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Nemesis tier 3

Resavalac Member Posts: 15

I think that i know how to make tier 3 more rewarding.

What if Nemesis (when his tier 3) would be able to infect hooked survivors, thats a small change and it would make it tier 3 much more rewarding. It wouldn't make the game unbalanced it would just make it a bit more fun to play Nemesis.

If you disagree or if you have any other suggestions i would be happy to hear them.


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Its may be a great idea.

    Survivors either not using Vac to slow down his powerup. But once he's powerup. Vac is useless.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I think the range is kind of ok. I know its only a 1 meter increase but the normal range is deceptively long anyway. It hits farther than the blue line shows.

    I think a quicker cooldown or something on missed hits would be better. Very few survivors are using Vaccines anyway, and most are using it on death hook when Nemesis is already tier 3. Not to mention with Marvins blood it only takes 4 hits to get to level 3.

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    My idea was to let him hit Generators at Tier 3 to make them regress

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Tier l:

    • 5 Meter Range

    Tier ll:

    • 5 Meter Range
    • Break Pallets / Walls
    • Zombies movement speed and detection are slightly improved

    Tier lll:

    • 5 Meter Range
    • Break Pallets / Walls
    • Infects and Damages Survivors Simultaneously
    • Zombies movement speed and detection are moderately improved, they also infect and damage survivors simultaneously

    To balance everything out, if needed, we could increase how much mutation is required to tier up.

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    Tier 3 should infect and damage in one shot

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,044

    I'd like it if when you're in tier 3, using Tentacle Strike on a zombie doesn't kill it, instead infecting it with a parasite, turning it into an NE-A zombie.

    Said zombies would move faster, have a better detection range, and would grab onto healthy survivors instead of attacking. Or whatever other buffs you like. When grabbed, the survivor gets contaminated and takes a health state of damage, and if already contaminated, gets instantly downed. However, they can still be destroyed same as any other zombie, and the respawned zombie will not retain the parasite.