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Just looking for player's feelings on this

Member Posts: 130

1.) As a killer, why would you slug for a 4k less than 3 min into a match?

2.) As a survivor, what do you do when a killer does this?

Just had a SM Meyers do this in a match, 1 died on 2nd hook, the rest on first hook.

been seeing this behavior a lot in killers recently and wanted some insight.

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  • Member Posts: 1,448

    1) I mean i'm not strong enough to get the 3 survivors down at the same time, but if i was and it was like 3 min into the game i would just assume it's gg and want to move on to an other game, therefore slugging and search for the 4th survivor ^^


    2) I reactivate Groove Music (W10 music player) and listen to some good tunes while dancing on the ground

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    1) because the survivors somehow allamaged to show they were unpleasant people. Rare, but it happens once every few months.

    2) get annoyed.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    1 The only time I'll ever slug that early is if you did a last second key switch (so I'm trying to keep the hatch out of play but again, only for a last second switch. You gonna play those games with me, this is your prize). If they either had a key in the lobby the whole time or no key, I'm just gonna hook and let the chips fall where they fall whether it's 3 minutes in or 10 minutes in

    2 Roll my eyes and wait for the sweet release of Death. Not a whole lot else I can do...

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    Slugging for the 4k is just weak, but sometimes you do it because that survivor walking around really does not deserve to get out so its not so much about getting a 4k but more about punishing that survivor.

    Being slugged for the 4k is a pretty terrible experience, might as well tie me up and waste my time.


  • Member Posts: 15,095

    I'd assume that it's for the same reason survivors bring keys + hatch offering and gen rush.

  • Member Posts: 259
    1. I rarely slug for 4k, only if I managed to see that last survivor when downing second last, if not, then it's hook and hatch searching
    2. Try to pick survivor up couple of times and then just wait him/her to bleed out and go for gate (Wake Up is in my build).
  • Member Posts: 3,452

    1) to get my last bbq stack

    2) alt+tab, chrome,

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    1-) If it is the best play and will guarantee a victory, yes.

    2-) Get annoyed, but there isn't much I can do about it.

  • Member Posts: 248
    1. A killer would slug for the 4k because...they want the 4k and the situation allowed it. If the killer was able to slug for the 4k less than 3 minutes into a trial, chances are you or your team made a massive mistake that let him get away with the slug.
    2. As a survivor, try to split up from your team, stay healed, and do well in chases. That, or bring Unbreakable.
  • Member Posts: 341

    1) Either they got the gens done very very quickly (rare but have had it happen) or they were incredibly unpleasant ( also rare but again it has happened)

    2) I always run Bt, so I try to help I suppose. But lately I've been running No Mither, Sould Guard, and Unbreakable with BT. So if he slugs I got that

  • Member Posts: 1,169
    1. I won't do it unless Survivors clearly Pepega themselves into it or i can't reach a hook. I don't like slugging even if it's for a 4k, i'd rather find hatch first instead or let a survivor get hatch.
    2. Crawl away, if i know my team wasn't being Pepega then i'd crawl away to waste killer's time as much as possible. Crawl to a pallet to try instill doubt on killer if he should pick up or not.
  • Member Posts: 1,379

    I'll usually let the last survivor go if it gets to that, unless of course they did something dumb like hook farm a team-mate, leave em to die first hook, or was just being off. I'll be darned if I let them live after that and I'll generally give the hatch to the survivor I downed, though I also do that most of the time I leave a survivor slugged for more than a minute or two

    But yeah if it was an overwhelmingly unbalanced match the Myers was either being sweaty or just wanted to get out of the game and requeue into a better one which is fair

  • Member Posts: 942

    Survivor here, got to the point where I run a build purely in case the killer slugs

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    As a survivor I would definitely not start a forum post about it.

