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What is your favorite Killer Weapon (or Variant)?

Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

There are a wide variety of killer weapons out there in the fog: Slashing instruments which cut, tear, and rend flesh, brutal blunt objects which bruise, bend, and break bone. What's your favorite?

Mostly thinking about your favorite weapon out of the default options for the Killer Roster, but feel free to mention any specific cosmetic weapons in the comments. Consider both aesthetic look, as well as animations.

If you selected an option with multiple killers, say which you like best in the comments

What is your favorite Killer Weapon (or Variant)? 33 votes

The Broad Axe (Huntress)
bowo 1 vote
The Hammers (Hillbilly, Leatherface)
xtr4me 1 vote
The Redeemer (Deathslinger)
kodiakyTrickstaaaaa 2 votes
The Claws (Hag, Demogorgon, Freddy)
GeneralVPlantCollectorQwQwHex_Ignored 4 votes
Profane Censer (Plague)
MooksIcewhisperGlamourousLeviathanMadLordJack 4 votes
The Knives!! (Myers, Clown, Legion, Ghostface, Pyramid Head)
Seiko300MrsGhostfacekinJarol 4 votes
The Bats (Doctor, Trickster, Blight)
FIEND8LOODEDKeezoAwkward_FiendFobboCheeseAntonZestyDistortedDreamLiterallyweezing 8 votes
The Swords (Spirit, Oni)
GannTM 1 vote
THE FIST (Nemesis) [Omni-Man levels of Violent Punching Power]
TapeKnotmusstang62Rattiusglitchboi 4 votes
Miscellaneous Cutting objects (Not enough poll options sry D: ) (Trapper, Wraith, Nurse, Pig, Twins)
AdelooSkeletalEliteMazoobiBeelzeboop 4 votes


  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    The Claws (Hag, Demogorgon, Freddy)


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015
    THE FIST (Nemesis) [Omni-Man levels of Violent Punching Power]

    I mean, come on, who needs weapons when you got da FIST OF STEEL.

    2nd best goes to bats.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,519
    The Claws (Hag, Demogorgon, Freddy)

    I was about to say it. Literally the best weapon.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306
    Miscellaneous Cutting objects (Not enough poll options sry D: ) (Trapper, Wraith, Nurse, Pig, Twins)

    My second choice.

    ... Right after Nurse's full bonesaw.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,564
    Miscellaneous Cutting objects (Not enough poll options sry D: ) (Trapper, Wraith, Nurse, Pig, Twins)

    Charlotte's weapon looks the coolest to me.

  • TapeKnot
    TapeKnot Member Posts: 248
    THE FIST (Nemesis) [Omni-Man levels of Violent Punching Power]

    Claws are cool and all, but being able to sucker-punch survivors is hilarious.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709
    Profane Censer (Plague)

    I like the uniqueness of Plagues weapon!

    all of the others are pretty much expected (and needed in this type of game), but the profane censer is something actually looking fresh and different.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981
    Profane Censer (Plague)

    Let's just say that I have never seen a censer being used as a weapon before and I found it very creative and fitting.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited June 2021
    Miscellaneous Cutting objects (Not enough poll options sry D: ) (Trapper, Wraith, Nurse, Pig, Twins)

    Spirit's sword is the coolest IMO.

    Especially because the way it appears when she uses it and phases back into her hand when she isn't. Even If I don't like the killer that much, I can't deny that I really like her weapon.

    I'm a dummy who chose the wrong option though. I accidently chose misc instead of swords. Really wish there was an option to change my vote.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2021
    The Knives!! (Myers, Clown, Legion, Ghostface, Pyramid Head)

    I never voted in my own poll because I wanted to let the bulk of people who were voting for first without my opinion swaying any first comers (also I didn't know who I'd be voting for anyway, and I've been thinking about it for the past day). I decided to go with The Knives.

    As far as horror goes, nothing is as classic, and iconic as the knife. They're beautifully simple in their design rather than extravagant or complicated, and are commonplace enough objects that you would realistically have access to them one way or another if you were to suddenly go mad on a murder spree. Comparatively speaking they aren't meant to be super imposing or intimidating weapons, they're practical and they're meant to get the job done, and that to me personally is what makes them frightening weapons.

    Of course Pyramid Head's Great Knife doesn't really fall into this category of anything I've mentioned so far, as it's function is the exact opposite, which is to be so large and heavy as to be imposing. So large and heavy in fact that Pyramid Head himself needs to drag it around behind him creating a very recognizable scraping sound as the metal grates across the ground or pulls through the dirt behind him, thus announcing his presence. Which is befitting of a character who is a nightmarish representation of guilt and desire for self-punishment for past actions which will always follow you until you accept yourself and your past.

    My favorite of the knives however, and what I'm actually voting for, is the Clown's butterfly knife. The flip knife Clown uses has a great design for a character that's made up of mixed and matched items. The metal veins which create a sort of leaflike shape and texture of the blade seem oddly out of place which is good since the Clown is a character made from different bits and pieces he's stolen as he roams from circus to circus picking what he wants (victims or "souvenirs") the most recognizable aspect of which is the ill fitting ringmaster outfit that he wears.

    I love that you can clearly see the skill and dexterity of the clown when he uses the knife, swapping from the afterpiece tonic to the knife he deftly flips it open quickly with a single hand as if he's done it a thousand times, and after slashing at a victim he flips it over and around, through his fingers showing off his familiarity, experience, and proficiency with a blade in the fluid motions. Directly contrasting the image of what appears to be on the surface a fat bumbling Clown who doesn't seem to be in the greatest health with his persisting cough and obese body weight- is actually deceptively athletic and capable, using both his knife and his weight to his advantage to overpower his victims on top of the anesthetic he uses to weaken them.

    I also really love that the Clown has actually named much of his collection of assorted knives and straight razors, affectionately calling them by monikers as if they were close friends or family like "Uncle Carvey, Ms. Gash, or Dr. Choppy". It also gives each individual knife a personality as well as a reputation, such that you can imagine The Clown (after taking someone hostage) "introducing" his victims to "members of his family" or "some close friends".

    The knives Clown practices his "hobby" with to create his collection are a great element of his character design, and are well used to paint a better more clear picture of who the character The Clown really is.

    "My Grade: is S"

    Personally, I always took the Censer as being analogous to a flail, the only difference is that it's a kind of incense burner that has some religious connotation to it (her being a Babylonian priestess and all) makes a lot of sense in conjunction with her backstory. Hell, Tooke- a monk type character in a medieval styled setting from Hood: Outlaws and Legends basically uses the same weapon.

    But you're right, it's less common, less traditional, and less expected than the other weapons present in DBD.