Killer Tierlist

Can you do a killers Tierlist including Nemesis?


  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    Twins huntress and slinger A tier? And wraith C tier? Crack cocaine is a really strong drug i guess

  • TheBus4K
    TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

    Blight Tier S? Twins Tier A? Wraith Tier C? Myers Tier D?

    Uhm... I imagine that everyone has their opinion, but this is...

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    What's wrong with Twins and Huntress?

    Aaaaaaanyway, here's my list

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    blight and twins are incredibly strong killers that ca snow ball-like,madmen

    wraith is now much better with his buff I would probably put him in b tier tbh

    and myer although he has snowball his early game is terrible and probably has one of the worst map mobility in the game

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    id probably put Nemesis between doctor and twins, but it solely depends whether or not they change how he gets no power charge if a survivor gets infected by a zombie

    if they dont and people do that a lot, id put him before Myers in C tier

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    Current Nemesis would probably be either B or C

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Nemesis could be high B I’d say

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98
    • Nemesis between Demo and Doctor
    • Strength Varies from left to right

    All my opinion of course. I Could also consider moving Spirit and Nurse into their own S+ tier then moving Hag and Twins up to S.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Why'd you put Blight so low in A? He is leaps and bounds ahead of the other A tiers, except maybe Hag. He has strong mobility, both in chase and outside of chase. In-chase mobility is extremely powerful as it allows you to negate survivors simply holding W and can allow you to get hits other killers could only dream of. Out of chase mobility is obviously good because it simply means that he can get from point A to point B very quickly. On top of that, his power recharge is quite short (2 seconds per rush used, so 10 seconds if you use all 5). With this, you can use his power rather liberally for in and out of chase mobility. Furthermore, his power is quite strong for anti-loop and he shreds through pallets thanks to his ability to break pallets with his lethal rush.

    Now, let's compare the tools that the other killers in A have to Blight's.

    Hag: Very slow due to being a 110 killer, but she has very strong area denial with her traps and can down people in seconds if they step into her web of traps. She can effortlessly stomp Solos as defeating a good Hag requires a level of coordination that isn't really possible with randoms. I don't necessarily agree with her being put ahead of Blight but I understand the logic behind doing so.

    Pyramid Head: Has very strong anti-loop if his power is used to force Survivors into lose-lose situations. His power is too telegraphed to be used properly against decent players but can be very powerful against inexperienced Survivors. PH is also an excellent tunneller but that is less relevant now after the DS nerf. He can save time by caging instead of hooking which can be used to snowball quite effectively. Overall, he is a strong chase killer but he lacks any mobility which leaves him vulnerable to Survivors holding W, especially on large maps with lots of line of sight. As well as this, his add-ons are extremely lackluster and his power is too telegraphed to be fully effective against strong Survivors. I heavily disagree with him being placed ahead of Blight but I do agree that he still belongs in A.

    Oni: His power is essentially a better version of Blight's power but there's a very simple reason why he isn't ahead of Blight in my opinion. Blight can use his power essentially whenever he wants, Oni can only use it whenever he collects enough blood orbs. Furthermore, Blight can immediately pressure the map with his mobility whereas Oni is, quite literally, a powerless M1 killer until he gets the first hit. Against the average solo que team, that may not be an issue. However, a strong team can make even a good Oni's game a miserable experience by pre-dropping every pallet at the start to delay him getting the first hit. Overall his power, when available, is tremendously powerful in the right hands. The issue is that strong teams will make it very difficult for the Oni to get the first hit. I most definitely do not agree with Oni being placed ahead of Blight and, while this may be controversial, I think Oni should be in B.

    Huntress: Very slow as 110, Huntress lacks any mobility which can really hurt on big maps. Exceptionally good Huntresses can hit cross map hatchets which does make up for her lack of mobility somewhat. However, like many other killers, blocking line of sight and holding W really hurts her. She can get arguably, the fastest downs in the game if she chains a hatchet into an M1. This typically only happens against an out of position Survivor. Survivors can also make it very difficult for the Huntress to hit her hatchets if they properly utilize the objects in their environment. Another point of note is that she has a 40 meter lullaby which can sometimes mean that clever Survivors will become stealthy when they hear the lullaby. As such, information perks are a necessity which is a mark against her in my book. Overall, she suffers from the same issues as Pyramid Head and Oni. Exceptional chase power but really suffers due to a lack of mobility which enables survivors to hold w and waste lots of time. I agree that she deserves a spot in A but she cannot compare to Blight in my view.

    Now, last and most certainly least, is the Plague: I personally feel that she is a very overrated killer. Her power is unique in that it has some built in anti-stealth on infected Survivors which is most definitely a plus. Being able to force the Survivors to become broken is definitely quite powerful. However, there are some major issues. Firstly, survivors who are comfortable being injured, will never cleanse until the very end. Her corrupt purge is immensely powerful but you lose it if stunned which smart Survivors will absolutely abuse to the fullest. Like Huntress or Deathslinger, she can hit over objects but blocking line of sight hurts her. As such, whilst difficult, Plague with corrupt purge is definitely loopable by a good Survivor. She has some very powerful add-ons but even then, she is definitely not as big a threat as any of these other killers in A. Even if you use both apple add-ons, you still aren't guaranteed to have the corrupted fountains in convenient places. Yet again, she lacks any form of mobility and as such, holding W is a possibility. Although, Corrupt purge can shut that down to an extent. Overall however, she has decent anti-stealth and powerful anti-loop but that anti-loop is on a timer. Without corrupt purge, she is essentially an M1 killer which can force people to remain injured. If we've learnt anything from Legion, it's that forcing survivors to remain injured, isn't necessarily the key to victory. I personally think that she belongs in B.

    In summary, I wasted thirty minutes on this and I have no idea why. Have a nice day.


    A random Blight main.

  • BigBall
    BigBall Member Posts: 129
    edited June 2021

    meh this is mine

    nemesis above spirit of course

  • stock
    stock Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2021

    I would put nemesis in the C tier in the last place behind Demo, he takes way to long to tier up his power and unless it's a indoor map zombies are pretty much useless.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Would probably put Nemesis behind GF.

  • Dodgingbears
    Dodgingbears Member Posts: 252

    everyone is entitled to their opinion but if played well demo is very oppressive I would bump him. Twins should be higher than pyramid head... so Id move him down... he has a high skill cap... if played optimally he can be A tier and so can wraith... who you have way too low since he has built in purple windstorms. doc and plague I would argue should go up as well. Having Blight and hag not on the same tier seems funny.... since at highest levels.... she is superior. The problem is hag takes a lot of map knowledge to play well and you have to know how to recover when a team knows how to counter. Solid list to each their own but Hag up for sure and pyramid lower... I think you underestimate demo, doc, and certainly wraith. Plague has a high ceiling for knowing how to play as well so perhaps that ranking makes sense.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Is it just me or do Oni and Myers need updated portrait pictures?