I'm against the Rainbow charm


While being able to flair a rainbow charm promotes diversity for members of the LGBTQ, I think it's only going to cause toxic players to go out their way to ruin the game for anyone sporting the charm. Therefore, I think it should not be added to the game. Thank you. 😊


  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    Not against the charm completely against ppl getting bans over it

  • Salty_Huntress
    Salty_Huntress Member Posts: 151

    I don’t want people to get banned over the charm because they killed someone with it. What I specifically meant were those who go out of their way to harass which op used as a point but that in of itself is very rare.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032
    edited June 2021

    (I didn't think I'd get to write a follow up but yes! So while dosed on sleeping meds I present old timey war letter part 2!)

    My dearest Eliza,

    I hope this letter finds you in good health. It is now day six since the battle for Pride Hill began. I have seen more than my fair share of needless bloodshed and death since our last correspondence. My troop has been stuck at the top of this hill for two days now. I fear we may be stuck for four more.

    Some of us have taken to prayer. You know me dear Eliza, you know that I am not a God fearing man but even I have found myself saying a quick prayer of protection. Lord knows we could use a bit more than dirt and stonewalls to stop these bullets that rain down on us.

    Word has come down from the brass that we are to defend this hill with our very lives. Reinforcements are coming but I fear they may come too late.

    The enemy is ruthless and without a soul. They send in suicide troops to sprint up the hill hoping to break past our defensive lines. Sarge has taken to calling them 'megheads'. I don't know what that is but it fits. That's not the worst of it though. There are others we fear and must watch out for, there are enemies we have taken to calling the stalkers. I saw one rip poor Leonard's arm off from the stem. During nightwatch I swear I still hear that monsters labored breathing.

    I am scarce to admit my dearest Eliza that I am afraid. Though I do not fear for myself, but instead fear for all of you back home should we lose this hill. Should we lose this war. It's not my life at stake but the lives and liberty of all those that dare raise the rainbow flag. Those that refuse to be machine men with machine minds and machine hearts. I fear for the feeble, the weak, the strong, and the resilient. For this is a fight that they should not have to fight dear Eliza.

    So we stand strong. We hold this hill till the rainbow shines through this foggy battlefield.


    Ryan Brenton Nathenial IV

    628th infantry troop

    Operation Into The Rainbow

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    They’re gonna be toxic anyway, whichever way it goes. To them, the charm is just another way for them to blame their actions upon.

    Don’t let them dictate what you can and can’t do. They don’t deserve that kind of power over anyone.

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