What is your favourite Menu Music?
Greetings survivors, killers, and both-siders of the Fog! I hope this poll finds you doing well.
If there is something we all agree with, is that DBD has a special talent when it comes to music. Most events and chapters are further proof of that, with their variations of Dead by Daylight's main theme.
And now I ask you: Which Menu Music is your favourite?
As for my own answer, I was initially in doubt between All Hallows' Eve and the Winter Theme. Both of them are very, very good, and there is no denying that. However, in the end I had to leave nostalgia aside and go for the All Hallow's Eve theme.
And, if you don't know which theme that is, I shall leave a link below.
Thank you for answering, and as always: see you in the Fog!
-Signed by GeneralV, your local Old Freddy main.
What is your favourite Menu Music? 72 votes
A Binding of Kin / All-Kill / Resident Evil
All-Kill is FIRE.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
I knew someone would go for All-Kill! I didn't really like it, but I can understand its appeal.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Honestly all three of them are really good, but I lean towards Doc's menu theme the most. You can probably guess why.
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Winter Theme / Curtain Call / Shattered Bloodline
I always loved the winter theme, it's so ominous and threatening...
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Yes, I can. Coincidentally, Freddy released during the All Hallows' Eve event, so it is one more reason for me to choose it.
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A Binding of Kin / All-Kill / Resident Evil
The recent ones have really shown the music team's talent, but I do miss the winter theme :(
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Same, my friend, same. It also has a nostalgic feeling to it for me, as I first started playing DBD during the last Winter Solstice event back in 2018.
But All Hallows' Eve has to take the crown for me. It is just so damn good!
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
And who doesn't, my friend? That was a very good theme. Scary, ominous... everything Dead by Daylight's soundtrack should be.
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Silent Hill / Descend Beyond / The Eternal Blight
I like so much the Silent Hill theme that I wish it was possible to play it on every killer.
Post edited by GlamourousLeviathan on1 -
Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
At this point, they should just let us choose the menu we want. There is no reason not to.
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Silent Hill / Descend Beyond / The Eternal Blight
Pyramid Head and Blight have excellent menu themes.
Pyramid Head's is a bit better, though.
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Winter Theme / Curtain Call / Shattered Bloodline
Don't know why, but clowns menu theme is pretty nice.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
I usually favour the older ones, but I can't say that I don't understand your choice here.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
It sure is! I like the "creepy circus" vibe.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
I actually really, really, really love all the halloween tracks created for Dead By Daylight.
The All Hallows Eve event of 2017 had a spectacularly chilling theme with those high pitched strings and piano notes, it was the perfect way to enter the main menu lobby and really set you in the halloween mood. The eerie green smoke which filled the fog contrasting the carved bright orange faces smiling to greet you- it was great all around.
Contrast that with the theme they created for the following year 2018 the year of The Hallowed Blight.
The change in music signaled the thematic changes made for the event this year, and a new addition to the story played out every single day starting on October 19th when a new journal entry was discovered each day and opened on sign in encouraging players to sign in the next day to follow the narrative. The music oozes mystery and intrigue, about the blight which seasonally infests the entity and the visceral cankers which spurt putrid nectar. Throughout the song the ticking of a clock can be heard softly in the background counting down the seconds until it was once again "All Hallows Eve".
I kid you not I listen to these instrumental tracks in October just by themselves outside of game just to feel extra Sp00ky when the red orange and brown leaves cover the ground and the wind howls by.
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Stranger Things / Cursed Legacy / Chains of Hate
Love Cursed Legacy's theme although All-Kill is a close second. Definitely have used both for background music at some point.
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Winter Theme / Curtain Call / Shattered Bloodline
For me, nothing beats the Clowns menu music. I love creepy circus and carnival music!
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Silent Hill / Descend Beyond / The Eternal Blight
The Silent Hill theme will probably always be my favorite.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Oh, looks like we have an expert here! Very, very well said, my friend. And I agree completely, Halloween tracks in DBD are some of the best out there, if not THE best. One of the countless reasons why I think All Hallow's Eve was the best was the fact that it made the game feel scary and eerie, the way it is supposed to be.
A masterpiece, if I do say so myself.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Very interesting choices! As I've stated above, I usually favour the older themes, but I definitely understand where you are coming from.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Same, fam. Same.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
And a very good theme it is! I clearly remember that it sent shivers down my spine when I first started playing. I would do anything to hear it in-game again.
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Scorching Summer BBQ Theme / Darkness among Us / Lunar Theme
Legion's theme is so goddamn catchy. I love it.
It would have been better if they didn't cut that one part from the PTB version.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
You and me both, my friend. I also started in December of 2018!
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Silent Hill / Descend Beyond / The Eternal Blight
Silent Hill for me
2nd favourite is Legion's menu theme, love it
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
You are right about the Legion's theme, my friends. It sure is catchy.
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A Binding of Kin / All-Kill / Resident Evil
Tricksters <3
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A Binding of Kin / All-Kill / Resident Evil
I love this one. Feels very intense and almost cinematic in a way. Especially at about 0:28.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
This is one is very good too, I will give you that!
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Always knew some people would go for All-Kill. It is not one of my favourites, but I certainly understand its appeal.
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Dead by Daylight Theme (default)
Personally I love the OG Music
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
I believe we all do :)
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
All Hallows' Eve, I love that version, it's in my playlist for music I have playing in the house in October, along with some other DbD songs thrown into the playlist
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
All Hallows' Eve is just perfect, isn't it? Wish I was here at the time to hear it in-game.
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Demise of the Faithful / Anniversary Theme / Ghostface Menu Theme
How does Plague’s theme have so little votes? It’s incredible
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Very underrated theme, I might add.
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Stranger Things / Cursed Legacy / Chains of Hate
I love these menu music, because they can kick up a beat.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Yes, they can! Especially Stranger Things.
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Silent Hill / Descend Beyond / The Eternal Blight
It's literally made by Silent Hill's soundtrack guy
what more could I ask for
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A Binding of Kin / All-Kill / Resident Evil
Descend Beyond, All-Kill, and Resident Evil are my favorite menu musics in the game, so I chose what I did cuz it has 2 of the 3 that I really love.
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Good choices! I usually favour the older themes, but some of the new ones are very good too.
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Dead by Daylight Theme (default)
I really like Resident Evil's but my favorite is Chucky's theme
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Hillbilly's Menu Music / Spark of Madness / All Hallows' Eve
Solid choices.
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Demise of the Faithful / Anniversary Theme / Ghostface Menu Theme
There's lots of great ones but the Anniversary one stands out to me because I started playing in the first twisted masquerade event in 2022, so it resonates with me specifically because it was the first one I heard. It's not even that impressive music wise, just memorable.