Whats with the DeadHard nerf threads?



  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521
    edited May 2021

    You're telling me bbq is skill based perk? Basically just hook surv and bam free bp and revealed locations which are op with combo of pop goes weesel also there's tinkerer with ruin... Corrupt that gives you 2 mins of almost free chasing etc etc but y'all jump on troats for dead hard which is 80% time non useable except for distance in very certain situations both sides have powerful perks both sides have useless perks but somehow all over forums it's survivor perks nerf threads I'm sorry but one of the devs already replied to one of those who asked nerf that there's nothing wrong with perk and he's right maybe everyone just needs to play the game without constant asking for nerfs

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    Its not undeserved- DH requires precision patience and time. And there are ways to counter DH by faking your hits and getting real close to them. If DH gets nerfed survivors basically cant have any good perks. How would you feel if they nerfed NOED or Ruin.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    Noed the survivors can literally disable before the endgame. And ruin...the perk that lasts like 12 seconds? Idk how they compare.

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    It realy does not need a rework. You act like theres no way to counter DH. Just bait it out like a rank 1 killer. This is why we have stupid patches for no utter reason because people like you who are killer mains dont want benefits to survivors but only want benefits to killers.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    Oh but thats 2 perks compared to dead hard thats one....hmmm...

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    I'm speaking as a killer as well. It takes no skill to use DH.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502
    edited May 2021

    Pop is earned because ya gotta hook a survivor and kick a gen. Nurses the tr warns them anyway unless your a stealth killer and even then just heal on a pallet or a hard to sneak up location. Whats dead hard do to be earned? Ya get hit? I mean i wouldn't say thats really earning. And for distance theres no real counterplay because they can just E to a safe pallet or window. Dead hards in the open ya can bait but for distance no. Exhaustion perks are debatably the best perks in the game on the survivor side.(Dead hards second to sprint burst to second best imo)

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    Press E to win.

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    "Whats dead hard do to be earned?" Whats earned is your precision and patience/timing to deadhard to the perfect place to evade the killer. If you make a wrong move it'll cost dearly. Plus, your already paying a price to activate it; getting weaker by being injured.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    I know that you can bait out Dead Hard. Except in the situation I'm mainly talking about, there is literally zero counterplay. They just press E to the pallet/window and get to waste a bunch of time.

    I am saying that in dead zones, it's too easy to bait out and too easy to counter. In loops, it's too strong. It needs a full overhaul because of its bipolar effectiveness.

    I'm not even really a Killer main. I primarily play Survivor, and refuse to use the perk due to how stupid I find it.

    I don't just want Survivors to get nerfed. I think that the guaranteed obsession in every trial was a wonderful recent change that made the game more balanced. It helped to ameliorate tunneling, it helps solo queue be more coordinated, etc.

    In fact, I think that there's still quite a few changes for Killers that need to be made in the Survivor's favor. I think Nurse could overall use an entire rework and Spirit at this point requires a nerf (don't even care if they gut her to be perfectly honest, just sick of going against her). But really, no Killer perk needs addressing except for ones that could use major buffs.

    Mostly, I think buffs to the bad stuff are what need to be done, rather than nerfing the good stuff and leaving all the bad stuff alone.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502
    edited May 2021

    Ah yes my amazing skill to run straight so i can e to a pallet is so amazing i should make a montage. Its like making a montage of freddy putting snares down vs a flickbilly.

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    "They just press E to the pallet/window and get to waste a bunch of time." mindgame.

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    All I'm saying is DH doesnt need a nerf. If it was exhaustion wise then Im fine with it but if it interferes with how the perk works in all then thats just plain stupid.

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    im just gonna reply because if i dont your just gonna show your friends and laugh how you unexpectedly "shut me up". so you didnt shut me up. im still replying

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    1. its super annoying
    2. its uncounterable (and before someone says it: please do explain how exactly you picture me to just "bait out" the DH for distance)
    3. its entirely for free

    the perk basically just boils down to "press E to gain a free healthstate" or "press E to outplay your oponent", which, simply put, should either not be a thing in the first place or come with some serious downside to it.

    imagine the Killer having a button that immediately outplays the Survivor uppon activation and allows you to hit them, something that is entirely and only dependend on human error to ever not work out. oh right... Nurse exists. would you enjoy only facing Nurse, especially when she is good and can negate that whole "human error" downside? obviously you wouldnt, because there is no counterplay to what she does. Its a similar case with Dead Hard. it doesnt matter what kind of input you make as a Killer, a single button press negates it all.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    well, imagine a surv touching a gen and it get done 25% after a hook. Or imagine a survivor after all gens are done moving 4% faster and you need 3 hits to put him in dying state

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Because it's a free heath state that rewards you for making mistakes.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    for your reverse PGTW:

    Survivors have a multitude of Perks, Items and Add Ons that help them getting gens done faster, Killers got a variety of Perks to slow that down, there is nothing wrong with that. in addition, you're really just describing a Brand New Part here.

    and your reverse NOED also already exists. its called Adrenaline (which is the Perk NOED was designed to counter) and (to an extend) Hope.

    in addition to that, both the mentioned perks have a clear activation requirement to them.

