Killer Perk Suggestions for Anti-Gen Camping Gameplay.

Duplo Member Posts: 18
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

We currently only really have Dragon's Grip as Killers to prevent gen camping, and it's on a long cooldown with only a 30 second duration after kicking the gen.

I'd like to propose two perks for future Killers that can be added to dissuade gen camping from Survivors.

A Perk similar to Cheryl's Repressed Alliance: After the survivor is chased from the gen, that gen will be blocked by the Entity for XX seconds after the Killer's Terror Radius leaves the Generator (or just a standard 32 meters); it will then go on Cooldown.

A Perk to shortly show the Aura of a survivor who was chased from a generator if they return to that same generator for XX seconds within 30 seconds of ending a chase with the Killer. Nothing long, just a short "I'm All Ears" type duration, and an audio queue. It will then go on a short Cooldown. As an alternative, it could also behave like Discordance, where rather than showing the Survivor's Aura, it would have the Generator light up and give a single Audio queue.

I feel that these would be healthy game changers to DBD, and promote moving about the map rather than a campier play style.

Edit: There are multiple survivor perks to prevent killers from camping and tunneling, it's only fair that killers should also get some perks to prevent survivors from camping and tunneling the same gen back to back.

(In before Survivors disagree vehemently. 😅 )