  • Member Posts: 252

    you take perks to counter it if it happens a lot. I play a ton of dbd I can tell you a 4 man slug early gets punished hard in red ranks.... unless the survivors are dive bombing, in which case you move on.

    the most important counter is to stay positive. WORST case scenario you are there 4 minutes.... sure it sucks.... but that is WORST CASE..... usually in high ranks if they slug the game is over very fast, or you counter it.... regardless 5-10 min game. Move on, realize the game is casual and ranks arent based on skill but time put in.... and have fun! as you get better you will be able to have more exciting chases and not get slugged as a whole team. unbreakable, soul guard, wglf, etc and other perks help counter this but I wouldnt recommend building for it...

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I see Oni's doing this all the time. It's why I don't like going against Oni as much as other people. "Oh he's fun!" Yeah, as long as you have at least one teammate who can stay up or has unbreakable.

    Personally, I don't do this. I once had three people in basement at one time as Trapper in early game. 5 gens still up, they really screwed up. But instead of just killing the fourth guy, I went to the other side of the map to give them a chance. Wound up being a much more fun game. Still got a 4K, got a lot of BP, and they did too. I just don't care about winning as much as other people do I guess. For me, the fun is in the match.

  • Member Posts: 1,093
    edited June 2021

    I'll rarely all-out slug in a match. But it has happened. I played a pre re-work Wraith round against a team that all brought flashlights. Got my first down, and the other three swarmed me like moths to a flame trying to get a flashlight blind. I chased one away, the other two picked up the slug, but I had all four injured at this point. Got a survivor down again, downed someone coming in for the blind for two on the ground, saw another flashlight coming in so I slugged them, and when I finally picked up someone, the last flashlight user came in for an unsuccessful blind and I downed them immediately after I hooked the person I was carrying.

    All of that took literally less than a minute in a match that couldn't have gone longer than 6 minutes (it took a while to collect everyone down and get them to a hook, probably as long as the actual "match" went). I was in an open area of one of the old Autohaven Maps when I got the first down, so the survivors had angles everywhere that would have led to me getting blonded and losing the initial down if I'd tried to pick them up, so I baited the flashlights and went from there. If they wouldn't have presented me the opportunity by all being right there and all injured, I wouldn't have attempted to slug. Sometimes, when you play killer, you take the opportunities that are literally gifted to you, and this team basically begged me to do what I did by how they played.

    As a survivor, I've been part of a SWF that's all ended up slugged together, and it's pretty much always a case of us screwing up big-time -- getting grouped together against a Myers in Tier 3 or a Leatherface who's sawed us all to the ground for example. I'm not annoyed with the killer in those cases, but my play (and my team's play) as a survivor. We're the ones making the tactical mistakes to hand the killer the win -- why would we expect them to not take it? Is it annoying? Sure -- but the annoyance is directed at myself for the screw-ups on the rare occasions that it happens.

    Post edited by ChiSoxFan11 on
  • Member Posts: 4,092
    1. I never purposely slug people and then leave them to bleed out with 4 people in the game
  • Member Posts: 6,556

    1) have a challenge for sacrificing all 4 survivors... or something like that.

    I literally could have slugged for the 4k earlier today, got 1 person on the hook, downed 2 people that were close together and saw the 4th nearby (was playing legion, so they decided to remain injured, which made it easier to down them this fast.

    and then I just let the 4th guy run to the hook and unhook the first guy while I hooked the other 2. because I also don't want to end the game that fast.

    2) move on.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    3 minutes into a match and the killer dominated the survivors. Why let one of them go and risk a depip?

  • Member Posts: 324

    1. I don't slug for the 4k unless the last person is right in front of me when the third goes down.

    2. Pick up my phone or book and wait.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    If this situations occurs where the survivors are grouped together/very altruistic and all go down quickly in a match I get no benefit from this. I will usually let one die on hook and reset the other 3 and farm hooks once down to 2 survivors on death hook I will let them repair 2-3 gens then kill them.

  • Member Posts: 824

    1. Yes. Game over move to the next one.

    2. Recover and hide in case the miracle comeback happens. Which it has a number of times.

    All in all I rarely find myself in the 3 min 4 man slug situation as a survivor and when I'm the killer I hook everyone to end the game if it does.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    1.) Sometimes it just happens if the survivors throw themselves at me or are all in the same area. Usually if it does, I'll hook 3 people and let the 4th one wiggle off and pretend I can't find them. Rinse repeat. Once everyone is on 2nd hook and the game still hasn't progressed, I'll usually end it if I don't feel like farming. Drags the game out too much, might let one have hatch.

