Do you think they will buff or nerf nemesis

He is a pretty good killer but tier 3 is pointless
other than that he is a solid killer. Plus his zombies will get even better since there AI was bugged and didn’t go to gens noises, gen notifications,grunts of pain and even things like red herring and diversion which should be cool
I think he's in a good state, some minor changes would be nice, but he's... a functioning killer on the ptb... although the fact that, that's praise at this point i do think needs some changes.
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he's weak in my book, and the zombies need a boost in wide open maps
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He need some help with his tier 3 but otherwise he not that bad and maybe some addon rework because right now they are nit that usefull
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Hopefully buff but probably nerf.
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He needs some buffs.
- Zombies have to be 3 because most maps are big and 2 zombie is not effective
- If zombie infect survivor, Nemesis has to get tier power. Because survivors can abuse it, they can get infect by any zombie and then Nemesis will stay in Tier 1 forever. Good survivors will do that and Nemesis will stay powerless. Or he will get power so slowly with destroying zombies.
- Tier 2 good, so Tier 2 does not need any change.
- Tier 3 is clearly useless. You can not get Tier 3 easyly. So i think there would be more power. %50 more speed vaulting windows. Zombies are little faster. And tentacle range +2m.
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They should give him a second mori when he's in Tier 3, and if a survivor is infected on the final hook he, should be able to do a skull crush with one hand ,but not so graphically but like a crunch to signify it.
Or they could make it like a beacon if you're hit with Tier 3 it could alert the zombies to you're location . From my understanding it doesn't take away a health state if you're not infected even in Tier 3? Not sure tho
Or in Tier 3 he could turn the zombies into the the Ne-a parasite minions just for visual effects and add a little more scare factor
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Slightly Buff his tentacles and Slightly nerf the Zombies. Increase range on tentacles and slightly reduce movement speed of the zombies.
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why do you think the zombies need a nerf
the reason they got so many downs in the ptb is that mostly everyone was playing on the new indoor map
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Hopefully they'll buff nemesis (getting mutation from hitting infected survivors, slightly better t3) but slightly nerf the zombies so you don't have to use precious resources to get rid of them.
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hes fine for the most part, but i think he should get his power if survivors are infected by a zombie
as it stands, hes sort of like Plague- survivors have full control of your power, which will make his power virtually useless if they all get infected instantly
also, i hope they fix his tentacle. ive seen so many videos where Nemesis cant get a hit over a rock but can hit through a tiny hole in the ground
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He seemed to struggle even when survivors didn't take the match seriously because it was the ptb. So hopefully he gets a buff. Mostly his tier 3 range, or quicker recovery while in tier 3.
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I think he has a good base kit, but they really need to rework some of hes add-ons. One of the Pink ones are pretty much useless in my opinion.
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He is perfectly balanced, but the IA might box you on closed maps, thats might be a problem that they have to fix.
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And his IA is futile on open maps
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He needs some serious buffs, he is absolutley terrible Killer on any non-indoor map. Essentially just a significantly worse version of P.Head on large maps.
Knowing BHVR though, he's probably going to get nerfed instead though.
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Don't care how they do it I just want more zombies, wouldn't care if they were just for show
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As of now he seems like a B tier killer to me, that could change if they buff the zombies a bit, increase the infection rate because it's insanely slow without add-ons, and make tier 3 something worth it. Maybe breaking pallets a bit faster and increasing the range more because tentacle range only increases by 1 meter from tier two to tier 3. He has decent zoning potential so if he could break pallets faster kinda like demo he can be alright at catching up to survivors.
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Slight adjustments to the zombies in both buffs and nerfs. And I think his power will get buffed as tier 3 is borderline meaningless and it takes too long to level up if the survivors play smart.