edited June 2021

    Anyone notices he's slower around corners? Unless you are walking almost straight forward he loses more speed than any of the other killers I use.

    I'd suggest also that infected survivors are easily tracked by the zombies, like they would move slightly faster and detect earlier against an infected survivor. Would make his power less pointless I think.

    I haven't broken a pallet AND hit a survivor yet, it's always been the survivor gets hit, then I have to break the pallet, gotta watch for that.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383

    He's alright. Very weak early game due to needing to tier up, but even at max he's not significantly oppressive. Vaccines are rreally annoying to deal with if survivors rush them early on, because it's much harder to snowball when survivors have to be hit an extra time.

    His addons range from okay (-1 vaccine, increased mutation rate) to useless (expose when survivors use vaccine, increased supply box opening time)

    If it wasn't for the zombies, I would see absolutely no reason to play him.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    He can't hit more than one survivor/object at a time, meaning he either breaks the pallet or he hits you, not both. Stunning him with the pallet cancels his attack. He has a range of 5-6m, so if you're relatively close and he lifts his arm, start juking, it's very difficult for most people to hit. He can't hit window vaults if he's at an angle. Duck below objects to avoid getting hit. His cooldown is punishing if he misses, use the delay to gain distance. He can't zone for free and slows himself the moment he begins to ready his power, so keep that in mind. Don't throw pallets unless you have to or unless you think you'll get the stun, just like Huntress and PH.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    I have played against him more then I have played him. So far my verdict is 'he is okay'. Not super strong and his power his meh.

    The best things about Nemesis is his appearance, chase music, and the zombies. I just like the zombies because I think they are neat. From a game play perspective they are garbage hahaha. They either need to make the zombies faster and more of a threat, or they need to spawn like 5 more on outdoor maps... indoor 2-3 would be fine. Outdoors they are useless.

    Playing as Nemesis feels bad. That 3 hits to infect/ down is clunky. Plague does the whole infection thing much better. At least she can contaminate with objects as well.

    His perk Eruption needs a buff. Only a 6% regression for kicking gens and downing a survivor in time before they are completed, plus a 30 second cool down, is bananas. Either remove the cool down, or make it a 10% regression. The chances of kicking 2+ gens and downing someone in time before they are finished is low. I look at the perk and Pop, Ruin, Surge... they are all much better choices. Something needs to be done to Erupt to make it stand out more.

  • RobynxGrayves
    RobynxGrayves Member Posts: 14

    He's literally downing people and breaking pallets at the same time lol. Just had back to back matches with him and that's what's been happening. So don't get into chases with him, I just hide. Alot. The matches last really long because everyone else is doing the same thing there's really no getting around him once he's on you.

  • RobynxGrayves
    RobynxGrayves Member Posts: 14

    Whats his op power? Cuz the matches I've had, they use his tenticle alot or punching.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    No, it hasn't, you really are mistaken or just exaggerating. I played him for 4 hours yesterday, I had plenty of moments where that could have potentially happened, and it never did. Perhaps you are confusing a pallet breaking with the current bug that makes pallets visually dissapear from certain angles.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    He's fun.

    and if you loop a survivor near a zombie (which in my experience, happens quite often), it's hilarious. and can lead to some nasty double hits.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    He's either bugged or just so big that he's getting stuck on objects that other Killers wouldn't. I got stuck at a couple of places on Family Residence that I normally wouldn't.

  • Onykron
    Onykron Member Posts: 62

    I bet he has a bigger collition box, looping around short loops feels like playing huntress, you just never catch up, odd on a 115 killer.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    I noticed this as well. In the past I haven't run tiles correctly but am now a rank 1 killer normally (except during reset like now) and noticed I couldn't really catch up yesterday.

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    For killers in general, I think he's good. He could, however, use some tweaks, like looking into making the hindered effect on contamination last for the full 2 seconds of the sprint burst so he isn't limited to animation locks just so survivors don't go across the map and make potentially 8 chases a 40 second minimum. The other thing that needs tweaking is simply zombie AI so that we don't have this ridiculous situation where they get stuck and do literally nothing.

    Other than that, there's really nothing wrong with his power.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    I will say zombie rng attack's is not what I like about them. What I like is that zombies act as an additional reconnaissance tool. It reminds me of old freddy but with a bit more reading whether a zombies movement is random or directed at a survivor. I do think nemsis has a rough early game with 3 hits to down so in many circumstances I try to get a down asap just to put some pressure on. His anti loop tentacle tech is very balanced and whilst tricky at times overall is quite satisfying to land. Attention should be on improving the feedback on how exactly the tentacle strike hits as it is rather unclear what it can and can't hit over. I need to test indoor maps but long term focusing on making zombies more geared around map information and less on lethality would be sensible to me at least during chases.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Think of Plague but without contaminating other survivors while infected and zombies.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2021

    He definitely does and Survivors are already figuring it out. I had a match where I was getting pallet stunned earlier than normal. The next match everything was back to normal.

    Not sure why he would need one considering he’s not super wide. He’s just really tall and muscular.

  • RobynxGrayves
    RobynxGrayves Member Posts: 14

    Me a d a group of friends had a discussion about it, and they experienced that too. Also discussed it over FB and multiple people said they experienced it with him as well, and to perk up for running with him because pallets are absolutely a no go, it's a death sentence. Also, is it normal for him to have a really far reach with his tenticle? Cuz he's hitting people really far away.