    Any other situation though such as keys or I'm getting gen-rushed to hell, it's a difference between a win or loss.

    2.) I'd say it's pretty boring and I usually just whip out my phone and do whatever until I either bleed out or get put on hook.

    I often think about why the killer feels the need to end the match with everyone having less than 10k bloodpoints. Same with survivors who end the game too quick. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth to say the least.

  • Member Posts: 1,730

    If I get teabagged or clicked at, I'll make the game as unenjoyable for that person as humanely possible. If the whole team does it, then I'll slug them all.

    I don't really find either of those things toxic, but clicking is really annoying, and teabagging is essentially calling yourself better than the killer. So I'll prove them wrong.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Was there a slug build with this Myers?

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    If a team has been clicking and teabagging I will slug for the 4K or if I see the last person when I down the 3rd.

    As a survivor I don't mind I just recover and hope for the best and click on a YouTube vid for a couple of mins until I get picked up or the match is over.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I only really slug if the survivors mess up massively and I find multiple injured players at once or something.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    1) I wouldn't, and I don't understand why other people do. Even if the survivors mess up and they're all in a cluster around me during the first two minutes, I generally let the fourth one start picking people up while I go for hooks, because it feels like a waste of time if we don't actually get to play.

    2) I crawl and try to find an interesting place to hide.

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    1. Speaking as a Myer's Main (when I play Killer) and someone who plays the Spooky variety (Scratched Mirror + Boyfriend's Memo), I would almost NEVER slug early. It isn't effective for Blood Points or Emblem advancement. More to the point, I enjoy the cat and mouse game. If you are all on the floor, there isn't anyone to unhook. However, it is quite possible that your Killer was all business, i.e. just sees his/her job as killing you as rapidly as possible. They lack the confidence to let you get off the ground or hook. This is pretty typical in newer Killers. Spooky Myers is SLOW. He also lacks any ability to Insta-Down Survivors that isn't a Perk. Those somewhat new to Spooky will often slug and use the people on the ground (not the hook) as the honeypot bait to slug the rest. The only reason I would ever consider slugging early, ruining my own fun in playing a Spooky is if I recognize a Tournament Squad from an earlier game. There are very few of these guys out there (at least for now). And since giving them an inch is the same as giving them a mile, I don't ever take my foot of their collective throats. *It also bears mention that you didn't specify ONLY Spooky types, i.e. you asked why any Killer would slug early in the match. Well, same reason already illustrated.
    2. Survivors have to learn to milk hooks and time on the ground. If everyone stays in close together, it makes things very easy for a Slugger. Oni is particularly good at this, and so are the chainsaw-wielding maniacs. Any Killer can slug, but to do it effectively the Survivors have to help out by making it easy to knock someone down and them guard them or use them as bait. You have to keep total situational awareness (as Archer would say). One person down, no reason to panic, two people down, time to stop what you are doing and figure an angle of attack to get one of them off the ground. If three people are down, it is the Killer's game to lose. Does that make sense? Balancing altruism versus Generator imperative is always the hardest part of the game. If Survivors spread out immediately, going to the four winds as it were, the Killer can't really slug effectively. Because by the time he/she finds the next person to slug the original is off the ground. Slugging early for a 4K only works if the Survivors stay together or all run up helpful like to get knocked down.
    3. Unbreakable is a great Perk, Borrowed Time, and so on. There are lots of Perks, Add-ons, etc. which will let you get someone up fast and keep them going. Some Survivors in the group better have some of them.
    4. Looping is an important skillset. Newer Survivors rarely have competency and without at least half the squad being able to Loop, a slugger has command of the board. Evasion (immersion) cedes the advantage to the Sluggers. By attrition they WILL find you, or even if they don't, they have neutralized you until you emerge. Some of you (all is better) need to be "competent" Loopers. You don't have to be superstars, but you must be competent so you don't always go down in 10 seconds or less.

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