Self-Preservation Buff

I've been using Self-Preservation for a bit and there's definitely room for improvement. This is what I came up with.
Life's unforgiving. Sometimes it's better to just look out for yourself.
Self-Preservation activates when a Survivor is being chased, in the dying state, or hooked within 16 meters of you, and remains active for an additional 6/8/10 seconds after leaving that range.
While Self-Preservation is active, you see the auras of Survivors in a chase, and your scratch marks, blood trails, and grunts of pain are suppressed.
I think this will make it a valid contender compared to Iron Will, as well as making it more useful even when your healthy. You can use it to monitor another Survivor's chase if you wanna flashlight save, or if you're in solo queue, you can see when your teammates are bringing the Killer to you and react accordingly.
This seems pretty good though being invisible while your teammates are in a terrible situation is a pretty solid recipe to getting them tunneled.
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Sounds perfectly in the character of Yun-Jin. Then again, tunnelers are gonna tunnel even if you bodyblock.
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Have you ever had an entire team with stealth builds? Yeah you can bet I got tunneled pretty easily. Wasn't even off the hook, the killer just found me after not finding the rest of my team. That's what I mean
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That’s rough, and a bit unlucky. I get that most solos aren’t the best at holding their own but that’s on a whole other level. Did they at least do gens?
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While it makes it generally more powerfull for it's intented purpose, having two survivors run with each other to activate this effect 24/7 would be just big oof.
Kinda similiar to Blood Pact.
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It's very similar, except the condition allows it to stay active for as long as you need to get away (and is easier to activate overall), especially if you're injured. As an added bonus, you can see which way they're coming from so you know where not to go.
For example, your teammate brings the Killer to you while you're healing somewhere. You see where they're coming from and crouch in a corner. The Killer doesn't hear you, so you run off without a trace.
As another example, you're following someone who's in a chase with a flashlight (even though you should probably be on gens but whatever, you're all about the altruism). They get slugged, and the Killer goes to kick a gen. While they do that, you reposition without leaving any tracks (since your teammate is downed, you don't leave tracks) and can easily line yourself up for a flashlight save. Killer looks straight at you when they pick up and
you mess up the timing because you're garbage. BUT hey, at least you tried.It's pretty niche, and you could easily use Empathy instead, but I think this change will at least give you more control over the perk compared to relying on the Killer scoring a hit when you're nearby and probably already seen.
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I try so hard to like Blood Pact but my teammates never make it easy
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Yes. All had technician and some were under the effects of OTR. They died due to the killer 3-genning them with Discordance
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Have you forgotten? Blood Pact and the perk in this thread require you sticking together even in terrible situations. Therefore, it's mostly balanced and could even be buffed further
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I have not. And my point still stands, having two survivors run this just to activate the effect for each other could and would be annoying and too good.
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They need to be hooked, chased, or in a dying state while also being close to each other. You know how stealth requires you to not have been found in the first place. Also almost all killers except Twins benefits from survivors grouping up so I still don't see how this would be too good
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Because being chased is... hard?
If the 2 survivors know what they're doing (aka they're decent), while keeping the killer occupied, this would lead to basically the same thing as one really good survivor.