Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

SWF over comms should be bannable.



  • Demogorgeouse
    Demogorgeouse Member Posts: 361

    Thingis bhvr clearly encourages it conskdering the fact that theres a swf comms section on the discord

  • Demogorgeouse
    Demogorgeouse Member Posts: 361
  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    The only times I don't like SWF is if they all split up on gens and try and end the match in minutes.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited May 2021

    You basically have to play with a swf & voice comm if you care about your own mental health - at least in red ranks against all the sweaty rank 1-3 killers with meta perks and purple add ons. I realized that after playing 10 hours of survivor in the last 3 days, playing alone and together with 1-3 people. The difference is huge.

    And no, i'm not a survivor main. I play mostly killer and yes, i get trashed by teams or by RNG sometimes. But to me it seems, as long as i play sweaty (not "fair") and with good perks and add ons (and not on Haddonfield etc.,), i will win against your usual red rank solo team. I'm not saying "killer OP!" because it definitely isn't like that, but solo needs a small buff - or you nerf swf's and balance the game around solo's.

    Don't get me wrong, the buffs for killers and the nerfs for some survivor sided elements (perks like OoO, DS and some map reworks) were justified. But it once again revealed the huge discrepancy between solo and swf. I know one guy who put hundreds of hours into killer gameplay, so that he can keep up in red ranks, and now he says that his usual matches have become so easy he rather plays survivor, where his win rate is much lower.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    bodyblocking is not even the main issue. Even solo players can body block, there is a reason the UI shows you the health states of the other survivors, so you know who to help out on your team

    The worst part of SWF comms is the fact you completely lose the element of surprise, and survivors can be extremely aggressive/efficient on gens as they know where the Killer is at all times

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    Arguably yes, depends on how far you want to go. Since DbD is nowhere near being a real competitive game I don't mind that too much but there certainly are games with tournaments with very strict rules. Take fighting games as an example. Games are locked at 60fps and there are very strict criteria which the controller/gamepad/fighting stick you use has to fulfill in order to be able to participate. For example - you're not allowed to use controllers with a turbo mode. If you're using a modified controller (you either built it yourself or you altered the layout/function/whatever of a retail controller) you'll have to provide your controller for further inspection.

    Not too sure what you're on about though tbh. Do you want to justify using comms by the existence of other "workarounds".

    Again - I'm not saying "ban comms lul". I'm mainly playing killer but I also do enjoy to play SWF with comms from time to time with my friends. I'm just honest about it with myself and accept that the very fact of using comms will most likely have a rather big positive impact on my matches most of the time.

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    The devs actively encourage to grow their own player base. If comms had a negative impact on it then they wouldn't encourage it. They're a company and naturally, they want to increase their profit.

    I agree with everything else you've said though. Comms have the ability to vastly improve your performance but they also have the ability to vastly decrease your performance if someone is goofing around and you can't hear the killer for example. Or if it makes you play too obviously altruistic. So bottom line is that it probably evens out in the end. If used properly and efficiently then comms hold an undeniably huge power.

    That being said and as you've said - it's not close to being the biggest problem DbD has and yes the gap between solo and SWF is too big and creates a balance issue both sides have to suffer from.

    One possible solution would be to add a chat and maybe even a voice chat in the game and then re-balance DbD around the very fact that communication is available and an intended part of the game.

    Sure, one could argue that it's intended because there's an official discord but I think that's taking it too far. If it really was intended then there would be a chat available in game. It's not that hard to implement that and it also exists post game, so that's not an argument imo.

  • kassamell
    kassamell Member Posts: 101


  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    This is the most sensible and probably best solution we could have, yes.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    i agree 100%. people shouldnt be able to talk to their friends, its too overpowered

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    Actually, I think BHVR just needs to offer in game comms. It's time to put everyone on the same level of play. If that ends up meaning that Killers need a little buff here and there, so be it.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,750

    My point was comms could be viewed as "cheating" kinda like the other methods I listed, depending on your pov.

    I wasn't trying to justify using comms, but they are a thing and aren't going anywhere, and potentially alter the balance greatly depending on how well they are used.

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    Alright, I wasn't exactly sure how to interpret your comment.

    So we more or less agree on comms then I guess.

    I don't even want comms to go anywhere. I think SWF and comms is one of the main things that make this game grow because people love to play with their friends.

    The best solution is what you've already suggested - give solos a way to coordinate on the same level as SWFs can and re-balance killers /maps around that.