Are swing animations just cosmetic?

If possible, I'd like some clarification on how hits are registered.
I've seen a lot survivors complain about hits when they're behind a killer or when it otherwise doesn't really look like the swing itself landed, I'm not necessarily on about range.
As far as I understand it, when a killer presses the attack button, an invisible cone appears in front of them. Regardless of the animation for the swing, the cone is what determines whether or not the hit registers. If a survivor's hitbox makes contact with this cone at any point while this cone is active, it will register a hit and THEN trigger the animation. If it's a lunge, the animation plays at the end of the lunge, but the cone lingers juuuust a bit longer than the follow through of the swing, so the same rule applies.
This is what I mean when I say the animation itself is just cosmetic. The cone is all that matters, so if a killer spins around very fast, the cone could still make contact with a survivor's hitbox while it's active, so the hit is registered, but from the survivor's perspective it will look like the killer "wasn't even looking at them" when they got hit.
As far as I know this is how it works, but I'd really like clarification if possible.
Long story short, yes. They are just cosmetic.
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A few things I'd like to note. Keep in mind that this is mostly speculative, but based on my understanding of the game:
If a survivor's hitbox makes contact with this cone at any point while this cone is active, it will register a hit and THEN trigger the animation.
If the cone has more than one target, it will prioritize one target over all others, depending on multiple variables like distance, where the killer was "aiming", and so on. So it is possible that a survivor's hitbox will be inside the cone, yet the survivor will remain unscathed.
If it's a lunge, the animation plays at the end of the lunge, but the cone lingers juuuust a bit longer than the follow through of the swing, so the same rule applies.
The game doesn't actually distinguish between quick attacks and lunges. It's all the same animation, but one lasts longer than the other (depending on how long you hold M1) and has a formula applied to it to determine how long the recovery period is going to be, based on how long the animation itself was. The killer's movement speed is also adjusted to give them all the same reach.
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"The game doesn't actually distinguish between quick attacks and lunges. It's all the same animation, but one lasts longer than the other (depending on how long you hold M1) and has a formula applied to it to determine how long the recovery period is going to be, based on how long the animation itself was. The killer's movement speed is also adjusted to give them all the same reach."
Yeah I agree that this seems to be the case. I guess what I was trying to do is explain why sometimes it looks like the swing ends, but then a survivor can still get hit for a split second. It's the same reason: Regardless of the animation, the cone is still active.