    PGTW requires the Killer to succesfully hook Survivors, so it rewards good gameplay.

    NOED requires the Survivors to not cleanse all Dull Totems, so it punishes bad gameplay on their side.

    DH has no such requirement. the Exhaustion mechanic for this Perk is literally only in place so the Survivor cant use it multiple times in one chase and being injured is something that is going to happen every chase you have (unless you let yourself get oneshot, then you'll only have the Perk from chase two onwards) and doesnt require you to go out of your way at all to achieve (it actually activates as a safety net when the Survivor failed to do their job). In addition, the Survivor is able to freely activate the Perk at will, something that too isnt the case for both of the previously mentioned Killer Perks (PGTW has a time restriction on it and NOED only lives for as long as Survivors let it live + only activates in endgame).

    again, the only thing that comes close to Dead Hard on the Killer side of things is Nurse. you press a button and immediately "outplay" your oponent. That not only feels super cheap, frustrating and makes the other side feel powerless, its also not healthy for the game.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    it's imo the strongest survivor perk but it's a bit like playing Nurse or something like that, it's an "expert" perk, you need to practice it for some time to make it work reliably. Timing is huge factor and also your movement. DH into some corner or wall instead of to/behind the pallet or to the window (in a way that you can fast vault) is a thing for many survivors. Furthermore, people need to stop assuming that it does something in a deadzone - it gives you 3 seconds there and everyone knows that

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    There are threads like this for everything. Some say "nerf this killer" or "nerf this perk", this shouldn't surprise anyone.

    But for the record f dead hard, it does need a rework.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Those are all powerful perks bbq has counter 50% just like dh has 50% of counter it doesn't work always both of these survs can't know u have bbq until they figured it out on their own and if it's solo team well good luck with that lol also combos like tinkerer ruin or pop or bbq are powerful dh really isn't a problem ppl just want to find something to complain

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82

    Bbq is a very good perk even for survivors. It encourages the killer to go for hooks and then to leave the hook (if he sees a aura he knows where he can go to start a new chase).

    If bbq for killer and kindred for survivor became basekit, i think it would be a more enjoyable game for both sides.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    No definitely not both complains but this person asked what's happening with those threads directly on forums I just gave them response it's no lie this forum is killer based forum and that's why they keep seeing so many of threads like that one I didn't mean it to sound like typically surv good/bad killer good/bad thing lol

  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408

    Because entitled killer mains can’t take the hint to chase someone else when you use dead hard.

  • jokere98
    jokere98 Member Posts: 577
  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    Easy. Dead hard is league's and above better than any other exhaustion perk. I don't think it should be nerfed though. If anything I'd like to see stuff like balanced landing, sprint burst, and lithe buffed to be comparable options.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    Sprint is better than dead hard why people cry about DH ?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    Because it has i-frames, which shouldn't exist in this game.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I still do to myself, I find it annoying that I plunged a giant hook through your sternum, while making you broken, then for you to just get off and be perfectly fine. I find it extremely annoying, but not enough to warrant a nerf. It's more like:

    "Great. Another mosquito."

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495
    edited May 2021

    I watched a man managed to save a pallet by looping it around 6 - 7 times, the killer was a blood lost 3, the guy deadhard through the pallet, gave it one more safety loop, then dropped the pallet to repeat the process. Why it's annoying is because it allows to survivor to have a "third health state." When played... right? I guess? You can pretty much out live most other people, sprint burst can be annoying, but you just got distance, where you're going is up to how the killer decides on how they want to engage if that makes sense. But deadhard is a free "oops, I messed up" perk where you can try again. Nothing special to activate it. Nothing specific. It's just a free redo, you just gotta slightly practice with it.. I guess. I've even seen people sharply turn a corner with it. It's definitely a strong free redo perk

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    On click demand is easier than having to either manage your exhaustion or not run until needed.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well perks like sb give me the hint right at the beginning of the chase and not during it on demand close to a pallet or window.

    When I see a sprint burst I will instantly abort that chase since I managed to waste the perk. Dead hard comes when a killer already invested the time for getting close to a hit or even additionally the first hit. When a survivor manages to dodge a hit with it it is respectable but when they use it 4-5 meter ahead of you to make it to a vault their was nothing the killer could have done.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    I would love it if you could give me an example of such a mind game for advice to improve against dh.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    It's obviously because one of the easiest to bait perks in the game is too OP.